
How much is a Limousin cow?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How much is a Limousin cow?

Limousin cattle is native to Limousin Plateau in central France. It has the characteristics of large physique, fast growth, more muscle and less fat. It grows fast in the early stage, and is famous for its high meat production performance and lean carcass. It is an excellent male parent in crossbreeding or improving local breeds. It has long been favored by breeders. Let's take a look at how much Limousin cattle cost.

How much is a Limousin cow?

Limuzan calf is very popular on the market in recent years, the general variety is about 3000 yuan, and the fine variety is about 4000 yuan.

Production performance of Limousin cattle

Limousin cattle has high meat production performance, good body quality, large eye muscle area, plump anterior and posterior limb muscles and high meat yield, so it is very competitive in the beef cattle market. Under the condition of intensive feeding, calves grow quickly after weaning, with a body weight of 408 kg at 10 months and 480 kg at 12 months. The average daily gain during lactation is 0.86-1.3 kg. 8-month-old calves can produce marbled beef.

Breeding experience of Limousin cattle

1. Experience in buying cattle: if you go to the market to buy cattle, you should first choose cattle with big mouth, big nostrils, eyes, long body, thick legs and strong tail. Such cattle eat well and are healthy and disease-free. In addition, but also combined with fur and buttocks, requiring light and elastic skin, buttocks of fur and soft, grab a handful, such cattle gain more weight, fattening fast, high economic benefits.

2. Feeding experience: it must be raised by special people in order to grasp the feeding situation of cattle and observe the occurrence of abnormal phenomena, which is beneficial to take measures as soon as possible. Two fixed feeding time, generally 5: 00 in the morning, 10:00, 5: 00 in the afternoon, three times on the trough, it is best to replenish the tank at night, each time before feeding a small amount of hay, and then mix the material, 2 hours later drinking water, summer can add some salt to prevent dehydration. Three fixed feed quantity, can not suddenly more or less, the third look is: look at the eating condition, look at the feces, master whether the digestion is good, look at rumination.

3. Management experience: first, after feeding the cattle in summer, the cattle should be tied in the shade of ventilated trees, or under the shade or Arbor to prevent heatstroke, and in winter they should be tied to the leeward and sunny place, and the cowshed should take warm measures. Second, we should often brush the cow body, which can promote blood circulation and gain more fat. Third, tie the cow rope to be short, reduce the amount of exercise, it is best to tie a cow, in order to gain weight and fattening.

4. Feed collocation: the main forage grass of Limousin cattle in corn-rich areas can be corn straw, non-corn producing areas, measures should be taken according to local conditions. The principle is that the finer the grass is, the better. The fine grass cattle like to eat, easy to digest and save feed. The quantity and variety proportion of concentrate feed should be properly controlled according to the time. The newly purchased Limousin cattle are generally fed little or no concentrate for a long time. If the concentrate is suddenly fed too much, the cattle are prone to indigestion and slow to gain weight. Therefore, the daily feed intake of newly bought cattle is generally 1.5 to 2 kilograms of concentrate. The proportion of all kinds of ingredients is: 30% of corn flour, 60% of wheat bran, 10% of bean cake noodles, 1: 2 yuan of salt, mixed with hydration. The concentrate was added gradually after 10 days, and the amount of concentrate was increased to 57kg per cow diet in the first half of the month. The feed ratio in winter and spring can be adjusted appropriately.