
The culture method of tiger skin orchid

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Tiger Pilan is a perennial herbaceous foliage plant with dense roots, linear lanceolate, strong adaptability and lax requirements for the living environment. It is very suitable for decorating living room and study lamp places. In addition to providing ornamental, its greatest feature is that it can purify the air, according to experts.

Tiger Pilan is a perennial herbaceous foliage plant with heavy roots, linear lanceolate, strong adaptability and lax requirements on the living environment. It is very suitable for decorating living room and study lamp places. In addition to providing viewing, the biggest feature is that it can purify the air. According to experts, Tiger Pilan can absorb more than 80% of indoor harmful gases, especially for formaldehyde, especially in newly decorated houses. And tiger skin orchid can also protect against radiation, in view of these characteristics, we can roughly draw the tiger skin orchid culture method:

First, the choice of soil

Tiger skin orchid soil needs to be loose and needs to be breathable, so when allocating soil for tiger skin orchid, we must pay attention to the rotten leaves of 2 and 3 and the garden soil of 1. Keep in mind that the soil must be loose and breathable, otherwise the water will not evaporate easily and lead to rotting of the rhizome.

Second, the demand for sunshine

Tiger Pilan likes the light, so be sure to let it often come into contact with the sun, it is best to put it in a place where it can be irradiated directly, and if the conditions do not permit, it should also be placed in a place close to the sun and placed in a dark place for a long time. It will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Third, temperature

Tiger skin orchid requires a high temperature, its suitable growth temperature is 20-30 ℃, the lowest in winter is not less than 10 ℃, so we must pay attention, especially in the north.

Fourth, watering

Tiger Pilan also has a high demand for water. generally speaking, if the soil is loose, it needs to be watered twice a week, while in winter, it only needs once because of the climate.

Fifth, pruning

The growth rate of tiger skin orchid is faster than that of other domestic green plants, so when the basin is full, it is necessary to carry out artificial pruning, mainly to cut off the old leaves and places that are too lush to ensure its sunshine and growth space.

Sixth, change the basin

Tiger Pilan is a perennial plant, generally speaking, it is necessary to change the basin every two years, and pay attention to adding nutrients to the new soil when changing the basin, so as to ensure its nutritional supply.

Seventh, planting methods

Tiger Pilan is a root plant, generally speaking, only a few plants need to be planted, and after a year, the whole basin will be harvested. When planting, you should first put part of the soil under the basin, then plant it from one side of the basin and plant it evenly in the basin.

Eighth, fertilization

Tiger Pilan does not have high requirements for fertilizer, it only needs to be fertilized twice a month in the growing season, pay attention to the application of thin fertilizer liquid, so as to ensure luxuriant growth.

Ninth, the threat of disease and insect pests

The common diseases of tiger skin orchid are leaf spot and anthracnose, which can be treated by spraying more than 50% carbendazim; common insect pests are harmful to weevil, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of fenitrothion EC.

The culture method of tiger tail orchid

Tiger tail orchid, perennial foliage plant, also known as tiger skin orchid, yellow tail orchid and so on. It is a herb of Liliaceae, mostly for office and study. Potted plants are often arranged in the living room. Because there are many varieties, different varieties form different leaf varieties. The underground stem of Cymbidium is a plant with no bifurcations and branches, and the leaves are clustered from top to bottom. Generally, the height of the whole plant is about 60cm, and the general Cymbidium is yellowish and green alternately. According to its leaf type, it can be divided into Phnom Penh tiger tail orchid, short leaf tiger tail orchid, stone pen tiger tail orchid and so on.

In fact, the tiger tail orchid will bloom if it is raised well, and most of its flowers are light white, some slightly green, and the flowering period is generally around December. Tiger tail orchid leaves are relatively strong, the color is also good-looking, not only can bring vitality, but also a good helper to purify the air in home decoration. So many people like to raise tiger tail orchids. Then you need to know the habits of tiger-tailed orchid in order to cultivate it better.

Tiger tail orchid is a kind of orchid, white palm like the warm and humid environment, but also has the same drought-resistant effect as Dryopteris. Prefer light in daily growth, but it will not be affected by cloudy and rainy days, and the demand for light is not very high. It generally grows at about 35 degrees Celsius. In winter, if the temperature is kept above 10 degrees Celsius, you can pass the winter safely. Generally, the characteristic of growing soil is sandy soil, and spring and summer is the period of rapid growth. Cuttings and ramets are the main propagation of Cymbidium, and the seeds are not suitable for survival.

How to raise tiger tail orchid

1. The demand for soil: like domestic plants such as Hongyun, cyclamen, epiphyllum, and Dishui Guanyin, the soil required by Tiger tail Orchid is loose, and its air permeability is also required. A case of plank soil is an ordinary cultivated soil. After growing up, you can choose a special fertilizer soil for cultivation.

2. Temperature demand: Tiger Pilan's other requirements are actually not harsh, but it is more entangled with the temperature, because the environment for its growth and development is about 25 degrees Celsius, which inhibits growth if it is low, and stops growing if it is high. Be sure to keep the temperature above 10 degrees Celsius in winter, or you will be frostbitten.

3. Water demand: water, like other plants, can keep the soil moist, but not too wet, especially causing stagnant water. Less watering in winter, usually 1-2 times a winter.

