
The top ten ways to die in e-commerce should be avoided!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The top ten ways to die in e-commerce should be avoided!

To delve into those stores that either quit or fail in the operation of e-commerce, you will find that although the result is to close the store or swear never to touch e-commerce again, they leave for a variety of reasons. Today, let's share with you entrepreneurial enthusiasts how to die in e-commerce and how to avoid it.

It is said that the business paths of successful e-commerce are similar, but the business paths of failed e-commerce are different.

The ten most common ways to die in e-commerce:

01. Simple thinking of selling goods

02. Production capacity without quality content

03. Pure kpi thinking

04. Lack of awareness of new media

05. Only skill is paramount.

06. Simple things school

07. Lack of foresight and strategic vision

08. Only making money comes first.

09. Speculate without thinking

10. "play" and run out of food

The following is an analysis of the above 10 methods of death one by one. If you are familiar with some cases, it shows that this analysis is a genuine case.

Simple thinking of selling goods

This is the continuation of the traditional marketing thinking of traditional brands in the operation of e-commerce, or to do e-commerce with traditional marketing thinking. In fact, the traditional brand in the traditional channel is also the thinking of selling goods, to put it bluntly, the thinking of selling goods is the thinking of wholesale.

Either build a whole plate of goods behind closed doors, or copy a whole plate of goods from big brands, such as the clothing industry is following popular magazines or big names in Europe and the United States, and then the whole market seems to be using the same designer. This kind of thinking of selling goods is that there is no overall plan before the goods are developed, and it doesn't matter how the goods are sold after they are introduced to the market. Originally, doing wholesale is an one-shot business, and the agent took the goods back, regardless of whether you sold it or not.

When using this kind of selling thinking to do e-commerce immediately highlights the conflict between the two, the essence of e-commerce is retail, and retail pays attention to the overall operational ability of the brand, what is needed is the integration and matching of various resources of the brand.

? Plagiarize a plate of fake goods

? Casually go to the wholesale market to group a plate of goods.

? Anyway, the warehouse has a lot of inventory, which is the most typical idea.

? The classic embodiment of the traditional marketing thinking of the deep-rooted traditional brand in the operation of e-commerce

? The thinking of selling goods is that of wholesale

? The lack of brand building in traditional marketing is reflected in the operation of e-commerce.

No high quality production capacity


Brand is a synthesis of high-quality content, e-commerce stores and physical stores are the situational and theatrical reproduction of high-quality content. Whether it is brands that perform well in physical stores or brands that excel in the operation of e-commerce, they all reflect this. On the contrary, those dead e-commerce and dying e-commerce lack the production capacity of high-quality content.

Countless dead e-commerce martyrs all reveal that this kind of e-commerce, which has no content production capacity, only knows the rough discount promotion. In physical stores, waiting for customers to come to the door, e-commerce is completely dependent on the flow of the platform; this kind of brand without high-quality content gives people the impression that it is mostly low-end, shoddy, and there is no distinct brand.


? There is no creative department at all.

? Know nothing about the application of network media

? It's just a parasite of e-commerce platform

? Rely entirely on promotions to survive.

Root cause

? Or the traditional marketing thinking dominates the operation of e-commerce

? Lack of in-depth understanding of the nature of e-commerce.

Pure kpi thinking


There is an article called "performance ism destroys Sony", and we all know that performance is KPI. If it is performance ism that really destroys Sony, then countless traditional enterprises in China are ruined by this fashionable concept. In China, any fashionable concept, tuhao must be interested in learning to do, all tuhao to learn to do the concept, is bound to be distorted in the actual implementation. Unfortunately, many brands of e-commerce operations die on this twisted KPI.

To what extent is this twisted KPI? Tuhao even has to calculate the input-output ratio, which is now called the conversion rate in a fashionable way. If you don't think you can convince Tuhao about the conversion rate, then don't talk to Tuhao about any so-called plans.

For example, when talking to Tuhao about new media marketing, Tuhao must say how much conversion rate you must bring to me when my message is released. In other words, how much money I give you, how much sales you must bring me. Simple, rough.


? Everything must talk about the conversion rate.

? KPI as the core, there is no chance of trial and error.

? It is impossible to plan ideas or even any innovation.

Root cause

? If you want to win and be afraid of losing, continue to do it only if you have to make a profit.

? Disguised management and monitoring, thinking that this can firmly control the staff.

Lack of understanding of new media


Many brands of e-commerce stores are actually an "information island" of the Internet world. In addition to relying on the promotion tools of the e-commerce platform itself, almost these e-commerce stores are "isolated from the Internet". Later, it developed to send all kinds of tiresome promotional advertisements in Weibo, * * groups and * * spaces. But fundamentally speaking, the push of this simple and rude promotion information does not play any role in the communication between the store and the online world.

Today, the "isolated island of information" of many e-commerce stores still exists, not to mention social e-commerce. In other words, they still know nothing about new media: they regard setting up an account on Weibo and Wechat as new media marketing, they regard copying sticky chicken soup as content production, and they regard boastful soft articles as brand communication.


? The swarm has become the prey of Wechat marketing micro-marketing pyramid selling training.

? Swarm to sign up for Wechat public account, and then don't know what to post in less than a few months.

? Think that the key word in Baidu is network marketing.

Root cause

? Or is it dominated by traditional marketing thinking?

