
Autumn grain big stage, how will soybeans perform this year?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Autumn grain big stage, how will soybeans perform this year?

Editor's note

At present, the most important thing in the adjustment of planting structure is to reduce the planting area of corn, and soybean, as a symbol of well-off food culture, is one of the main bodies of "increase". This year, the northeast region has reduced more than 30 million mu of corn and increased the area of soybean by more than 6 million mu, moving towards the direction of balanced development of corn and soybeans. In mid-May, when sowing in Northeast China is busy, this edition of "planting structure Adjustment of Soybean" focuses on some changes in soybean production this year.

Busy harvest after the Mid-Autumn Festival, autumn grain stage is about to begin, soybean producing areas have entered the harvest period, the current soybean growth situation, what matters should be paid attention to in the follow-up, let us pay attention to again.

Soybeans in Heilongjiang should be harvested at the right time.

In 2016, soybeans in Heilongjiang Province showed a trend of resuming growth, with the sown area increasing by nearly 20% over 2015, with an increase of more than 6.5 million mu. The planting structure of soybean is mainly high-protein, soybean milk bean, sprout bean, high-yield and high-oil soybean, which varies with different ecological regions.

This year's climatic conditions have affected the growth of soybeans to varying degrees. Luan Xiaoyan, a researcher at the Soybean Institute of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that from May to June, it was low and rainy, and the sowing time in the eastern Sanjiang Plain was delayed by 10 to 20 days; in the central and southern regions, due to heavy rainfall in June, soybeans were obviously overgrown, and the plant height was 10 to 20 centimeters higher than usual. There was drought in the whole province from July to August, and there were flowers and pods in soybean, which had an effect on the bulging grains of mid-early-maturing varieties, but had little effect on late-maturing varieties. The western and northern regions have been in a state of drought after sowing. The drought in Qiqihar is serious, and the height of soybean is only 30cm to 40cm. Although the heavy rainfall at the end of August alleviated the drought in the province, the typhoon caused serious soybean lodging in the eastern region. Luan Xiaoyan reminded the vast number of growers that the precipitation in Heilongjiang this autumn is slightly more than normal, the temperature is slightly higher than normal, and the first frost in most parts of the province is slightly later than in recent years, which is beneficial to soybean production, and attention should be paid to timely harvest and dehydration of soybeans.

This year, the state has carried out macro-control on corn planting in the "sickle bend" area. The corn area of Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation 93 Administration Bureau has decreased sharply, and the soybean area has been substantially adjusted. The overall soybean planting area has reached 2.27 million mu, which is the largest planting area in history.

The weather was good at the end of April and the beginning of May this year, and the sowing of soybean was normal and unaffected, but continuous low-temperature rainfall appeared since mid-late May, which affected the emergence of soybean seedlings to a certain extent, and the emergence of soybean seedlings was generally delayed for 2-3 days. The precipitation is abnormally low in July. According to statistics, the overall average precipitation from July to August is 50.4mm, which is 250.1 mm less than that of the same period of the normal year, which is the least in the history of the same period, which affects the growth of soybeans. The growth process is relatively slow, about a week later than the usual year, and more flowers and pods are dropped. Dry matter accumulation is less, even if it can form grains, the 100-grain weight is also lower, resulting in low yield.

In the face of the severe drought, the management bureau took many measures at the same time, actively took various measures to fight drought and save itself, and worked hard to reduce drought losses. Make full use of all drought-resistant water sources and facilities and equipment, scientifically dispatch and utilize all water sources, maximize the role of water conservancy projects, and further expand the irrigated area. As drought can easily lead to the occurrence of soybean diseases and insect pests, the plant protection station of the 1993 Administration Bureau has increased the monitoring and forecast of diseases and insect pests, organized prevention and control in advance, scientifically formulated prevention and control formulations, and issued plant protection information services in time to prevent the occurrence of soybean diseases and insect pests. reduce the formation of secondary disasters and prevent new losses. At the same time, according to the forecast of the meteorological station, catch the only few rainfall, ploughing and deep loosening the soybean field in time before the rain, in order to store water and preserve soil moisture, and maximize the soil water content. In order to ensure the normal ripening of soybean before frost, the aircraft aeronautical chemistry was used to promote the early ripening of soybean. At the same time, we should prepare the materials needed for the autumn harvest and the "three Autumn" in advance, with high standards and high quality, and do a good job in the maintenance and modification of agricultural machinery and tools, especially for soybeans with short plant height, we will do a good job in retrofitting the harvester ahead of time to ensure the quality of soybean harvest and reduce losses.

