
How much is a greyhound?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How much is a greyhound?

Gree is an extremely rare purebred dog, also known as Greyhound, Greyhound, etc., whose shape has not changed since ancient times. It is native to the Middle East. The adult dog is 68cm tall and weighs 27032kg. It is recognized in the modern world that Australian Greyhound is the best. Racing dogs from all countries are selected from Australia. Let's take a look at how much a Gree dog costs!

How much is a greyhound?

The price of Gree dogs is not very high, ranging from hundreds to thousands, and the expensive ones are only about five or six thousand. Generally speaking, the average puppy costs 1500 yuan to 2000 yuan, the adult dog costs about 2000 yuan to 50,000 yuan, the middle breed costs about 5000 yuan, and the high-end breed costs about 12,000 yuan. A well-trained Gree dog once sold for as much as 200000 yuan.

The selection and purchase method of Gree Dog

1. The price of greyhound depends on the color, size and other conditions, the average price must be more than 1000 yuan, we must carefully screen when buying. Many people choose greyhounds to chase their prey and take them out to play, so be sure to pay attention to their running speed and test their speed with their prey. The Gree dog has its own unique characteristics, with slender and straight limbs and obvious hip muscles, which proves that it often runs, and its running ability can be seen from this point.

2. The Gree dog's nose is warped, and the nostrils are very large, the tail is long and drooping, and the ends are curled in a warped shape. Most of them are short-haired and have a slender figure due to running. Has a very keen insight, not to mention the sense of smell and so on, looks very friendly, naturally obedient, it is precisely because of this has won the favor of many people.

The breeding method of Gree Dog

1. The kennel is a necessary place for Gree dogs to live and live, so the structure of the kennel has a direct impact on the health status of Gree dogs. The kennel should be built reasonably according to the breeding scale and local conditions. The building site should be in a place with flat terrain, dry geology, sufficient light, convenient drainage, strong and safe. The kennel and its internal facilities should be inspected and maintained regularly to ensure that the kennel is in good condition.

2. The kennel should be cleaned and kept clean every day. Wash frequently when it is hot in summer to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases. In addition to keeping it clean, the kennel should be disinfected regularly. It needs to be sterilized twice a month in spring, summer and autumn. Before disinfection, pull the Gree dog out of the kennel, prepare the disinfectant according to the instructions, and then evenly spray it on every corner of the kennel. One hour after disinfection, rinse the ground with clean water and bring the Gree back to the kennel after being cool and dry.

3. In order to avoid the occurrence of all kinds of canine diseases, Gree dogs should be programmed to prevent epidemic during their growth. First of all, Gree dogs should be vaccinated, the first vaccination is 30 days old, the second vaccination is 60 days old, the third vaccination is 120 days old, and then vaccinated again at the age of 6 months, each vaccination dose is subject to the drug instructions.

4. Pay attention to check feces and regularly give Gree dogs deworming drugs, such as Ascaris repellent or levamisole, to drive out parasites in the body. All puppies should take Qusanling once 60 days after birth and every 2-3 months thereafter, but once a month or one and a half months in areas with high incidence of parasites. Because of the unique physiological and anatomical nature of Gree dogs, treatment usually requires a veterinarian who is familiar with this breed, especially when anaesthesia is needed.