
The "Entrepreneurship Dream" of the post-80s boys set sail

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The "Entrepreneurship Dream" of the post-80s boys set sail

"Entrepreneurship Dream" set sail

This result is beyond my expectation, and I am still very excited. Recently, the rematch of the first e-commerce entrepreneurship competition of Jurong "Chuangzhuangrongcheng" came to a successful conclusion, and the entrepreneurial project "Internet + Edible Mushroom + Tourism" brought by Yu Baofeng, who was born in 1988, entered the finals with the first total score.

When the reporter saw Yu Baofeng, his first impression was that he was medium-sized and thin, dressed in ordinary clothes, no different from a peasant boy. But in the process of talking to him, I can clearly feel that this is a college student who has received professional education.

Yu Baofeng told reporters that unlike ordinary college graduates, he started his business as soon as he graduated, which of course had something to do with his failure to find an ideal job at that time. He said that after graduating from Jiangsu Vocational and Technical College of Agriculture and Forestry in 2010, he began to set up land stalls and sell mushrooms based on his internship experience. After some capital accumulation, he began to rent a facade, and later he had two storefronts. With his major and strong interest in edible fungi, Yu Baofeng has the entrepreneurial impulse to make a difference in the edible mushroom business. In 2013, he owned his own edible fungus planting base for the first time, but it was not long before he failed, and all the money he had earned had been "wasted". But this has not affected Yu Baofeng's "ambition" at all. With the help of his teacher, he set sail again in 2014. He contracted 10 mu of land on the outskirts of Jurong and set up a planting base of Runmin Edible Mushroom Professional Cooperative.

On the day of the interview, Yu Baofeng and the workers were packing the picked mushrooms at the base, ready to sell them in the wholesale market. He told reporters that the daily sales volume is about 100 kilograms. There are more than a dozen greenhouses in the whole base, and he has five of them himself, and he leads the farmers to plant some of the others.

For agricultural products, planting is not the most difficult, the difficult thing is how to sell agricultural products and sell them at a good price. Yu Baofeng has a deep understanding of this. He said that in order to expand the base and realize his "entrepreneurial dream", how to solve the sales problem is the key. With the arrival of the wave of "Internet +", Yu Baofeng deeply realized that he must not miss such an opportunity. Only by interacting online and offline can he achieve something in the entrepreneurial wave. In April this year, Yu Baofeng partnered with others to register the e-commerce company Mushroom DIY products, and opened two online stores on Taobao, which officially sold mushroom-related products in May, with sales of more than 600,000 yuan so far.

Of course, only planting and selling edible fungi is not Yu Baofeng's ultimate "other shore". He revealed to the reporter his ideal pursuit of starting a business: what he is doing now is just laying the groundwork, and when his products have a certain market competitiveness and influence, he will focus on the deep processing of agricultural products, planting this piece to farmers, thus forming the industrialization of the whole edible fungus from planting and sales to deep processing. The tourism market will also be developed in the future.

"connect the earth to the earth and connect to the antenna". This is the evaluation given by the judges on Yu Baofeng's entrepreneurial project on the day of the rematch, saying that they are very optimistic about this project. At the same time, some social capital expressed the hope to cooperate with Yu Baofeng.

No matter what the results are in the finals, it is certain that Yu Baofeng's entrepreneurial projects can enjoy preferential policies such as investment and financing docking, free incubation, financial support, expert guidance and so on. A person in charge of Jurong people's and Social Affairs Bureau said that the purpose of holding the e-commerce entrepreneurship competition is not only to reward excellence, but also to establish a selection mechanism to enable outstanding entrepreneurial projects to be well connected with the market, to achieve the integration of intellectual capital and the mutual promotion of talent economy, and to further promote "mass entrepreneurship and mass innovation", so that more outstanding entrepreneurial projects will take root and blossom.