
Brazilian Fruit Variety Longyou Farm Transformation and diversification

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Brazilian Fruit Variety Longyou Farm Transformation and diversification

It is said that the most peculiar fruit in the world is Brazilian fruit, which has so many varieties and strange taste that countless people want to cross the sea to taste it. What is exciting is that this summer, a bold farmer from Longyou planted Brazilian fruits to Longyou. After three months of careful care, they are slowly adapting to the soil and temperature of Longyou. Now the grapes bear fruit, the mysterious fruit trees are also hung with red fruit, and the Brazilian cherry trees are also luxuriant and growing well.

Yesterday, the highest temperature in Longcheng rose to 17 ℃. Yan Jianhong's fruit shed in Zhijiang Village, Zhanjia Town, was very warm. Seeing the fine weather, Yan Jianhong pruned branches in the shed early in the morning. "We have to let the trunk absorb enough sunlight, which is conducive to blossom and bear fruit." It turned out that the fruit tree he was pruning was the famous Brazilian fruit "tree grape". The most unique thing is that their flowers bloom on the trunk, and the fruit also grows on the trunk. Its color changes from cyan to red, then purple to purple, and finally to purplish black, just like grapes hanging on a tree, which is the origin of the title "tree grape". "if well managed, it can blossom and bear fruit seven times a year." Yan Jianhong said that since it was introduced from Fujian in September, the two 17-year-old grape trees at the gate of the greenhouse have blossomed and borne fruit three times. In view of the fact that it is a new fruit, the first three batches of ripe tree grapes have been given to tourists for free. "if properly managed, a tree can bear fruit of more than 50 kilograms a year, with a market price of 400 to 500 yuan per kilogram, and the profit is still considerable."

In the greenhouse, Yan Jianhong also introduced another kind of Brazilian fruit tree-mysterious fruit. "well, these two plants have already borne fruit." Through the luxuriant green leaves, I saw several red fruits as big as black beans in the direction that Yan Jianhong pointed. It is said to be a magical fruit because it contains a stale protease, which can not really change the taste of food, but it can change people's sense of taste, so people think it is sweet to eat any sour food after eating mysterious fruit. "I introduced two mysterious fruits, mainly to let the guests taste fresh and feel the magic of it."

"with the transformation of farm management and the diversification of fruit cultivation, there are fruits all the year round, and the guests will naturally come." After visiting the Brazilian fruit planting base in the greenhouse, Yan Jianhong explained the reasons for the "fruit reform" since then. According to him, the original 100 mu of grapes on the farm is the earliest grape planting base for Longyou. In recent years, with the expansion of the planting area, the market has gradually saturated. For farm operators, the ripening period of grapes is concentrated in summer, which leads to no selling points in other seasons.

"you have to try and go out boldly." This year, Yan Jianhong learned that the economic benefits of planting tree grapes are good, and the planting method is relatively simple. The only solution is how to ensure the survival of tropical fruits locally. He made three visits to Fujian to learn classics, and after a long period of study, he introduced more than 300 Brazilian fruit seedlings to the base in September this year. In order to fight the frost in the south, Yan Jianhong said that he planned to "put on" the outdoor grape with plastic film in a few days, "keep the soil moisture, coat the tree trunk with lime water, and so on." Yan Jianhong has made measures to deal with it.

This weekend, Yan Jianhong and Quzhou Evening News also planned a "sheep pot" festival on the farm. In addition to the whole sheep banquet, he also had to do a promotion meeting for these Brazilian fruit trees at the scene.