Jiang Mingming, director of the Agriculture Bureau of the 93 Administrative Bureau, said that only by implementing effective measures and continuing to implement scientific drought relief can disaster losses be reduced. The 1993 Administration Bureau requires that every effort should be made to actively promote water-saving irrigation technologies such as sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation. The techniques of point irrigation and hole irrigation are popularized and applied in the plots with better soil conditions. Make full use of existing water sources and speed up the development of new water source projects, and strive to improve the guarantee capacity of drought-resistant water sources.

In the process of drought resistance, according to the soil conditions, loam soil should be achieved first, then sandy soil. Loam soil has good soil conditions and great potential to increase production, which should be taken as the focus of drought resistance; according to the plot conditions, it is necessary to achieve high-yield plots with good seedling emergence and plots with small yield reduction, followed by low-yield plots with poor seedling emergence and plots with large yield reduction; in view of the disaster situation, it is necessary to be critical first and then cut off production. According to the irrigation measures, sprinkler irrigation and then flood irrigation should be achieved. Sprinkler irrigation has less investment, which is much better than flood irrigation. Sprinkler irrigation must be used if sprinkler irrigation can be used.

Strengthen the management of soybean in the later stage, while doing a good job in drought relief, implement comprehensive measures such as agriculture to effectively promote a bumper grain harvest. Under the condition that the crop growth tends to be normal after irrigation, foliar fertilizer should be sprayed as soon as possible to promote the crop growth process and increase crop yield.

Soybeans and edamame beans all have their heads.

On September 9, walking into the soybean base of Huachun vegetable planting Cooperative in Tangma Town, Yutai County, Shandong Province, the harvest time was approaching, and farmers were still busy loosening the soil for soybeans. "the weather has been a little dry recently, so loosening the soil and encouraging the bean seedlings. The early growth is very good, and the last breath can not be relieved. " Yan Weihua, chairman of the cooperative, who is standing in the field to guide production, said, "there is absolutely nothing wrong with the price of beans this year. Several waves of merchants have come to order."

"Yutai is on the verge of Nansihu Lake, with four distinct seasons, fertile soil, abundant Rain Water, sufficient light, suitable for the growth of soybeans, and farmers generally prefer to grow soybeans." Liu Yong, director of vegetable station of Yutai County Agricultural Bureau, introduced. This year, during the pod and seed filling period of soybean, abundant precipitation in Yutai, coupled with the effective prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, the growth of soybean is better than in previous years.

Soybeans were planted in July and harvested at the end of September. Before planting, we should choose fields with fertile soil, deep living soil layer and easy drainage and irrigation. when preparing the soil, let the soil be empty and solid, turn it deep and rake it again, break the soil into pieces, make the soil surface fine and flat, and water and treat medicine frequently. " Yan Weihua said that this year, he has planted 25 mu of "big white bark" and is expected to produce an average of more than 400 jin per mu. At present, the particles are full, the imperfect particles are reduced, and the quality is better than last year.

Talking about the benefits of growing soybeans, Yan Weihua said: "it takes 8 jin of seeds to grow one mu of soybeans, and the yield is about 400 jin per mu. At present, the market price of soybeans is 2.05 yuan per catty. Excluding the cost of 180 yuan, the net income of one mu of soybeans is about 650 yuan. Moreover, soybeans are only about two months old, so this income is better than growing wheat and corn. "

Of course, there are also places that are more troublesome than growing food crops: first, the soybean field management is relatively fine; second, it is necessary to ensure that there is an industrial base in the local area and that there are purchasers to purchase them in time.

Chen Zhixin, chairman of the grain planting cooperative in Chenlou Village, Luotun Town, Yutai County, led many members to grow edamame beans. "the cooperative provides its members with services such as improved varieties, unified planting, unified technical guidance, and unified fertilization free of charge, and finally recovered at a price of 20 cents per jin higher than the market price. in this way, one mu of land uses less labor than planting ordinary soybeans, and the income is more than 200 yuan." Villager Chen Canal told reporters.

"the order we take is in the form of a contract price, which reduces the risk of planting." Chen Zhixin said, "the cooperative lengthens the industrial chain and sets up a processing plant to vacuum pack edamame beans, which not only prolongs the shelf life of products, but also directly connects with supermarkets, e-commerce and other platforms, and has its own sales channels."

