
The difference between sage and rosemary

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The difference between sage and rosemary

Sage, also known as sage, common sage, courtyard sage and so on, has many different uses and functions, and is often cultivated as kitchen vanilla or medical herbs. Rosemary, also known as ocean dew, chrysanthemum, etc., can extract rosemary essential oil with excellent antioxidation from flowers and leaves. Let's take a look at the difference between sage and rosemary.

The difference of families and genera between sage and rosemary

1. Sage: sage is an aromatic plant of plant kingdom, angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous class, synpetal subclass, tubular flower order, tubular flower suborder, Labiatae, wild sesame subfamily, sage family, sage genus, sage subgenus.

2. Rosemary: Rosemary belongs to plant kingdom, angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous class, Compositae, Labiatae, Labiatae, wild sesame subfamily, rosemary and rosemary shrubs.

Morphological differences between sage and rosemary

1. Sage: sage plant shrubby, about 60 cm high, leaf blade broadly oval, tomentose, gray-green to white-green, rough or finely wrinkled. Verticillum 2-6-flowered, forming elongated racemes or branches to form raceme panicles, purple, pink, white or red, vary from variety to breed, with fragrant and slightly irritating florescence from June to September.

2. Rosemary: Rosemary is up to 2 meters high, with cylindrical stems and old branches, dark gray cortex, irregular longitudinal fissures, massive exfoliation, young branches quadrangular, densely white stellate tomentose. Leaves often clustered on branches, with very short stalks or sessile. Flowers subsessile, opposite, a few gathered at the tip of short branches to form racemes. Disk flat-topped, with equal lobes, ovary lobes alternate with disk lobes, anthesis November.

The difference between the origin of sage and rosemary

1. Sage: sage grassland is found in southern Europe and Mediterranean coastal areas. China mainly grows in Zhejiang, southern Anhui, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Hubei, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, as well as in Japan.

2. Rosemary: Rosemary is native to Europe and the Mediterranean coast of North Africa, and is mainly cultivated as a cash crop in southern Europe. It was introduced in China during the Cao Wei period, and now it is mainly planted in most parts of southern China and Shandong.

The difference of efficacy between sage and rosemary

1. Sage: sage tastes bitter, pungent and flat, with the effects of clearing heat and dampness, promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation, detoxification and detumescence, mainly treating jaundice, red and white dysentery, wet tropical zone, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, ulcers, boils and injuries. Traditional hospitals in Europe use sage essential oil to disinfect wards, and women use sage to reduce breast milk production after giving birth because it also promotes hormonal functioning.

2. Rosemary: Rosemary has sedative and brain-awakening effects, has a certain effect on indigestion and stomachache, can also be used to treat insomnia, palpitation, headache, indigestion and other diseases, and can be used externally to treat trauma and arthritis. it also has the functions of strengthening the heart, promoting metabolism and promoting the blood circulation of peripheral blood vessels.