
Improve the modern agricultural market system

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Improve the modern agricultural market system

For a long time, the problem of "difficulty in selling agricultural products" is a stubborn disease in the development of agriculture in our country. Fundamentally speaking, the problem of "difficult to sell" reflects the change of the basic form of the agricultural market in the new period.

With the agricultural industry from the production-led development stage of traditional agriculture to the new period of modern agricultural development dominated by market circulation, the agricultural product market begins to show the following three characteristics: first, the impact of market linkage is enhanced, and the leading role of demand is enhanced. Second, consumers have lower requirements for the quantity of agricultural products and higher requirements for quality. Third, the efficiency of traditional marketing methods is too low, and the limitations are becoming more and more obvious.

To solve the problem of "selling difficulties", the key is to grasp the law of the development of the agricultural industry and based on the basic characteristics of the modern agricultural product market. First, it is necessary to scientifically arrange production according to the market situation and improve the market supply system. It is necessary to carry out in-depth market research, conscientiously analyze the trends of international and domestic markets, grasp the trend of consumer demand, and arrange product types and production scale according to market laws and consumers' mentality. Second, it is necessary to establish and improve the production standards of the whole process of production, addition and marketing, and constantly improve product quality. It is necessary to formulate technical standards for the production, processing, and sale of agricultural products, promote the quality certification of agricultural products, strengthen the supervision of the whole process of product circulation, speed up the construction of a product quality traceability system, and intensify the punishment of the main body responsible for the safety of agricultural products. to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products. Third, we should keep pace with the times and innovate marketing strategies and improve the marketing system. On the other hand, actively build wholesale markets of producing areas, supporting storage, cold chain logistics, quality inspection and supervision and other facilities, encourage them to dock with urban comprehensive wholesale markets of agricultural products and large supermarkets, clarify responsibilities and straighten out mechanisms to ensure that they are marketable. On the one hand, encourage the establishment of local agricultural products network trading platform, and dock with the national agricultural products online trading market platform to share production and marketing information, through the development of B2B, B2C, O2O and other marketing models to promote online marketing of agricultural products. In addition, we can actively try new business models such as Happy Farm and Leisure Farm to further expand marketing channels.