
"migrant worker Lang" becomes "King of breeding"

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, "migrant worker Lang" becomes "King of breeding"

Qingshan Village, Chihe Town, Shiquan County has a vast concave mountain field, where vegetation is lush and insects fly and birds sing. Often "dealing" with this land is flocks of cattle and sheep, as well as the owner Tang River. When it is sunny, about 150 Boer goats and a dozen cattle come to graze on the hillside, which is quite spectacular. With such a large scale of animal husbandry and breeding, Tanghe is the only one in this village. Since returning home from Guizhou in 2012, Tanghe has been playing the role of "desperate Saburo" on the way to start a business.

Speaking of the reasons for returning home to start a business, Tang He said that he had been wandering outside for more than ten years alone, not only did he not earn much money, but he could not always be reunited with his family. This wandering life was not a long-term solution after all. Besides, the entrepreneurial environment in my hometown is getting better and better year by year. Going home to start a business not only realizes employment at home, but also takes care of the elderly and children.

Because his family was poor since childhood, Tang He dropped out of school in primary school. After leaving school, he planted land, fed pigs and raised silkworms at home. At the age of 15, he felt that he had grown up and should go outside to make a breakthrough. He worked hard outside all the year round, so that he gradually had the idea of starting his own business as a boss.

In 2014, Tang He returned to his hometown and saw that the neighboring villagers had moved away and the surrounding land was completely deserted, so he thought of using these idle resources to develop aquaculture. For this idea, his wife is very opposed: "The farther others start a business, the closer you are, the closer you are, from Guizhou back to the county seat, and now from the county seat back home, so that others look down on it?" What a great deal!" In the face of his wife's blow and lack of entrepreneurial capital, Tang He did not give up, secretly encouraged himself in his heart: "Now the entrepreneurial policy is so good, as long as hard-working willing to work, you will certainly find a way to become rich belonging to yourself."

Tanghe does not depend on, through self-financing and government solution discount loan 210,000 yuan way, built a highly standardized sheep pen 260 square meters, from the first batch of introduced fine Boer goats, after careful breeding care, has developed to more than 150 now.

Considering that cattle can be raised while sheep are raised, Tanghe boldly introduced 10 West Montel cows and 30 local cattle, built 380 square meters of highly standardized cattle pens, and implemented drinking water and livestock projects and 100 cubic meters of biogas construction projects.

"At first, I didn't know technology. Some cattle and sheep gave birth, some babies died after birth, and many died because of poor epidemic prevention, which caused me to suffer great economic losses." For these bad past events, Tang He recalled more and more sad, This is also his entrepreneurial career in the lowest valley, He said: "Worse, Debt is too high to repay, The whole family lost confidence in me, Advise me to give up, Because this matter often and wife quarrel, Even almost divorce." Even so, Tang He still does not give up: If give up, family life how to do? How to repay debt? Where did he put his face? Since he had chosen this path, he had to keep going. He was not allowed to fail. He could only succeed! It was this belief that kept him going.

Successful people must have a way to succeed. Tang He loves to learn, love to ask and love to study. After continuous "charging" study, Tang He understands the scientific breeding method of animal husbandry, and often finds time to participate in breeding technology training at all levels, so that his breeding road becomes wider and wider, and more and more solid.

To get rich, build roads first. Qingshan Village is located in a remote area and the traffic is extremely inconvenient. With the gradual growth of breeding industry, more and more feed is needed. Feed such as bean dregs and distiller's grains have to be purchased from Hanyin County. What drives him crazy most is rainy days. Muddy slope roads cannot be transported by car at all, which becomes another big obstacle to the growth of his industry.

2015 is the turning point of Tang He's career. He was lucky enough to become the contract partner of Li Qiquan, secretary of Shiquan County Party Committee. Secretary Li deeply understood Tang He's needs, strongly supported and helped his industrial development, and coordinated relevant departments to build an industrial road in the village directly to his doorstep, which immediately solved the biggest bottleneck restricting development. "Secretary Li has given me great help and support, making me more confident in developing my industry!" Tang He told us gratefully.

Tang He never worried about the sales of cattle and sheep, because his cattle and sheep were of good quality and were favored by many vendors. In addition, hardened cement roads led to his door, so he did not worry about sales at all. At present, Tanghe cattle and sheep have been sold in 4 batches, with an annual profit of up to 160,000 yuan.

Get rich do not forget the villagers, Tang He led the villagers to become rich together as his wish. He took the initiative to help other willing villagers develop breeding, and taught them his breeding experience and technology without reservation, and even went to help poor households raise funds to develop breeding. Driven by his demonstration, five large breeding households were born, and two chicken farms with an annual breeding capacity of ten thousand were built, becoming a model for getting rich and well-off in Qingshan District.

The former working Lang, today's breeding king. Tanghe, a native farm worker, has become a good story throughout the county. He told the author that he would continue to expand the scale in the next step, drive more poor households to get rich and get rid of poverty, and strive to make new contributions to poverty alleviation.