
Start a business in rural areas with less "taking it for granted"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Start a business in rural areas with less "taking it for granted"

The threshold of starting a business in rural areas is not low. Entrepreneurs should recognize themselves, find the right position, and the accuracy of support policies should also be continuously improved.

A friend wants to start a business in the countryside. He has accumulated a lot of experience in the city for many years, and he thinks it should not be difficult. However, the consultation circle backed down, "the business model, capital, logistics, market and so on are all insurmountable, and there are even more difficulties in starting a business in rural areas than in cities."

There are many "unexpected" like this. Some people sigh that, unlike the hot online shopping in cities, farmers are not proficient in using the Internet, and it is difficult to popularize their products. Some people worry that there is an urgent shortage of new talents who understand the market and technology in rural areas, and e-commerce has encountered difficulties in going to the countryside. In fact, starting a business in rural areas is not an easy task, do not "take it for granted", otherwise you will encounter "unexpected" difficulties.

In recent years, the policy of benefiting farmers is getting better and better, and the development momentum of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is good. College students, entrepreneurs with homesickness, and migrant workers who are tired of returning to the forest have come to seize the "tuyere" of agriculture. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, the total number of people returning to their hometown to start businesses has exceeded 4.8 million, and the average annual growth rate of migrant workers and college students returning to their hometown to start businesses has remained at about double digits. They have knowledge, technology and management, which have injected fresh blood into the development of rural areas. Some use scientific ideas to change the traditional way to improve the quality and efficiency of agriculture; some aim at the pain points of farmers'"selling difficulties" and connect production and marketing with one network cable to increase farmers' income; and some seek the blank points of new business type in rural areas to develop various functions of agriculture. activate the new momentum of rural development.

Entrepreneurial enthusiasm will inevitably be tested by reality. Many entrepreneurs in cross-border agriculture call themselves new farmers. In addition to their identity, "new" also means that they lack experience and know less about rural farmers. From a realistic point of view, agriculture is an industry that deals with life, with a long production cycle and high risks; the infrastructure in rural areas is in debt, and the level of public services is low; it takes a long time for farmers to accept new things. From the perspective of the motivation of entrepreneurs, some want to change the environment because of their poor development in the city, while others do not understand the laws of agriculture and are eager to obtain short-term benefits. With such motivation to start a business, it is difficult not to "hit a snag". From the perspective of rural entrepreneurial environment, the market prospect of high-quality agricultural products is good, but the bottlenecks such as storage and logistics are still not smooth; the market of characteristic agricultural products is good, but farmers' awareness of contract is still weak, and the upstream risk is difficult to control. The formation of these problems was not built in a day. In the face of the threshold of starting a business in rural areas, while enthusiasm is running high, we also need a cool head and a calm mind to be fully prepared to meet the difficulties.

From the city to the countryside, cross-border agriculture from other industries, in the face of completely different social environment, market patterns and interpersonal relationships, the key for entrepreneurs is to recognize themselves and find the right position. First of all, compare your own strength with the requirements of agricultural entrepreneurship to determine whether you can cross the "threshold" and do not impulse blindly. Even if we make up our mind, different entrepreneurial subjects, such as industrial and commercial capital, returning migrant workers, young students and traditional farmers, should start from their own capital, technology and other strength to find suitable entrepreneurial projects, instead of blindly greedy.

For those willing and capable entrepreneurs, the government cannot be absent, and the threshold of entrepreneurship should not be allowed to become an obstruction on the road to success. It is imperative to strengthen training, and we should help all kinds of entrepreneurial subjects "make up lessons" as soon as possible. Support policies should be more accurate, which is also a financial problem. Traditional farmers lack collateral, young students lack start-up funds, agricultural enterprises have a single financing channel, and support policies should accurately meet the needs of different groups. from "across-the-board" and "one pot stew" to customized and tracking services to ensure that preferential policies can be accurately landed. The government should also avoid an one-stop package from production to sales, but to create a good environment for the healthy and sustainable development of rural entrepreneurship.

Outstanding talents to start businesses in rural areas will help to promote the flow of various resource elements into rural areas and speed up to make up for the shortcomings of rural development. Only by allowing entrepreneurs to easily start and move forward, can they not only realize their personal dreams, but also coruscate new vitality in rural areas.