
The Organization of Farmers and the realistic needs of Peasants

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The Organization of Farmers and the realistic needs of Peasants


Cooperative economy is the product of economic development to a certain level and a certain historical stage. The platform economy of the Internet accelerates its transformation and upgrading, and it is still a closed and limited economic development model rooted in the characteristics of agricultural industry. Japan and Taiwan's peasant associations or peasant associations, which have been developed for decades, are facing the challenge of a large influx of social capital. Perhaps this is a trend, an irreversible trend of cooperation and union on a larger platform, cross-border and integration on the basis of breaking through traditional barriers. The paradigm comes from the summary of practice, and the existence of the model is inseparable from its inherent ecosystem. The doctrine we have brought needs to adapt to the present soil. Only when we take root in the soil and start the journey of innovation from the source of demand can we usher in the time of "raising the cloud sail high and marching forward bravely in the sea". The second of a series of thinking around the "peasant problem" is launched today.

I. the organization of farmers

Increasing farmers' income and narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor is the key to maintaining social stability and consolidating the ruling foundation. It is also the basis for effectively changing the appearance of rural areas and realizing the harmonious and stable development of rural society. Agriculture as a strategic industry related to the national economy and people's livelihood, in the case of the gradual diversification of farmers' income, it has become a top priority to increase the production rate of agriculture, improve agricultural efficiency and increase the ratio of income from primary production to farmers' total income. At the beginning of this century, Huzhou City comprehensively promoted the environmental construction of rural villages in accordance with the requirements of road hardening, village greening, wall whitening, road brightening, environmental cleaning and river desilting, which triggered the implementation of the "10 million Project" for rural environmental renovation in the province. At the same time, focusing on increasing farmers' income from primary production, this paper puts forward industrial organization, that is, vigorously promoting agricultural industrialization, and farmers' organization, that is, through the establishment of production, sales, agricultural machinery services and other professional cooperatives to improve labor productivity. With the deepening of the market-oriented reform of grain and other reforms triggered by it, the degree of organization of farmers has become the condition for realizing the direct dialogue between the small-scale production of thousands of households and the ever-changing large market, which has attracted the attention of all parties.

As early as 1949, on the eve of the founding of New China, Comrade Mao Zedong discussed the socialization of farmers, that is, the organization of farmers. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out that the serious problem is to educate farmers. The economy of the peasants is scattered, and according to the experience of the Soviet Union, it takes a long time and careful work to socialize agriculture. Without the socialization of agriculture, there can be no complete consolidation of socialism. The steps of agricultural socialization must be adapted to the development of powerful industries with state-owned enterprises as the main body. Unfortunately, in the later development, we transferred the experience of the Soviet Union, replaced the industrial organization with the administrative organization system, and replaced the economic organization with the political organization. On October 12, 1983, after the third Plenary session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Circular on the Separation of Government from Society and the Establishment of Township Government, the people's commune system was abolished and villages and towns were re-established as rural grass-roots administrative units. With the cancellation of the people's commune and the production brigade, agricultural production has returned to the state of family management, and the family, the basic production and management unit in rural areas, has failed to grow into the main body of the market economy. The issue of the organization of farmers has been put on the agenda again in the new historical stage.

To promote the organizational construction of farmers, we have adopted a two-legged approach based on the reality of the development of the agricultural industry. On the one hand, focusing on the field of production, focusing on farmers' lack of information and technology in the development of production, families want to do things that cannot and do not do well, and promote the construction of farmers' professional cooperatives, and gradually develop various types of professional cooperative organizations, such as production type, agricultural machinery service type, ruling and unified defense type, operation and sale type, labor service type and so on. At the same time, efforts should be made to promote the reform of the agricultural science and technology extension system and innovate the agricultural public service system. It promotes the division of labor and division of traditional agriculture, and professionals do professional work, which effectively improves the utilization rate of resources, labor productivity and land output rate, and the income of farmers from family management continues to increase. On the other hand, focus on improving the value-added rate of agricultural products processing, the brand influence of agricultural products and the market competitiveness of agricultural products and processed products, adhere to the market demand-oriented, give full play to the leading role of agricultural products processing enterprises, build an organizational system of leading enterprises, professional cooperatives and farmers, lengthen the industrial chain to promote the construction of the whole industrial chain, and let farmers share the value-added of each link of the industrial chain. However, due to the relative lag of the reform of the rural property right system, the lack of the spirit of modern contract, and the failure of farmers to grow into the legal subject of the market, in the development of cooperative economy, it has failed to establish the corresponding close interest connection mechanism, responsibility investigation mechanism and legal restraint mechanism. There is still a long way to go to improve the degree of organization of farmers.

