
Chen Jianwei: Leading the masses to raise chickens and increase income

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Chen Jianwei: Leading the masses to raise chickens and increase income

"come on, take it. You see, you helped me last year. Make yourself at home with this little gift. " "Uncle, no, thank you!" Yi Ming, a 68-year-old villager from Qiongkule Village, Qiongkule Township, Qiemo County, was angry because his "relative", Chen Jianwei, an outstanding Communist Party member of the second division and a company worker of the 37 regiment, refused to accept his gift.

Qiemo County Qiongkule Township Qiongkule Village is adjacent to the 37 regiment, the Kunlun Mountains to the south, the vast Taklimakan Desert to the north, and the Chechen River to the east. Not long ago, it was here that Chen Jianwei and Yiming Sawuti married each other.

In 1998, Chen Jianwei came to Qiemo Engineering Detachment (now the 37 Regiment). At that time, the 23 mu of cotton land he contracted was a large sandbag, leaking water and fertilizer, the stalk of cotton was not as thick as a chopstick, and the per unit yield of seed cotton was the lowest. Some people say, "what are you looking for in planting land like this?" Just throw it away. "

Chen Jianwei grabbed a handful of sand and thought thoughtfully.

At the beginning of the spring of the following year, Chen Jianhua borrowed 10,000 yuan from friends and relatives and raised 100 chickens and 13 sheep. After the autumn harvest, he pushed his bike and carried chicken dung and sheep dung to the ground, once, twice, three times. Four years later, Chen Jianwei raised more chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep, and people found that the crops in his fields grew better and better. In 2006, the yield per mu of the cotton land contracted by him ranked first in the whole company, and it became a high-yielding field in the whole company. In less than 10 years, Chen Jianwei accumulated more than 1 million yuan by farming and contracting land.

In 2010, Chen Jianwei gloriously joined Communist Party of China, and he felt that his burden was heavier.

After the beginning of spring in 2015, Chen Jianwei conducted market research in Qiemo County and found that there was not a chicken hatchery here. People raised chickens and bought chicken seedlings, all of which were high-priced chickens shipped from Hotan, Kashgar and other places hundreds of kilometers away.

"if only we could build a hatchery and develop large-scale chicken farming in the regiment farm! There is snow water in the Kunlun Mountains, there are 17000 mu of jujube orchards and more than 7000 mu of woodland. They raise all kinds of 'green chickens', so they must not be worried about selling them! " Soon, Chen Jianwei reflected his ideas to the regiment union.

In 2016, the 37 regiment issued preferential policies to encourage capable people to take the lead in starting businesses and increasing income. Chen Jianwei invested 400000 yuan, and 20 needy workers, including Li Gaojian and Zhang Juanjuan, invested 50, 000 yuan to register and set up a professional cooperative for chicken breeding in Jiuyuan Green Zaoyuan. The regiment farm specially introduced the "Niya Black Chicken" from the Hotan area, encouraged the staff and workers of various companies to develop under-forest farming, and provided 96000 "Niya Black Chicken" chickens to Chen Jianwei and his cooperative.

In July 2016, Jiuyuan Green Zaoyuan Chicken Farmers' Professional Cooperative registered the trademark of "Moxiang Family" Xiaoyuan black chicken, which can be sold for 2 yuan per egg, and demand exceeds supply.

With the support of the regiment farm, Chen Jianwei also set up an e-commerce service station in Korla, more than 700km away, to bring "Moxiang people" Xiaoyuan black chickens into Korla's live poultry market, and at the same time sold them in bulk to Qiemo County, Ruoqiang County, and the neighboring 38 Regiment, realizing an one-stop service of production, supply, and marketing.

This year, Chen Jianwei led 93 needy workers to develop under-forest farming, with an average household income of 5000 yuan. He successively advanced 130000 yuan to more than 10 poor chicken farmers to buy corn, cruller and other feed.

He also presented chicken seedlings to ethnic minority villagers in Qiongkule Township, Qiemo County, and volunteered to teach breeding techniques.

In 2016, Chen Jianwei was awarded the title of Outstanding Communist Party member of the second Division.

Recently, another piece of good news cheered him up-in 2017, the 37 regiment will raise 2 million "Niya black chickens" to create a chicken industry with slaughtering and processing, split packaging and diversified operation, so as to promote the diversified income of workers.

Chen Jianwei said: next year, I plan to expand the plant, purchase advanced numerical control equipment and processing lines, and attract more than 20 workers in difficulties to join the cooperative, and strive to increase the per capita income by more than 30,000 yuan. "