
Return to your hometown to start a business, open up a new road and become rich with flowers.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Return to your hometown to start a business, open up a new road and become rich with flowers.

Pick roses.

"it's a new thing for us for boys to grow roses!" In Shenglong Village, Sansu Township, Dongpo District, the name of college students returned to their hometown to start a business and planted roses, which soon spread in the local area.

The 30-year-old post-80s, who struggled to start a business, recently led his team back from the 9th China Bamboo Culture Festival. "this makes me full of confidence. I will strive to realize the industrialization of edible rose agriculture and build a characteristic modern agricultural project that integrates rose seedling breeding, planting, rose production, processing and marketing, and rose garden tourism." Yu Mingjie said.

Since starting a business for more than a year, no matter what others say about the difficulties of starting a business or the difficulties they have imagined, they have all arrived as expected. Yu Mingjie said that although he became a monk halfway through starting a business, he would not doubt or deny himself, nor would he be allowed to give up halfway.

Innovation and entrepreneurship

The rural entrepreneurial stage is big.

Yu Mingjie graduated from Wuhan Institute of Biological Engineering, majoring in biotechnology, engaged in quality inspection and sales in Chengdu Import and Export Food Company and hybrid rice breeding in Hainan seed Company.

In recent years, every time Yu Mingjie goes home, he will feel the changes that have taken place in his hometown, especially in rural areas, where the state's support for agriculture has increased year by year, which has made the common people taste the benefits. "the hundreds of mu of land contracted by my family can subsidize tens of thousands of pieces of land every year, and there is agricultural insurance in the event of natural disasters. Not only that, the government will also provide free agricultural training and the scale of discount loans on a regular basis. " What I heard and saw, coupled with what my parents said, Yu Ming began to be moved.

Later, Yu Mingjie viewed a series of policy documents online, which strengthened his entrepreneurial confidence. "Innovation and entrepreneurship is the call of the times for our college students!" Yu Mingjie said that the great development of agriculture must be a direction, unwilling to the status quo, he resolutely chose to return home to start a business, first of all transferred more than 100 mu of land.


Finalize the rose industry

"after the transfer of land, my friends asked me what I was going to do with it, but I said I didn't know." Yu Mingjie smiled and thought of seizing the opportunity to transfer the land first. As for what to do next, I really didn't think about it.

It was not until this time that Yu Ming began to investigate everywhere, and grapes, oranges, plums, kiwifruit, medicinal herbs and so on were all denied one by one. "I personally think that these projects have long investment return cycle, large market price fluctuations, no characteristics and competitiveness, and it is difficult to extend the industrial chain, so they are all excluded." The rest of the world began to get into trouble.

While thinking hard, Yu Mingjie suddenly remembered the rose dumplings and rose cakes made by my grandmother every year when I was a child. The food was fragrant and refreshing. "everyone has the smell of childhood, and the most beautiful smell I can remember is the fragrance of roses." Yu Mingjie began to collect and pay attention to rose data, and went to Kunming, Lijiang and other places to inspect. He found that people attach great importance to the safety, health, and ecology of food, and the rose series of food is just in line with people's taste of life and consumer psychology. This has strengthened his confidence in focusing on the rose industry.

Company + peasant household

Roses pave the way for development

Yu Mingjie grew up listening to the story of Su Dongpo and his mother Mrs. Cheng. "the 'San Su Culture' and 'Dongpo Culture' are well known, and the fragrance and beauty of roses coincide well with Mrs. Cheng's dignified and virtuous image." Yu Mingjie said that he hopes to promote Dongpo culture and Mrs. Cheng culture with the help of the rose industry.

With a clear positioning of the company, the rest of the industry is full of confidence. He invited Yunnan flower experts to test the soil, look at the climate and check the topography, and introduced a patented variety of ink red edible rose, which has the characteristics of long flowering period, high yield, good quality, strong aroma and so on. Then, Mrs. Cheng rose garden began the intense work of land leveling, trenching, film mulching, ridging, burrowing and so on. "now, looking at the roses in full bloom, I have a sense of achievement and happiness in my heart." Yu Mingjie said.

The first phase of the rose garden covers an area of about 200 mu and is located in Sansu Township, Dongpo District. At present, the flowering period of dozens of acres of edible roses lasts from March to November. You can see a sea of red flowers from afar, and you can smell a strong fragrance when you drive by.

After the roses bloomed, Yu Mingjie successively contacted some manufacturers with strength and qualification to cooperate, launched a series of products such as rose tea, rose cake, rose powder, and participated in the Sichuan International Tourism Expo and the International Bamboo Art Expo. those who have tasted rose products have mostly become repeat customers.

The good market response of rose series food has further strengthened the development model of "company + peasant household", striving to promote the development of rose industry in hometown, effectively solve the employment of farmers and increase the income of people in hometown.

Next, Yu Mingjie is determined to build the rose garden into a unique cultural scenic spot by building it step by step. "because of the relatively large investment, I decided to work steadily and use the profits of the rose series to feed the construction of the rose garden step by step, so that the second phase of next year can be expanded to 500 mu, so that some supporting facilities such as catering and entertainment in the base will be more perfect. promote the development of tourism in the suburbs of Meishan." Yu Mingjie said that under the policy background of "mass entrepreneurship and mass innovation", he also hopes to provide a platform for college student entrepreneurs to learn, and they can also have more opportunities to receive counterpart resources.