
The "getting rich umbrella" of farmers in Wensu County, a big industry of small mushrooms.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The "getting rich umbrella" of farmers in Wensu County, a big industry of small mushrooms.

Youkaktagak Village is one of the farthest and most remote villages in ** Wensu County. People here are not rich, there are many poor households and the economic foundation of the village is weak. In order to better help the local people get rid of poverty and become rich, Zhejiang Jinhua City Xinjiang Aid Headquarters not only distributes mushroom sticks for the local people free of charge, but also provides guidance by technical personnel to help the villagers become rich by themselves from the source.

"Considering our difficulties, the Party and government distributed 6,000 - 8,000 bags of mushrooms (bacteria sticks) free of charge to each of the 14 poor households in our village." Now, I have learned the planting technology and have a sales channel. In the future, I will work hard to make money and get rid of poverty as soon as possible to live a happy life." Not long ago, the reporter came to Wensu County Tumuxiuke Town Youkaktagak Village interview, villagers Abdu Aini? Yasheng said confidently about his future life.

** Tumuxiuke Town of Wensu County is 30km away from Wensu County. Youktagak Village is the farthest village in the town, 15km away from the town government. It is located at the south foot of Tuomur Peak in Tianshan Mountain. It mainly focuses on agriculture and animal husbandry, with prominent contradictions between more people and less land, and relatively weak economic foundation. In order to make the local people get rich as soon as possible, Zhejiang Jinhua City Aid Xinjiang Headquarters and Wensu County Party Committee and Government encourage villagers to develop "small umbrella industry" to cultivate greenhouse mushrooms and lead local poor households to increase their income and become rich.

Abdu Aini Yasheng family of 4, home 8 mu walnut land and 12 corn is the main source of economic income for the whole family. On weekdays, Abdu Aini Yasheng is a quick-witted and restless industrious man. He has been pondering how to get rich, but he lacks funds and technology. He can only solve the problem of food and clothing by relying on the income from farming at home.

"At the beginning, I hesitated. Could it be that I can become rich by cultivating this little mushroom? Later, after listening to the introduction of the staff of Jinhua City Assistance Headquarters and the training instructions of the technical administrator, encouraged by the village cadres, I received 6000 bags of mushrooms (bacteria sticks) with a try attitude." Abdu Aini Yasheng introduced said.

After receiving the mushroom (bacterial stick), Abdu Aini Yasheng placed the mushroom (bacterial stick) under the walnut tree of his vegetable field according to the technician's instructions. All the bacterial sticks occupied less than 1 minute of land area, and then neatly arranged in a row. Simply set up a shed, cover the shed with plastic film and quilt, spray water twice a day when it is hot, and spray water once a day when the weather turns cold. Two months later, umbrella-shaped mushrooms grew on both ends of the rod. As the mushrooms grew bigger and bigger, more and more mushrooms came out, and one by one the mushrooms grew into a large "umbrella". On August 13, Abdu Aini Yasheng began collecting his own mushrooms to sell at the vegetable market in the county town. For the first time, he picked 73 kilograms of mushrooms, but only sold 33 kilograms. It turns out that the mushrooms of Abdu Aini Yasheng grow too big, and some mushrooms are not popular with the market and consumers because they spray too much water, causing the roots of mushrooms to yellow. With this experience, Abdu Aini Yasheng began to carefully manage mushrooms. Every two days, he helped other 13 villagers to pick mushrooms door-to-door at 2:00 a.m. every day. At 5:00 a.m., they were loaded and pulled to the county town. Finally, they were sold wholesale to vegetable merchants at the price of 4-5 yuan per kilogram. The daily sales volume reached about 150-200 kilograms.

"Each mushroom stick can basically produce about 5 kilograms of mushrooms. Because it is the first year to cultivate mushrooms, it does not understand the technology and causes some mushroom sticks to have no yield." However, this has given me confidence in becoming rich. Growing mushrooms does not take up space, there is no cost, it is simple and easy to operate, it does not take time, and mushrooms grow rapidly. The market demand is large. Every day, people call to order mushrooms. There is no worry about sales at all." Abdu Aini Yasheng said that mushrooms can be picked in two days, not only to the market to sell, but also to relatives, friends and neighbors to send some compensation, by everyone's praise.

By cultivating mushrooms, Abdu Aini Yasheng, who wants to get rid of poverty, summed up the experience of "hard work can make you rich". Next year, he plans to take part in the village cultivation technology training class, learn mushroom planting technology, continue to expand the cultivation scale of mushroom. Today, Abdu Aini Yasheng relies on greenhouse mushroom cultivation, which not only increases income, but also makes Abdu Aini Yasheng family full of hope for future life.

In recent years, the Party and government at all levels in Wensu County and Jinhua Xinjiang Aid Headquarters have taken various measures simultaneously. Poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation are in place accurately and targeted. Planting with courtyard development characteristics has become a highlight of farmers and herdsmen's diversified income increase. Among them, helping to plant greenhouse mushrooms is favored by farmers and herdsmen of all ethnic groups.