
Insurance guarantees development.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Insurance guarantees development.

At the beginning of this year, Zhang Yongyi, the "duck king" in Lujiang County, Anhui Province, and Zhang Yongyi, person in charge of Lujiang County Yinong Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., signed an agricultural loan guarantee insurance order with a total amount of 2 million yuan. With this insurance policy, Zhang Yongyi can get a loan of 2 million yuan without other mortgages and guarantees. Zhang Yongyi said: "our agricultural enterprises, there is no real estate to mortgage, to the bank can not borrow money." With agricultural loan guarantee insurance, the loan will not be difficult! "

At present, the 102operators in Lujiang County have received a total of 150 million yuan of agricultural micro-guarantee insurance loans. By the end of 2015, the balance of agriculture-related loans of financial institutions in the county was 6.05 billion yuan, an increase of 2.04 billion yuan over the same period last year, an increase of 14.7 percent, and an increase of more than 10 percent for three consecutive years.

According to reports, in 2013, Lujiang County National Modern Agricultural demonstration Zone was identified as the national agricultural reform and construction pilot demonstration zone, through the pilot to explore a new path of modern agricultural development. The issue of agricultural loans has been included in this reform pilot project. Through the promulgation of the "opinions on the implementation of the pilot work of Agricultural Micro-loan guarantee Insurance in Lujiang County", a new mechanism for risk sharing between insurance and financial institutions has been established.

The opinions soon entered the level of implementation. In September 2013, Lujiang County cooperated with Guoyuan Insurance Company to carry out loan guarantee insurance for agricultural enterprises, professional cooperatives and farmers. The county finance provided 5 million yuan in risk compensation for bad debts, and the risk compensation increased to 10 million yuan a year later. Guoyuan Insurance, Huimin Village Bank and Lujiang Agricultural Bank have respectively signed cooperation agreements with an annual quota of 50 million yuan, with a risk-sharing ratio of 8 ∶ 2.

Insurance not only ensures the smooth loan, but also benefits all aspects of Lujiang agriculture.

Lujiang County has created a direct insurance mechanism for agricultural operators of a certain scale to directly apply for insurance to insurance agencies and settle claims separately. And speed up the process of insurance expansion, on the basis of carrying out policy-oriented agricultural insurance for major crops such as rice, wheat and rape, new types of insurance for characteristic agricultural products such as egg duck shed insurance, egg duck insurance, vegetable greenhouse insurance, aquaculture insurance, forestry insurance and tea insurance have been developed, and the whole county has basically achieved full coverage of planting and breeding insurance. An insurance bid raising model has also been created. according to the idea that "policy insurance is basic and commercial insurance is a supplement," the country has taken the lead in raising the maximum standard of claims per mu for rice and wheat from 330 yuan and 367 yuan to 500 yuan and 450 yuan respectively, and the increased premiums will be subsidized by 50% of the county finance.

Since the pilot project, the main agricultural operators of more than 1158 mu in the county have directly insured a total of 1.029 million mu and received more than 3500 million yuan in compensation as a result of the disaster, and the time for settling claims has been shortened from 2-3 months to less than one month. A total of 580 agricultural operators in the county voluntarily raised the bid to insure an area of 413000 mu of rice and 119000 mu of wheat, and the insurance part increased the risk for the main body of the business by nearly 80 million yuan.