
Chongqing Qianjiang: Raising chickens under the forest plays the song of becoming rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chongqing Qianjiang: Raising chickens under the forest plays the song of becoming rich

From migrant farmers to local well-known entrepreneurial talent, an Wenpin, a native of Kuzhu Village, Shanling Township, Qianjiang District, has walked out of an entrepreneurial and rich road of raising native layers under the forest by virtue of his own diligence. The villagers nearby couldn't help giving a thumbs up when they mentioned him. Recently, the author came to his farm and learned about his entrepreneurial process face to face.

Take care of the family: Nan Piu returns home

An Wenpin has lived in Kuzhu Village of Shanling Township for generations and has been a farmer in a down-to-earth manner. After graduating from junior high school, in the face of neither the weather nor the geographical location of my hometown, I resolutely boarded the southbound train and went to Guangdong to pursue my dream. In Dongguan, Guangdong, an Wenpin worked in construction, entered the factory, and after several twists and turns, gradually became the head of a department in an electronics factory, with savings of tens of thousands of yuan every year.

After drifting away for a long time, the parents are old, and it's time for the children to go to school. It's time to go home and take care of the parents' children. An Wenpin discussed with his family and decided to go home and engage in breeding.

"our parents raised us for decades and brought us up through hardships and hardships. Now that they are old and frail and sickly, we children should not always think about making money. Spending more time at home with them is the best way to be filial. When we go back to our hometown to start a business, we can not only take care of our parents and children, but also earn money. Why not do something beautiful?" An Wenpin said with a serious face.

Return to hometown to start a business: raising native chickens under the forest

In 2013, Shanling Township made great efforts to develop native chicken farming, and an Wenpin also tried to raise native chicken.

"Shanling Township is a hilly area, rich in mountain forest resources, high vegetation coverage, suitable for the development of under-forest farming, mountain farming," said Luo Yong, head of agriculture in Shanling Township.

In 2013, an Wenpin contracted for more than 30 mu of mountain areas and began to try to raise native chickens. with the help of the local animal husbandry and veterinary station, the methods of raising native chickens were formulated: Bao Shan, enclosure, designated chicken house, regular feeding of bracts, and free movement.

With the expansion of the scale, an Wenpin found that the problem of raising native chickens under the forest also followed. He found that there was no grass in many parts of the woodland around him, and the chickens did not like to breed, but there was not so much woodland in another place, and the rent was expensive. How to solve this problem, he began to turn to the District Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau, District Science and Technology Association and other departments for help.

"the urate content of chicken manure is high, and too much is easy to solidify the soil, resulting in the phenomenon of barren grass. This problem can be solved by reducing the capacity of chicken sheds, fixed-point rotation and recommended methods, "the relevant staff of Qianjiang District Science and Technology Association told an Wenpin.

"the District Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau and the District Science and Technology Association have repeatedly sent professional and technical personnel to my farm for on-the-spot guidance, and also organized me to participate in the breeding training held in the district. Now I have mastered certain feeding and management techniques of native laying hens and key points of epidemic prevention." An Wenpin said that now, there is no longer a 'barren grass' in his chicken farm, nor has he ever died of an epidemic disease.

An Wenpin said happily, "I now pay great attention to the communication with the animal husbandry and veterinary station and the chicken experts in the district. If there is no more technology, it will not work."

Luo Yong, head of agriculture in Shanling Township, said that Anwenpin's chicken farms range from breeding model design, animal disease prevention and control to the height of the net and the size of chicken sheds, all of which give full play to the advantages of modern farming technology.

At present, the stock of an Wenpin's chicken farm is more than 3000, the annual production of native eggs is about 150000, and the net income of breeding reaches more than 80,000 yuan.

Facing the future: looking forward to driving the neighbors to become rich together

When talking about his plans for the future, an Wenpin said thoughtfully: "now, my chicken farm already has a certain scale, and through years of breeding practice and continuous learning, I have participated in the professional knowledge training organized by the Animal Husbandry Bureau. The breeding technology is also relatively mature. In the next step, he plans to expand the scale of breeding and set up a professional cooperative or family farm for native laying hens. Let other ordinary people also participate in raising native hens under the forest to help them achieve common prosperity. "

"isn't 'Internet +' popular now? Everything you do has something to do with the Internet. Qianjiang District is also vigorously supporting rural e-commerce! " An Wenpin said excitedly that in the next stage, first, he should further learn the relevant techniques of raising native layers under the forest, and strive to double and expand the scale of raising native laying hens under the forest; second, he should develop the breeding of original ecological native laying hens under the forest. breed the original ecological native layers without any feed additives, develop their own brand of native laying hens and brighten the brand. Third, we should learn computers well, make good use of rural e-commerce and the Internet, and sell native chickens and eggs online and to the whole country.