
How much is the rhino horn per gram?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How much is the rhino horn per gram?

Rhino horns are the horns of rhinoceroses, white rhinos, black rhinos, Indian rhinos, Javanese rhinos, Sumatran rhinos, etc. According to the number of long horns of different species, African white rhinos and black rhinos have two horns. In Asia, only Sumatra rhinos have two horns, and the other two breeds have only one horn. Let's take a look at how much rhino horn costs a gram.

How much is the rhino horn per gram?

Rhino horn is rare in the world and has high medicinal value, so it has extremely high economic value. At present, it is about 2000 yuan per gram, which is 10 times the value of gold of the same weight. Since 1993, China has banned the trade of rhino horns (including any identifiable parts and medicines, handicrafts, etc.), and abolished the medicinal standards of rhino horns. The behavior of selling, purchasing, transporting, carrying and mailing rhino horns should be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law, so now there is no market, about 2,000 yuan per gram, or even more expensive, but there is no place to buy it.

Identification method of rhinoceros horn

The main results are as follows: 1. The angle is short and thick and the chassis is very large, and the corner shell is full of material with uniform distribution of hair pores.

2. Under the high-power microscope, the "fish egg pattern" texture appears in the cross section, which is the unique feature of rhino horn.

3. Scalding with hot water will smell a special fragrance.

4. The outer skin of the corner is wrinkled, dull, the internal tissue is translucent and longitudinally has long filamentous lines.

Species classification of rhinoceros horn

1. Black rhinos: black rhinos are distributed in eastern and southern Africa. Their skin is actually dark brown, not pure black. Black rhinos can grow up to 1.5m shoulder height, weigh 2300 kg, and the front and rear horns can be up to 1.2m long.

2. Square-kissed rhinoceros: square-kissed rhinos are yellow or gray all over the body, distributed in South Africa, Southern Sudan, Uganda and eastern Zaire, named after their wide mouths and noses. The square rhinoceros is the largest of all rhinos, which can grow up to 2 meters high and 3600 kilograms. The front corner is usually 90 cm long and can be up to 1.5 m long.

3. Indian rhinoceros: Indian rhinos are gray or white, distributed in Assam and Nepal in northern India, with only one horn and rarely more than 30 centimeters long, while female rhinos have shorter horns, but their horns can be up to 15 centimeters wide at the bottom. Indian rhinos can have shoulders up to 1.7m tall and weigh more than 1800 kilograms.

4. Java rhinoceros: Java rhinoceros skin color is between gray and black, can grow up to 1.4 meters high, weigh more than 900 kilograms, only grow a rhino horn, male horns can be up to 25 centimeters long, females may have shorter horns or no long horns, this kind of rhino is mainly distributed in Java.

5. Sumatran rhinoceros: Sumatran rhinos are found in southeastern Asia, with a skin color between gray and black, with short, hard body hair and short, blunt rhino horns, which can grow up to 1.4 meters shoulder height but weigh less than 900 kilograms.