
Cherish the dream of getting rich with agricultural machinery for sixteen years.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cherish the dream of getting rich with agricultural machinery for sixteen years.

With the increase of the quantity and quality of agricultural machinery equipment, it is urgent to build a team of management and technical talents with sufficient quantity, excellent quality and reasonable structure, speed up the cultivation of a large number of new agricultural machinery operators who understand technology, operate and manage well, and take the road of agricultural machinery technology development.

Xinshengyuan Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Kuangli Village, Huaiyin District is not only a household name in neighboring districts and counties, but also a little famous in the whole city. Whenever the agricultural machinery operators in Huaiyin District mention the name of Li Qingyou, the founder of the cooperative, they all give thumbs up one after another, because Xinshengyuan Agricultural Machinery Cooperative has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with high reputation, good service, good benefit and good reputation. It is the brand representative of agricultural machinery operation in Huaiyin District and the "star operation team" for agricultural machinery cross-regional operation in this area.

In recent years, Li Qingyou has led his agricultural machinery professional cooperative to gain good experience in agricultural machinery harvesting and production in Kuangli Village, Huaiyin District. His achievements in industrial development, land contracting and demonstration planting have also been widely recognized and fully affirmed by the higher party committee and government and the villagers. To achieve such an effect, it can be said that Li Qingyou naturally contributed.

Love the land where he grew up.

Beautiful two-story building, spacious yard, this is the farm machinery hand Li Qingyou's home. There are more than 10 wheeled tractors, small four-wheel tractors, agricultural tricycles, harvesters, straw grinders, rotary tillers, irrigation and drainage machinery and other agricultural supporting machines parked in the yard, which is like a small agricultural machinery exhibition site.

Li Qingyou, born in 1974, is a villager of Kuangli Village, Huaiyin District. He has been engaged in agricultural machinery operation for 16 years. He is familiar with all kinds of agricultural machinery and has rich experience in operation of machinery and tools. He is a well-known agricultural machinery expert in this area.

In 1987, Li Qingyou, who graduated from junior high school, decided to give up the opportunity to work in a village-side factory and began farming at home out of love for the land where he was born and raised. At that time, he was catching up with the western vegetable basket project of Jinan City. There were 10 places in the village, so he applied for land to grow cucumbers.

"In the early 1990s, apprentices in the factory earned only 15 yuan a month, while I sold cucumbers in the market during the May Day holiday and earned 150 to 200 yuan a day." Li Qingyou proudly said that at that time he felt that farming was not a matter of loss, but rather a great success.

By 1997, despite the opposition of his family, he applied for a contract of 20 mu of land, not only to plant food crops, but also to plant watermelon, all kinds of vegetables and so on. Although the scale of contracted land is not large, Li Qingyou works with relish. Good times did not last long. By 2000, Li Qingyou began to have some difficulties in farming in recent years due to the rising cost of planting crops and the influence of climate and other factors.

From childhood, there was a dream of agricultural machinery

Talking about why he chose to take the road of agricultural machinery in the first place, Li Qingyou's eyes are full of emotion for the past. Li Qingyou said, He was born in the countryside, Growing up in the countryside, Love this land since childhood,"I have a farm machinery dream since childhood."

I remember that in the summer of 1999, when they were harvesting wheat in their village, they were troubled because they couldn't find a harvester, so they had the idea of buying a harvester.

In 2000, Li Qingyou took out the only 10,000 yuan savings in his family, borrowed 6000 yuan from east to west, bought a second-hand Shanghai 50 tractor, harvested wheat when busy farming, and planted land at home when he was free. After seeing the benefits, Li Qingyou is not used in consumption, but constantly updates agricultural machinery. In 2009, he bought a brand-new "Dongfanghong 90" tractor; in 2011, he bought a larger 95 tractor.

When wheat is harvested, as long as anyone in the village says hello, Li Qingyou will go to harvest wheat and plow the land in time. No matter whether he has money or not, he will do the work first. He said,"It's not easy being a farmer. Over the years, the state's policies have become better and better. Subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery have saved our agricultural machinery a lot of money to buy machines. Relevant departments have also issued free cross-district operation permits and opened green channels for refueling agricultural machinery, which has saved us both time and efficiency. As a farmer, we have to repay the villagers as much as possible..."

It is understood that Li Qingyou has a good reputation in the local area, and many farmers are willing to use his harvesters and tractors. Li Qingyou said that this is the common people trust him, he can not let everyone down.

"Over the past few years, I have become rich by farming machinery, and my home has also built high-rise buildings. Although it was hard to travel for many years, it was really worth it. Not only did he lead a good life, but he could also solve the difficulties of the villagers. It's quite good." People in the village said: "Li Qingyou's motorcycle is driving well, his character is good, and his days are getting more and more prosperous."

Over the past 16 years, Li Qingyou has invested hundreds of thousands of yuan successively to upgrade and transform the original agricultural machinery, and established Xinshengyuan Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative together with agricultural machinery operators from several surrounding villages, and the agricultural machinery has also expanded to dozens of sets. With the continuous expansion of agricultural machinery operation scale, he not only showed his talents in agricultural machinery operation in surrounding towns and counties, but also realized cross-district, county and provincial operation.

Agricultural machinery drives the whole village to become rich

In order to be a good leader, Li Qingyou not only led the members to carry out routine agricultural machinery operations, but also paid more attention to expanding the operation market, doing a good job in cooperative management and improving the economic benefits of the members. For this reason, he thought deeply and actively carried out the service mode of collectively signing operation contracts with towns or villages and carrying out one-stop operation. In the name of cooperatives, he successively signed operation contracts with 21 natural administrative villages in three nearby towns, including Houzhou Village, Qianzhou Village, Hetouwang Village, Fengqi Village and Dujiamiao Village.

Because of the large number of cooperative machinery, good operation quality and punctuality and trustworthiness, the agricultural machinery of the cooperative has first gained the trust of users; secondly, the cooperative actively reduces the charging standard because of continuous operation, reduces the loss and improves the efficiency, so that the users get benefits. Therefore, the order operation of Xinshengyuan Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative started with a bang. Every year, not only the surrounding villages, but also the agricultural production towns of other districts and counties found Xinshengyuan Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative early to sign the operation contract. After the members of the cooperative joined the cooperative, they also found an "iron rice bowl". As long as they worked well according to the division of labor and quality and quantity, they could get dividends and money. Li Qingyou was responsible for all the worries such as contacting business and urging wages.

Now, Li Qingyou has turned his eyes back to land circulation. In the past two years, he contracted 213 mu of land through different circulation methods, registered "Jinan Fengguo Family Farm" and became a large grain farmer in Huaiyin District.

Last year, driven by Huaiyin District Agricultural Development Bureau, he actively applied for ginger planting demonstration project, together with the staff of Huaiyin District Agricultural Development Bureau to Qingzhou to introduce advanced ginger seedlings, demonstration planting 15 mu, after careful management, yield per mu nearly ten thousand jin, according to ginger 1.3 yuan per catty calculation, income up to 170,000 yuan. This year, he applied for planting 50 mu of ginger. Although the rainy season is frequent this year, it is expected that the income will still reach more than 400,000 yuan.

It can be said that Li Qingyou has always had deep feelings for this land in the past 16 years, actively dedicated his diligence and wisdom, gave full play to the production potential of agricultural machinery, actively took the lead in demonstration, led farmers to accept new agricultural machinery and new agricultural technology, and greatly improved the efficiency of mechanized operation.