
How much is a turtledove?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How much is a turtledove?

Turtledoves belong to European and North African birds of the genus Pigeonidae, with a light reddish brown body, blue-gray heads and white tails, foraging on the ground and eating a large number of small seeds and earthworms. The common species in China are fire turtledoves, bead-necked turtledoves, mountain turtledoves and artificially bred white turtledoves. Let's take a look at how much each turtledove costs.

How much is a turtledove?

There are many kinds of turtledoves and their prices vary. Apart from rare varieties such as green doves and royal doves, there are common wild turtledoves such as mountain turtledoves and beaded-necked turtledoves ranging from ten yuan to dozens of yuan, most of which are illegally hunted and sold illegally. Artificially farmed white turtledoves that is often said magic pigeons will be more expensive, generally more than 100 yuan, trained magic pigeon sellers to hundreds of thousands of also have, artificial breeding hybrid turtledoves to see the specific color and appearance, the rare price is not cheap.

Does turtledove protect animals?

Wild turtledoves are generally protected animals and are not allowed to be sold. Wild turtledoves are three protected animals, that is, terrestrial wild animals protected by the state or of important economic and scientific research value. the protected turtledoves are European turtledoves, mountain turtledoves, gray turtledoves, bead-necked turtledoves, brown turtledoves, fire turtledoves and so on.

Is it against the law to beat turtledoves?

It is against the law to beat turtledoves. Turtledoves are protected wild animals, more than a certain number will be sentenced, now the state is very strict with the hunting and killing of wild animals. According to the law, hunting wild animals with prohibited tools and methods, the number of which reaches more than 20 is illegal hunting.

Where are the turtledoves distributed?

Turtledoves are widely distributed in the temperate and tropical regions of the Old World. There are about 15 species of New World wild populations in California and Florida, distributed in Africa, Europe and Asia. There are 5 or 6 species in China, almost all over the provinces and regions. Turtledoves live in the forest areas of mountains, foothills or plains, mainly in the forest edge, cultivated land and its vicinity. The nest is built on a tree, generally 3-7 meters above the ground, made of branches, with a simple structure, a flat disk-shaped nest, and 2 eggs per nest.