
How much is the price of winter jujube per jin?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How much is the price of winter jujube per jin?

Winter jujube is an excellent variety of late-ripening fresh food of thorn-free jujube. In recent years, the market is in short supply. The general price is about 515 yuan per jin, and the highest price is 180 yuan per jin. It has very high economic value. Vigorously developing the production of winter jujube can obtain higher economic, ecological and social benefits. Let's take a look at how much the price of winter jujube is.

How much is the winter jujube per jin?

The price of winter jujube varies from year to year, usually about 5 yuan to 15 yuan per jin. The price of winter jujube is determined according to the wholesale market of winter jujube, the price will be a little higher when it is first listed, and then the price will decline with the listing of a large number of winter jujube.

Selection and purchase method of Dongzao jujube

1. Look: normal jujube epidermis has no obvious cyan-red boundary, but saccharin jujube epidermis has a clear cyan-red boundary.

2. Touch: the normal jujube skin is smooth and hard, while the saccharin jujube skin feels sticky and softer than the natural jujube.

3, taste: normal jujube is sweet inside and outside, but saccharin jujube is mostly sweet in the jujube skin, so it will taste bitter.

4. Storage: normal jujube can be kept in a cool and dry place for a few days, while saccharin jujube is destroyed in the process of soaking and is very easy to rot.

Nutritional value of Ziziphus jujuba

1. Winter jujube is rich in vitamin C and vitamin P, as well as vitamin A, vitamin E and potassium, sodium, iron, copper and other trace elements, which is very beneficial to improve capillaries, maintain vascular wall elasticity and anti-atherosclerosis.

2. Winter jujube contains rutin, which is an effective drug for the treatment of hypertension.

3. Cyclic adenosine monophosphate in winter jujube is an important physiologically active substance, which participates in a variety of physiological activities in the human body and can regulate the immune system. It can enhance myocardial contractility, protect coronary artery, reduce cholesterol and inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells.

4. Dongzao jujube is rich in sugars, vitamin C and cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which can reduce the damage of various chemical drugs to the liver, promote the synthesis of protein in the liver, increase the content of serum albumin, and adjust the ratio of albumin to globulin. reduce the level of serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase.

Edible taboos of Dongzao jujube

1. Eating winter jujube on an empty stomach may lead to stomach stones

2. Winter jujube should not be eaten with animal liver at the same time.

3. Dongzao should not be eaten with vitamins at the same time.

4. Winter jujube should not be eaten with cucumbers or radishes.

5. Winter jujube had better not be boiled in water.

6. Don't eat high-protein food immediately after eating winter jujube.

7. when taking antipyretic drugs, it is taboo to eat winter jujube.

8. Winter jujube should not be eaten when taking bitter stomach medicine and anti-wind medicine.