Second, the practical needs of farmers

Combing the visited peasant households, for the development of the agricultural industry, farmers' inner feelings and real ideas, let us deeply understand the reality of the "bone". We can be divided into three types: the first is the troubles of the ambitious. These families have accumulated more than ten years of production and management skills, mastered reliable planting and breeding technology, have a relatively stable market sales network, won a good reputation of consumers, and established a moderate business scale. have good income expectations and the ability to expand reproduction. In reality, they do not seem to need to expand new markets, solve new technical problems, get more support and services from the outside, and their words are full of confidence and a sense of complacency. However, they also have inner troubles. The contradiction between the state's effective regulation and control of agricultural products prices and the market-oriented pricing of labor prices leads to rising labor costs and obvious decreasing trend of marginal benefits. The extension of the circulation period of the land contractual management right and the confirmation of the transfer of the land contractual management right make people see the dawn of the stable lease relationship, and the basis of the transfer is more the friendship and mutual dependence of the acquaintance society. the powers and obligations of both sides lack the authority definition of the law and the effective guarantee in accordance with the law. Although, with the deepening of the reform of the rural property rights system, the rural property rights trading market system has been gradually improved, but from the survey, the rate of land contractual management rights entering the market is very low. The rural property rights trading market built up is more limited to the transaction of collective assets. The instability of the business object has become a deep anxiety and inextricable trouble in the heart of this part of the subject.

The second is the worry of the enterprising. For the large grain and oil producers who developed earlier, they deeply realized the truth of the saying that "there is scale, there is benefit." In the context of the relatively low efficiency of grain and oil production, various national grain production subsidies have become predictable and secure sources of income. Subsidy is a constant, business area is a variable, and the expansion of variables means the improvement of efficiency. Therefore, this kind of business main body, do everything possible to expand the operating area and enhance their own business ability. When you talk to them, you obviously feel a passion for continuous progress and an impulse to expand. They plan how much land will be transferred next year and buy more agricultural machinery; they calculate how much income will be increased by the expanded land and how much profit the service of agricultural machinery can bring. With the deepening of exchanges, we have also realized the worries behind their continuous expansion and progress. With the rise of labor costs, land prices are also rising, and rising land transfer prices are squeezing profit spaces. blindly expanding the scale of production brings that the land cannot recuperate, the soil fertility decreases year by year, the use of agricultural inputs remains high, and the land output rate per unit area is low. It is not only the lack of competitiveness of products, prices and quality, but also the lack of the possibility of survival and sustainable development in the mode of production and management. The service of agricultural machinery is also facing more and more fierce market competition, the input capacity of individual farmers to purchase agricultural machinery is limited, the service object of small-scale agricultural machinery is limited, and the service demand of retail investors is limited due to the production of food rations in a single season. if there is no investment, there is no way out, and input leads to overcapacity and the growth of intangible costs. Behind the apparent aggressiveness is a helpless choice.

The third is the entanglement of part-time agricultural practitioners. The common psychology of part-time agricultural practitioners is that agriculture is no longer the main source of their income, and it can even be said that the income from agriculture is only a kind of embellishment and supplement, in order to avoid the embarrassment of "farmers buying food". In recent years, people have paid more and more attention to food safety and become more and more fastidious about food materials. The original land not only carries the sustenance to realize the increment of income, but also becomes an effective guarantee for the healthy life of families, and even becomes the object of renting by urban high-income groups, which brings considerable benefits. In reality, it is obvious that after a period of rapid growth in previous years, land transfer has entered a relatively stable high platform in these two years. From the analysis, our land turnover rate is about the same as our urbanization level. If the difference of more than 20% between urbanization level and non-agricultural level is taken into account, then the land cultivated by these part-time workers can be transferred. Our level of large-scale production can reach the level of developed countries; if all these people realize citizenization, our level of urbanization can also rank among the advanced level in the world. Our household registration system and related supporting reforms, and the introduction of a series of policies and systems to promote the integration of urban and rural development are making efforts in this regard. However, with the retention of existing rights and interests in rural areas, the continuation of homestead policy, especially the promotion of beautiful rural construction in recent years, and the improvement of living environment and living conditions, rural areas will become the first choice for people to live in the future. no matter the land value or the environmental value, there is a huge room for appreciation, it is to quickly enter the city, realize the dream of becoming an urban resident for thousands of years, or travel between urban and rural areas. Waiting for that better dream of the future. Whether to enjoy the truth directly, or to invest in an uncertain future, risk and return, investment and return are woven into an inextricable entanglement.