4, the demand for light: Tiger skin likes the sun, even if the sun is direct, it will not lead to death because of transpiration too fast, but put it in the shade for a long time, and the leaves will turn yellow. So try to get as much light as possible.

5. The demand for construction: Tiger Pilan can grow up in a few months, so at this time, in order to ensure beauty and growth needs. Mainly to build places where the growth is relatively luxuriant. The extent of sunlight exposure during the guarantee period.

6. the need to change the basin: in the second or third year, Hu Pilan needs to change the soil to ensure the normal intake of nutrients during the period.

7. Demand for damage caused by pests: generally speaking, the diseases suffered by tiger tail orchids are leaf spot disease caused by pests or weevil, etc. Some pesticides can be injected properly.

8, the demand for fertilizer tiger skin as long as the soil nutrients can be sufficient, generally do not need to fertilize the soil, but in the basin need to increase the amount of nutrition.

The culture method of tiger skin orchid photo album

Tiger tail orchid, also known as tiger skin orchid, brocade orchid, for the tequila family, tiger tail orchid plants, varieties are Phnom Penh tiger tail orchid, silver vein tiger tail orchid. The underground stem is unbranched, the leaves are clustered, the lower part is cylindrical, the middle and upper parts are flat, the flag leaves are just erect, the plant height is 50 cm to 70 cm, the leaf width is 3 cm to 5 cm, the leaves are entire, and the surface is milky white, yellowish and dark green, showing transverse stripes. Phnom Penh tiger tail orchid leaf margin golden yellow, 1 cm to 1.6 cm wide. Silver vein tiger tail orchid, the surface mask longitudinal silver-white stripes. The family potted plant is well managed, and the leaf height of the whole plant is more than 1.2 meters. Flowers solitary from the rhizome, racemes, flowers pale, light green, 3 to 5 in a bunch, born on the inflorescence axis.


There are more than 60 species of perennial herbs (Sansevieria), which are native to tropical Africa and Asia. Plant height varies from 10 meters to 1 meter. The leaves are fleshy, cylindrical, sword-shaped, widely lanceolate, etc., clustered in the underground rhizome, and there are various forms of speckle changes on the leaf surface. Adult plants can blossom every year, with fragrance, but mainly foliage. This kind of plant is drought-resistant, moisture-resistant, shade-tolerant, can adapt to a variety of harsh environment, suitable for garden beautification or potted plants, and is an advanced indoor plant with flowers.

Cultivation management:

Generally placed in the shade or semi-shade, but also prefer the sun, only when the light is too strong, the leaf color will become dark and white. I like the warm temperature. The suitable temperature is 18-27 ℃, and the growth stops when the temperature is below 13 ℃. The winter temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃ for a long time, otherwise the base of the plant would rot and the whole plant would die.

Watering should be moderate and not too wet. Tiger tail orchid is a desert plant, which can withstand harsh environment and prolonged drought conditions. If the leaves are watered too often, the leaves will turn white and the color of the markings will become lighter. The growth is exuberant from spring to autumn, it should be fully watered. During the dormant period in winter, watering should be controlled, the soil should be kept dry, and watering should be avoided into leaf clusters. When using plastic pots or other decorative flowerpots with poor drainage, avoid stagnant water, so as not to cause decay and fold down the leaves.

Fertilization should not be excessive. In the peak growth period, fertilizer can be applied once or twice a month, and the amount of fertilizer should be less. If only nitrogen fertilizer is applied for a long time, the markings on the leaves will become dim, so compound fertilizer is generally used. You can also bury 3 holes of cooked soybeans evenly in the soil at the edge of the basin, each hole is 7-10 grains, be careful not to come into contact with the root. Fertilization was stopped from November to March of the following year.

Lax requirements on the soil, in a very small soil volume can also grow normally, like loose sandy soil and humus, resistant to drought and barren. The growth is so strong that it does not inhibit its growth even if it is full of pots. Generally, the basin is changed once every two years and carried out in spring. Standard compost can be used when changing the basin.

To breed:

1. Leaf insertion propagation: it can be carried out from May to August. The mature leaves are cut off from the base, cut apart according to 6-10 cm, and inserted into plain sandy soil. The depth is about 3 cm, and then placed under the shade. The temperature was kept at 18-25 ℃ and began to take root in about 20 days. When the young plant grows 2-3 leaves, it can be put on the pot. After Phnom Penh tiger tail orchid survived by leaf insertion, Phnom Penh is often easy to disappear, so it is often propagated by the split method.

2. Ramet propagation: because the underground transverse stolon is often exposed to the soil surface, it is not necessary to take off the basin when ramet, directly cut the rhizome, put forward to plant in the pot, and can survive without fibrous root. When the leaf clusters are packed in the whole basin, they can be removed from the basin, shake off all the soil, cut off the rhizome with one leaf cluster as a unit, plant in the pot separately, and sprout 4-5 new leaf clusters after one year.

Diseases and insect pests:

Leaf spot disease is easy to occur in the case of poor ventilation or high temperature fluctuation. The disease spot oily soft rot is yellowish brown and grayish white in the middle. 50% carbendazim or 800 times thiophanate methyl solution can be sprayed at the initial stage of the disease.