
Combo: in agriculture, you have to do the right thing with your heart.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Combo: in agriculture, you have to do the right thing with your heart.

Seeing the news that "the old man in Qinghai was rejected to send 32 tons of potatoes across half of China, and the citizens of Shenzhen bought all of them overnight," Kong Bo wrote in his moments: "journalists tap the value of news to spread positive energy. But what you see from the perspective of farmers is a different world. First, small-scale peasant economy, lack of standardization. Second, no matter how sincere these love is, such a result is not decent for farmers, and someone must promote the industrialization, standardization and modernization of agriculture, so that it can really meet the needs of the market and wait for the price to be sold. Agriculture must have one day. "

This is the expectation of a 30-year-old Beijing man for the future of agriculture. He has been a white-collar worker and a consultant. Five years ago, Kong Bo resigned and went back to his hometown to start a business and sell fresh food, which not only achieved his success, but also led 3,000 farmers to become rich together.

It is precisely because he sees the prospects and problems of agriculture under the Internet that he is more firm in his goal: to do the right thing in agriculture, the "new farmers" will gain dignity and decency.

Open an online store to sell fresh

Thin and tall, gentle-looking and quick-thinking, Kongbo's image seems to be in contrast to his ancestors who faced the loess in the past, but it is precisely such a "gentle little life" that has created the myth that he has been the local fresh champion of Taobao for many years in a row.

Kongbo is from Lianghe Village, Zhai Town, Henan Province, Miyun. After graduating from Beijing Institute of Technology Automation, he worked in the city for 3 years and returned to his hometown to start a business at the end of 2011. The original idea of starting a business was simple. At that time, Kongbo and his wife both worked in the city and rented near the North fourth Ring Road. At that time, they faced the double pressure of buying a house and having children.

"at 7 o'clock every morning, I took the No. 300 bus from Xiba River to ITC, and then to the company. After running like this for a year and a half, I was too tired. At that time, considering that the family was not well-off, it was too difficult to buy a house, and there were elderly people to take care of. I analyzed what I could do if I went back to Miyun. Miyun is characterized by tourism and agriculture. Starting with vegetables, this will be a market for upgrading consumption and the prospect is very broad. "

As a fresh e-commerce business, at that time, few people on Taobao were doing this, and the only one made Kongbo feel that there was a lot of room for improvement, because the vegetables were delivered the next day, and he thought that if he had done it, he would have done better. As a result, after resigning, Kongbo set up an online store called "Farmer's Family" and began to sell vegetables.

At four or five o'clock every morning, the vegetables picked from the garden are still hung with dew, and they are packed and sent directly to ensure that they reach consumers in the afternoon. In this way, Combo's sales in the first year completely beat its competitors.

All kinds of suffering have been suffered.

Including himself and his wife, there were only three employees in the first year of the family. What you sell is also "sell what you have". In order to find out the customer group and build trust, Kongbo often soaks in various forums, chatting with potential customers and introducing the knowledge of agricultural products. Sometimes for an order of more than ten yuan, he would talk to each other very carefully for more than an hour.

The packing equipment is also very simple: a vacuum machine with more than 200 yuan and a pan scale with more than 20 yuan. Mr. Kongbo said he bought the vacuum machine later, when his online store had already received orders from all over the country, some of which were sent to Guoguang Apple in Hainan. At that time, fresh e-commerce was just in its infancy, and without much practice, he bought a vacuum machine with what packaging could prevent bumping. However, the vacuum treatment of the apple, the bump is still very serious, this method has been used for more than half a year, before it was replaced by a mesh bag.

The link of distribution is harder. At the beginning, it was the husband and wife who bought vegetables from the vegetable base every day and then went to the city to deliver them. at that time, they did not have a car and traveled by bus every day. Sometimes they carry a lot of things, and sometimes they have to take a long way by car, and only they know it best.

Kongbo's intentions have stabilized the first batch of fans for the online store. By the second year, things were getting better. He bought an electric tricycle, later, equipped with a special food delivery truck, also recruited some like-minded people, and the team was finally formed. But the pressure that comes with it is also great. Sometimes when friends eat together, Kong Bo can't help crying as soon as he drinks too much. He thinks it's too difficult and hard to do agriculture. So many people believe in themselves. Anyway, he has to do it well.

All the opportunities have been caught up.

"when I started making fresh food, I didn't expect it to get bigger. I just wanted to earn some money to support my family. From the single sale of vegetables to the sale of all kinds of agricultural and sideline products, there are more and more varieties, and then the ideas are slowly changing. " In order to enrich online products, Kongbo has traveled to all villages in Miyun, large and small, and he knows exactly what is produced in each place. Now, with the expansion of the business, the team is slowly growing. Office location, also from their own small house, to the rented dozens of square meters of factory buildings, and then to the 2000 square meters of specialized warehouse, the changes in the past few years, Kongbo attributed to the opportunities suitable for the development of fresh e-commerce, they have caught up.

People describe 2012 as the first year of fresh e-commerce. When Kongbo just started, there were less than four or five online shops selling agricultural products across the country. at that time, few people sold and bought few, and their competitiveness was relatively small. People's idea still stays on the Internet and can only buy clothes and hats, but not fresh products. This opportunity gives Kongbo a huge advantage.

Later, more and more people followed him, and a group of similar new farmers appeared around him, which made Miyun's agricultural products e-commerce ahead of the city, accounting for more than 50%.

The e-commerce market is full of capital and competition, and countless fresh online stores have collapsed. Why can the farmers' families survive? Combo also often reflects on the reasons. He believes that one is the tuyere period, and another important reason why they have become bigger is the unique advantage of Miyun agriculture. "there are eight mountains, one water and one field, vegetables, fruits, miscellaneous grains, fish, and Miyun can have whatever they want. I made my first bucket of money by selling vegetables. Some people say that you take credit for selling your vegetables well, but I don't think so. Without the agricultural facilities that were vigorously promoted a few years ago, and the various policies that have been put in place to subsidize fertilizers and seeds, there would not be such good resources. "

Product service is the key

In the past Singles Day, Kongbo's online store completed more than 8000 orders, compared with more than 800 on weekdays. The proud sales also let the Minong family win the crown of Taobao fresh sales ranking first in the country.

"Agricultural products have their own characteristics. If we can't blow up our positions, it won't be fresh; nor can we affect the normal ordering of regular customers for the sake of sales promotion, let alone hurt their confidence because of discounts. " This year is Kongbo's online store for the first time to participate in Singles Day, only a few products reduced a little money, but still ushered in a huge order. The whole team started, and it took two and a half days to send out all the orders smoothly without affecting the normal delivery.

"others are busy building platforms for e-commerce, and we are busy making agricultural products themselves." The core value of agricultural products can not be separated from the two commercial attributes of products and services. Around users, Kongbo has made a lot of new attempts from finding the best products for customers to introducing the best varieties to produce. For example, in order to bring back the old taste of cabbage, he learned from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and distributed the seeds of the old varieties restored by experts to farmers to plant on order. In order to make pumpkins more waxy and fragrant, he asked his friends to bring back new varieties from Japan. These attempts have achieved great success. The sales of online stores have exceeded 12 million yuan this year, and many farmers' income has increased steadily, driven by Kongbo.

Kombo said that consumers will not always pay for feelings, they will only pay for those valuable products, so future farmers should adapt to the needs of the market and work hard to promote the industrialization of agriculture.