
How much does cinnamon cost per catty?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How much does cinnamon cost per catty?

Cinnamon, also known as cinnamon, cinnamon, cin

How much is cinnamon per jin?

The wholesale price of cinnamon in the market is about 710 yuan per jin. Cinnamon is not only a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, but also a food spice or cooking seasoning. The original plants of commercial cinnamon are more than ten species, all of which belong to Lauraceae, and 8 species are commonly used in various places, among which cinnamon, blunt leaf cinnamon, Yin incense and South China cinnamon are mostly used as regional medicine. various varieties were used as spices in ancient times in the West. It is used in Chinese food to season stew. It is one of the ingredients of five-spice powder and one of the earliest spices used by human beings.

Identification of the advantages and disadvantages of cinnamon

1. High-quality cinnamon: fine meat of high-quality cinnamon is thick, the skin is grayish brown, the section is flat, fuchsia, oily, strong flavor, sweet and slightly pungent, chewing less residue, cool taste heavy.

2. Inferior cinnamon: the inferior cinnamon is dark brown, the texture is loose and crisp, no sound is broken, the aroma is light, the cool taste is thin, if the cross section is jagged, it may be bark impersonation.

The medicinal effect of cinnamon

1. Warming the kidney and strengthening yang: cinnamon has the effect of warming the kidney and strengthening yang. It can be used for cold fear of kidney yang deficiency, cold limbs, cold pain of waist and knees, as well as deficiency asthma and reverse qi of kidney deficiency.

2. Warming and dispelling cold: cinnamon has the effect of warming and dispelling cold. It can be used for epigastric cold pain due to deficiency of spleen and stomach, as well as abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is often used with dried ginger and aconite.

3. Warming menstruation and relieving pain: cinnamon has warm blood circulation, dispelling cold and relieving pain. it can be used for dysmenorrhea and limb pain caused by cold coagulation and qi stagnation.

4. Dredging the blood vessels: cinnamon can clear the blood vessels, which is often used for the patients with long-term disease and weak body, deficiency of qi and less blood, and can also be used for the recovery of puerpera after operation. it can effectively improve the symptoms such as endless lochia, abdominal pain due to stasis and tingling in the heart and abdomen. If it is eaten together with Hawthorn, it can enhance the function of benefiting blood and blood, and has a significant therapeutic effect on dysmenorrhea and menstrual disorders caused by palace cold.

Edible method of cinnamon

1. Cinnamon porridge

[materials] Japonica rice, cinnamon, brown sugar.

[practice] rinse the japonica rice, soak it for half an hour, remove it, drain and set aside. Scrub the cinnamon and break it. Add cold water and cinnamon in the pan, bring to a boil for about 20 minutes, filter out the thick juice. Wash the pot, put in cold water and rice, and boil it over high heat. Then cook over low heat until the porridge is ready. Add cinnamon juice, cook until porridge is ready, then add brown sugar and serve.

2. Mutton and cinnamon soup

[materials] cinnamon, mutton.

[practice] put 6 grams of cinnamon in about 1 jin of stewed mutton, after stewing, no matter eat meat or drink soup, can play the role of warming the stomach, warming the waist and knees, treating abdominal cold and flatulence.

3. Cinnamon powder

[material] Cinnamon.

[method] 3 grams of cinnamon, fine powder, twice a day, warm water to take, can treat flatulence, stomach cold pain. Adding cinnamon powder to the dish can help control blood sugar and cholesterol.

4. Cinnamon brown sugar tea

[materials] Cinnamon, brown sugar, Hawthorn meat.

[method] 3 to 6 grams of cinnamon, 12 grams of brown sugar, water frying to remove dregs, warm service twice, can treat women's postpartum abdominal pain. Before menstruation, use 3 grams of cinnamon, 9 grams of Hawthorn meat, 30 grams of brown sugar, the right amount of water boiling for three to five minutes, two times to take. It can treat abdominal distension and pain when menstruation comes.