? I have no idea about the position of new media in brand marketing and even in e-commerce operation.

? Hearsay about the operation of new media marketing.

Only skill is paramount.


Now on the operation of e-commerce techniques and tactics analysis, application, actual combat books can be said to be numerous, Weibo Wechat is mostly such information, and these skills and tactics are completely attached to Taobao Tmall. In other words, in the eyes of many people, Taobao Tmall means e-commerce, but it still has to say that although Taobao Tmall accounts for the vast majority of e-commerce, it does not mean that they are all of e-commerce.

We spend too much time studying the messy rules of Taobao Tmall, and these rules change from year to year, from time to time. As a result, many people think that if they get through these rules, the operation of e-commerce will be flat, and any traffic conversion rate will be easy.

Now, it is precisely these shops that are proficient in skills and tactics that are in deep trouble, and it can be said that skills and tactics have not saved them.

As we all know, the reason why stores have to study techniques and tactics is for drainage, that is, through a variety of promotion tools, techniques and tactics given by the platform, the flow will be introduced to the store. Of course, these techniques and tactics can bring some traffic, but not all.


? The mastery of skills and tactics has become the whole operation of e-commerce.

? Traffic hunger.

Root cause

? There is no in-depth understanding and rational planning of e-commerce and its operation.

Pure thing school


At present, the vast majority of people who are engaged in e-commerce operations are transformed from traditional brands, and these tuhao people have achieved today's success through their own hard work in physical channels, so they are all real doers. These doers work silently and work hard in their e-commerce careers. Their mantra is "do practical things, do more work". Any ideas that deviate from their values, cognition and thinking are regarded by them as blowing water, theory, impracticality, inability to land, and so on.

They really rely on their own real materials to create a brand world in the physical channel, which makes them develop a habit of only knowing how to work and neglecting to think. They reaped the result, but they never knew how it came from. Just like today, in the operation of e-commerce, they still gain losses, confusion and so on, but they still do not know what caused all this.


? Busy.

Root cause

? Messy.

Lack of foresight and vision


There is no plan, no strategy, this is the current situation of almost all brands operating in e-commerce. Some come to clean up inventory, some have some spare money to play with, and some are desperate in physical channels. In short, there are few clear scientific and feasible strategic plans for the operation of e-commerce.

Why is there no plan? On the one hand, the entanglement is that the physical channel is impacted by e-commerce, and the stronghold of the physical channel cannot be lost. Second, e-commerce is just a sewer for brands. Third, there is no clear understanding of the role of e-commerce in the brand and even the matching of the future development of the brand.

E-commerce has become a veritable chicken rib for most brands that still rely on physical channels for sales: I feel unwilling to see others in full swing in e-commerce. Do it, but you can't do it.


? Muddle along

? Accessories sold by the brand.

Root cause

? Mainly physical channels, e-commerce is sewers.

Only making money comes first.


Of course, it is only natural to make money in doing business. But everyone knows that if you want to make money, you need investment, you have to make a lot of money, you have to have a team, and you want to rely on the brand to make big money and make long-term money, you need more input from a strong team.

It is such a simple truth that many e-commerce practitioners have encountered problems here. In their view, making money is necessary, and only making money is the most important. Therefore, under the guidance of the core idea of making money first, we set up an e-commerce operation team with flat car workers, warehouse managers, repairmen and so on as the core. Don't think I'm kidding. In many traditional enterprises, the team operated by e-commerce is almost a "grass-roots team" transferred from various departments.

Do you think tuhao people don't want to invite professional and powerful people? Sure, but if you invest too much, you might as well find a few people in the company and take your time. This fumble does not matter, all of a sudden the e-commerce into the puddle.


? The caotai team

? It's all about saving money.

Root cause

? Short-sighted.

Speculate without thinking


There is a tuhao who is ready to launch a new project. Gather people to get ready to start, and from the initial launch in December 2013, the ecommerce store must open in March 2014, the most outrageous plan in history. Then it went public in September 2014, and such a long-span change has been eye-popping again. During this period, the so-called marketing elite think tank was convened to discuss the project, and the post-80s generation proposed that a micro-film could attract the attention of the post-90s generation, and then detonate the market and start the first shot of brand sales. After hearing this, Tuhao immediately adopted and implemented it. Q: how do you cooperate with the e-commerce store? Tuhao unexpectedly hesitated to say something else.

The most classic thing in this case is to fantasize about using a micro-movie to detonate the market, a new brand, a new e-commerce store, unexpectedly relying on a micro-movie, which ignores the basic business logic and sounds like a fantastic. but it really happened. Why did such a strange thing happen? To put it bluntly, it is Tuhao's speculative mentality, which can be achieved in one battle, and it is so tempting that no one can refuse this sudden happiness. And this kind of thing has happened to many tuhao who operate e-commerce, and it will continue to happen.


? Fantasies.

Root cause

? Speculation.

"play" and run out of food


Financing, spend money on the market, hit the sales, in order to get a higher valuation, and then carry on the next round of financing, constantly put the listing time to the premise, once the "weather", continuous financing can not keep up, it will collapse!


? Has been raising money.

Root cause

? It will be better next time.


E-commerce is already a red sea, but being an e-commerce business is always a suitable entry point for entrepreneurs. Understand the common ways to die in e-commerce, know yourself and know the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles.