
Entrepreneurs should be "swineherds" to get out of the road of ecological breeding.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Entrepreneurs should be "swineherds" to get out of the road of ecological breeding.

"if one is rich, one is not rich, but everyone is rich. It is our common philosophy to lead the masses out of poverty and become rich together. " Speaking of the settlement of the pig industry in Tongliang Village, Jiangxi Town, Jiangnan District, Peng Min, first secretary of the village, and Jiang Rongcheng, general manager of Nanning Xinshifeng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., are very proud.

Driven by the concept of getting rich together, the pig breeding base of Nanning Xinshifeng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. has been settled at an astonishing speed, which took only more than 3 months from the beginning of negotiations to seeing the land and then officially settling down. In March this year, the base was officially settled, and since then, poor families in Tapipo have embarked on a "fast road" to get rid of poverty.

The two sides conspired for development at once.

Jiang Rongcheng's breeding base is on a hillside in Kuapi Slope. Looking down from the top of the hillside, the pig houses are scattered and arranged neatly. "Don't underestimate this first phase of the project. 20 pig pens have been built here, and 700 sows can be bred. It is estimated that 15000 pigs will be produced annually, with annual sales of 30 million yuan and profits and taxes of 5 million yuan." When it comes to raising pigs, the entrepreneur, who has been fighting in the business world for many years, has a clear head.

Jiang Rongcheng told reporters that he and several friends started in the feed industry and gradually had capital. "after so many years in the feed industry, the market tends to be saturated, and we want to transform and develop the whole chain industry together." Just do it, Jiang Rongcheng and the team began to inspect the project around Nanning.

Soon they attracted the attention of Peng Min, the first secretary of Kui Pipo in the village. "as a matter of fact, the conditions in our village are not bad. The traffic is less than an hour's drive from the city, the land is fertile, and the villagers usually sell their vegetables to the city or have special people to buy them. But the industry is single, and the efficiency has not gone up all the time. " At the beginning of his stay in the village, Peng Min was choosing an industry suitable for the village. "Poverty alleviation can not only 'blood transfusion', but also 'hematopoiesis'."

In order to win the settlement of poverty alleviation in industries such as ecological pig raising projects, Peng Min organized several discussions between the village committee and prospective entrepreneurs such as Jiang Rongcheng. "the effect of the discussion was very good. We communicated face to face, letting us know the situation and dispelling a lot of worries." Jiang Rongcheng said with a smile that it was Peng Min's working attitude and the expectations of poor families in Kuapipo that made him and his team determined to realize the first step in the development of the whole industrial chain of enterprises in this small mountain village.

Poor households are free to engage in breeding.

Looking at the rapid completion of the pig breeding base of Nanning Xinshifeng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., the hearts of poor families are full of hope. "now I earn almost NT $3000 a month when I work in an enterprise. you know, in the past, several members of my family grew vegetables together for only NT $10,000 a year. I heard that more people will be needed after the second phase is completed." Li Zitang, a poor family in the village, told the reporter with relief.

Villagers like Li Zitang who come directly to work in enterprises is one of the poverty alleviation models of Guapipo industry. In order to get poor households out of poverty as soon as possible, Peng Min and Jiang Rongcheng studied repeatedly and innovated the traditional poverty alleviation model of aquaculture. "Enterprises have a variety of modes of assistance to poor households, the first is to hire a suitable labor force to work in enterprises; the second is to have the intention of breeding, we have free training, after inspecting the environment, we sell high-quality pig seedlings to poor households for breeding, and provide follow-up guidance services at the same time; the third is the way of" companies + farmers ". On the one hand, the pigs of contracted cooperative farmers are young pigs raised by enterprises, on the other hand, insured acquisitions ensure the income of poor households." Jiang Rongcheng explained the model in detail.

In the pig pen, Jiang Rongcheng pointed to the piglets who were just a few days old and were still drinking milk in the arms of the sows: "these piglets will be weaned, raised, and prevented from disease and epidemic in a unified way. When they get through the period of the lowest immunity, they can come out of the pen and send them to cooperative farmers to raise them. This is equivalent to the fact that enterprises have borne most of the breeding risk, ensuring the breeding risk rate of poor households. After all, aquaculture is a technical activity, and once the disease occurs, the loss is huge. " This multi-consideration on the Tao "insurance lock" breeding model, so that poor households let go to engage in pig farming.

Prolong the industrial chain and create a new bright spot

Chiang Jung-Cheng, who became a "swineherd," had more than that in his mind. He pointed to the opposite hillside. "our second phase of the land has been implemented, the motor well houses have been built, and the new technologies I have learned abroad can also be launched."

In addition to the breeding link, Jiang Rongcheng also made harmless treatment of the factors that may pollute the environment, such as waste liquid produced by breeding. Manure is a natural high-quality farm manure, which is provided free of charge to more than 100 vegetable growers in the village. Pig urine is collected and sent to biogas digester for fermentation, supplying electricity for production and living in the factory area, and waste water is also specially treated before discharge. According to the plan, the second phase of the breeding base will be put into production by the end of 2017, and the third phase will be completed by the end of 2019, when 2200 sows will be bred.

It is understood that Jiang Rongcheng has been working hard to learn and learn from the new technologies and concepts of pig farming in the world. He intends to reshuffle the ecological pig industry chain, extend the industry chain and turn it into a new bright spot for poverty alleviation. "there is still a long way to go. In this process, Secretary Peng and I hope to lead the poor families to a well-off road together."