Chen Zhixin said frankly that although the benefit of growing edamame beans is higher than soybeans, farmers should not blindly follow suit. Because edamame beans have high requirements in the aspects of collection, storage and sales, if farmers do not rely on cooperatives or major distributors, and cannot sell edamame beans in time, it may lead to "wasted work".

When it comes to the price of beans this year, everyone is more optimistic. Liu Yong said that with the approach of mid-autumn, many grain and oil enterprises are stepping up efforts to seize high-quality beans, and the demand for purchasing soybeans continues to rise, which is bound to continue to drive up soybean prices. This year, the planting area of Yutai soybean is more than 20,000 mu, and the output value is expected to reach more than 16 million yuan.

23 mu of edamame earned 60,000 yuan.

"I grow 23 mu of soybeans and sell edamame beans. I made 60, 000 yuan on the market in mid-July, and the gross income per mu is about 3000 yuan. The income is higher than that of planting cotton and wheat, and the input cost is not much. This kind of variety, which takes effect quickly and consumers like to eat, is planned to grow more next year. " Chen Zhilin, a farmer of the 29 regiment in Korla, said happily on Sept. 7.

"if we don't adjust the planting structure in time and change the planting structure to soybeans, we'll probably have to beg now!" Chen Zhilin said. A few years ago, he made continuous losses in growing cotton, and the whole family ate nothing, and their livelihood depended on relief. during the "Science and Technology Winter" study activity organized by the 29 League trade union, he was asked to go out to learn lessons and chose to change his planting of soybeans. He was lifted out of poverty in just a few months.

Since listing, the market price of fresh edamame beans is as high as 8 yuan per kilogram, and the lowest price is 4 yuan per kilogram, with an average of about 6 yuan. the yield of fresh edamame beans per mu is 500kg, the income is more than 3000 yuan, and the net income is more than 2000 yuan excluding the cost.

"in the first year, I didn't grow cotton, and I didn't have much experience in growing other crops. When spring began, I opened my eyes to other crops and planted melons, seeds, beets, licorice, corn, and so on. I couldn't make up my mind for the moment. It was the League trade union cadres who gave me advice and made me make up my mind to grow soybeans." When it comes to growing soybeans to make money, Chen Zhilin opened the chatterbox.

Within two days, he borrowed 30,000 yuan from rural credit cooperatives and bought Zhonghuang 35, a high-yield and high-oil soybean from the Agricultural Achievement Transformation Fund of the Ministry of Agriculture.

A week before sowing, he made a special trip to the high-yield growers to learn from them. Pulled 30 tons of mature farm manure, loosened, turned, raked and rotated the land, and the depth of the deep loosening reached 40 cm, so that the ground was clean without stubble, flat without trenches, and the soil was fine without bumps. On the day of sowing, he also invited agricultural technicians to guide them on the spot to measure the temperature 5 centimeters below the surface. Mechanical precision sowing is adopted to ensure that the seeds are uniform without broken strips, the soil cover is consistent, and the seeds are not exposed. Three to four days before sowing, 150 ml of 40% Acetochlor EC per mu was sprayed with 50 kg of water to control the occurrence of weeds in the seedling stage.

From early flowering to full flowering, 50 grams of 15% paclobutrazol powder and 30 kg of water were sprayed evenly per mu to effectively control the vegetative growth of soybean, enhance reproductive growth, thicken the stem, protect flowers and pods, increase grain weight, and promote early maturity. Comprehensive control was carried out by installing trapping lamp, inserting yellow board and spraying biological agents. Chen Zhilin said: "in the whole process of management and cultivation techniques, I did not use herbicides, but manually hoed the grass five times, which successfully avoided the drought and promoted the growth of soybean roots."

In July, in the mature season, people from Shiliba Township praised his soybeans for their full grains, good color and high yield, and asked him to teach planting techniques.

In recent years, the second Division of the production and Construction Corps has organically combined the development of the high-quality soybean industry with the promotion of poverty alleviation, and regarded the soybean industry as an important starting point for accurately getting rid of poverty. By adopting the way of "regiment field + cooperative + poor farmers + market", by expanding the planting scale and providing production technology free of charge, it has promoted the stable development of the soybean industry. This year, the second division planted more than 20, 000 mu of soybeans, with a per capita income of more than 4000 yuan, laying a solid foundation for expanding production and accurately getting rid of poverty in the coming year.