
How to maintain and develop farmers 'rights after household registration reform?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to maintain and develop farmers 'rights after household registration reform?

Recently, Beijing officially issued the "opinions on the implementation of further promoting the Reform of the Household Registration system", becoming the 31st province (municipality or autonomous region) to issue the reform of the household registration system. The opinion clearly points out that it is necessary to abolish the distinction between the nature of agricultural hukou and non-agricultural hukou and uniformly register it as a "resident hukou." With the establishment of a unified household registration system in urban and rural areas, the dual household registration system in urban and rural areas will become history. This is an important milestone in the integration of urban and rural development in China and an important achievement in the progress of social civilization.

After the reform of the unified household registration system in urban and rural areas, the most realistic question is, how will we identify farmers? How to safeguard and develop farmers' rights? This needs to be further clarified and answered in the face of reality.

First, to distinguish between identity and occupation. Now promoting the reform of the household registration system and abolishing the division between agricultural and non-agricultural hukou refers to the abolition of the household registration status of farmers, rather than the occupation of agriculture. As long as the industry of agriculture exists, there will be farmers engaged in the profession of agriculture. After the reform of the household registration system, our country is no longer without farmers, but no longer has an agricultural hukou. As professional farmers, their rights and interests must be effectively protected.

Second, it is necessary to distinguish three different forms of farmers. After the reform of the household registration system, there are in fact three different forms of farmers in China: first, as members of collective economic organizations, farmers with the right of land contractual management can be called land contract farmers. This is the original farmer who has obtained the qualification of rural land contractual management right. Second, farmers engaged in agricultural production and management through the transfer of contracted land, they mainly transfer land from the hands of land-contracted farmers to carry out agricultural production and management activities. In recent years, some people with non-agricultural hukou have joined the agricultural production army through land transfer and become new farmers. The third is the personnel who provide social services for all aspects of agricultural production before, during and after production. According to the study, the agricultural population of the United States accounts for 2% of the national population, while the proportion of the service industry population serving agriculture is as high as 1720%, with an average of 810 people per farmer serving them. With the promotion of China's agricultural modernization and the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries, the number of employees who provide various social services for agriculture will continue to increase. These three kinds of personnel engaged in agricultural production and service are new types of professional farmers in the process of agricultural modernization in China.

Third, it is necessary to accelerate the equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas. To abolish the distinction between agricultural hukou and non-agricultural hukou and uniformly register it as a "resident hukou", we cannot just make some written changes in the household registration book to make everything all right, but to make up for the shortcomings of basic public services such as farmers' social security, and realize the integration and equalization of basic public services in urban and rural areas. In line with the establishment of a unified household registration system for urban and rural residents, governments at all levels need to speed up the establishment of a unified urban and rural social security and other basic public service system to achieve equal access to basic public services for urban and rural residents as soon as possible. At present, the key point is to improve the public financial system and social security system, and to improve the level of basic public services such as social security for rural residents as an important part of optimizing the structure of financial expenditure.

Fourth, it is necessary to comprehensively deepen the reform of the rural collective property right system. The reform of the household registration system only cancels the household registration status of farmers, not their property rights. However, governments at all levels should adapt to the new situation of establishing a unified household registration system in urban and rural areas, and comprehensively promote and deepen the reform of the rural collective property rights system. In the reform of household registration, it is necessary to prevent some places from depriving farmers of their property rights such as the right to contracted management of land, the right to the use of homestead, and the right to distribute collective income under the pretext of unifying urban and rural hukou. It is also necessary to prevent members of non-collective economic organizations from taking the opportunity to plunder or participate in the carving up of collective property rights. We should learn from the basic experience of the reform of rural collective property rights system in economically developed areas such as the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing and Tianjin, and strengthen the guidance, deployment and arrangements for deepening the reform of rural collective property rights system at the national level. At present and for a period of time in the future, only members of collective economic organizations can enjoy property rights such as the right to contract land, the right to the use of homestead and the right to distribute collective income. The establishment of a unified household registration system in urban and rural areas should not affect the collective property rights enjoyed by farmers as members of collective economic organizations, but the reform of the household registration system will force the reform of the rural collective property rights system to be promoted in an all-round way.

Fifth, it is necessary to establish a new demographic system and the policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers and rich farmers. After the establishment of a unified household registration system in urban and rural areas, the original statistical system should also keep pace with the times. The new demographic system should have three key contents: one is to persist in taking the living life of the resident population as the basic basis for the statistics of the urban population and the rural population, and the population living in rural areas is not necessarily farmers. The second is to strengthen the statistics of agricultural employees, regard agricultural employees as an important indicator to support the development of modern agriculture, and at the same time strengthen the statistical work of agricultural service personnel. The third is the statistical work of members or shareholders of innovative collective economic organizations. Statistics of members or shareholders of rural collective economic organizations are as important as statistics of agricultural employees. In particular, with the promotion of the reform of the rural collective property rights system, the majority of farmers as members of collective economic organizations will be further defined and defined, and their rights and obligations as members or shareholders of collective economic organizations will become increasingly prominent. At the same time, the policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers and rich farmers needs to be adjusted and improved accordingly, and precise support for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" should be implemented.