
The little pigeon released the villagers'"dream of getting rich"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The little pigeon released the villagers'"dream of getting rich"

Zheng Luming (second from left), head of the working group, inspected the pigeon enterprise.

"The activity center is doing breeding training and is going to give us pigeons." "Everyone, quickly go to the village committee to sign the investment agreement." Recently, villagers in Toglak Village, Ahu Township, Atushi City rushed to tell each other the good news. Originally, Zheng Luming, the leader and first secretary of the village working group of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Autonomous Region, combined with the local reality, promoted characteristic breeding in the village by introducing and registering village-level enterprises, and brought the training class to the villagers 'doorstep.

Joint training and joint construction tamp the foundation of grass-roots units

At the beginning of living in the village, Zheng Luming gave full play to the advantages of grass-roots work experience, took the training of a group of village "two committees" cadres who led the masses to get rich, could do things and did things as the starting point, made accurate efforts, and established a training and training mechanism for "joint training and joint construction".

Zheng Luming established "guided" learning through the "joint training" education and training mechanism, and used the theme propaganda and learning every Monday to unify the cadres 'thoughts and actions into the party's decision-making and deployment. Establish a "group-type" discussion and exchange mechanism, carry out twinning and mutual learning and promotion with the village "two committees," and check and fill the existing deficiencies in combination with work practice. Establish "send to school" education, carry out "micro-party lessons" activities such as visiting party members and cadres, sending party constitution, learning laws and regulations, explaining policies and broadcasting micro-videos, so as to ensure the rapid popularization of party policies at a faster speed and with wider coverage.

The working group established a "joint construction" transmission mechanism to enhance the collective combat effectiveness of the village. By revising and improving various work systems, strengthen the ability of system management; coordinate special funds to improve village-level supporting organizations, comprehensively carry out the construction of "small three-level"(township, village and park) trade unions, assist village "two committees" to extend "golden autumn students" to help poor students complete their studies; quantify the creation measures of "star-level" of village-level organizations one by one, analyze weaknesses and make up shortcomings. The working group also actively helped the village to introduce enterprises to rent sites to revitalize the village collective assets, and carried out corn straw silage with the village committee as the main body. By supporting the village collective economy, the village-level organizations strengthened their strength to do things for the people.

Introduce backbone enterprises to help villagers get rid of poverty

As the first secretary, Zheng Luming has never forgotten to fulfill his responsibility to fight poverty, leading the working group and the village "two committees" together to find the root cause of the disease, promote precise poverty alleviation and precise poverty alleviation. He introduced ** Xueyu Pigeon Industry Co., Ltd. to Tograk Village, and the breeding scale of pigeons in the village reached 40,000. He paid close attention to the enterprises at his doorstep, won the project funds of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Autonomous Region and special funds for poverty alleviation, carried out courtyard breeding relying on the mode of "government (working group)+ enterprise + cooperative + farmer household" by transforming sheds, purchasing pigeons, and leading the masses to improve their ability to become rich through a series of practical measures.

After the completion of the reconstruction of the shed circle of poor households, the working group distributed breeding pigeons worth 10,000 yuan to each household. Within half a year, the village initially formed a courtyard breeding scale of 7000 breeding pigeons. At the same time, the enterprise continues to carry out breeding training and household follow-up through the pigeon breeding professional cooperatives, providing all-round and powerful guarantee. The villagers who have already obtained the breeding income are happy in their hearts and make great efforts to breed good pigeons in exchange for great profits.

Tuogelake Village mainly feeds pigeons with corn, wheat and other crop straws, which has low utilization rate and invisible increase of feeding cost. Zheng Luming coordinated the township government to purchase 6 sets of equipment and fully carried out silage production in 5 villages. On-site meetings will be held in Toglak Village to promote silage and scientific breeding technology, and strive to have one operator in villages and one farmer in poor households. Villagers have a strong interest in silage processing. In less than half a month, about 250 tons of corn straw silage have been completed, which improves the utilization rate of corn straw and saves a large part of feeding expenses.

Science and technology training condenses development strength

The working group and the village "two committees" put publicity, cultural education, technical training and follow-up services in a prominent position. Plan funds to repair the village cultural square, distance education center and villagers 'activity center, improve the cultural function configuration, purchase books, ball games, chess and other cultural and sports articles, villagers play billiards, watch movies, learn knowledge, and children laugh and laugh constantly on the football field. The working group and the village "two committees" carry out theme activities, collective projects, policy propaganda, typical propaganda, cultural performances, sports competitions and other popular cultural and sports activities once a month to promote exchanges and exchanges among all ethnic groups.

Zheng Luming and the working group combine the villagers 'expertise and training needs with the village's industrial development planning through technical training, guide young people to actively participate in skills training such as breeding, planting, textile, catering and decoration, and provide technical training and household guidance for farmers to carry out standardized and scientific breeding and breeding pigeon incubation, so as to continuously broaden employment channels.

During the slack season, the working group and the village "two committees" team coordinated the science and technology through train into Toglak Village, and rolled to broadcast science and technology knowledge, popular science lectures and popular science programs. Set up information consultation platform to serve villagers. A series of practical measures have improved the quality and ability of the people in Toglak Village to get rid of poverty and become rich.

This year, the appearance of Tograk Village is undergoing great changes. The farmers who are starting their own businesses are happy in their hearts. The pigeons in the village have released the villagers 'dream of becoming rich tomorrow, flying higher and higher on the vast grass-roots land.

Distribution of breeding pigeons in tarim.