
How much is the price of Anxi Tieguanyin Tea?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How much is the price of Anxi Tieguanyin Tea?

Tieguanyin is one of the top ten famous teas in China, a traditional tea of the Han nationality, belonging to semi-fermented tea, with a variety of nutrients and medicinal ingredients. It has the functions of anti-aging, anti-arteriosclerosis, prevention and treatment of diabetes, weight loss and bodybuilding, prevention and treatment of dental caries, clearing heat and reducing fire, anti-smoke and sober up, etc., originally produced in Xiping Town, Anxi County, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province. let's take a look at Anxi Tieguanyin Tea's price.

How much is the price of Anxi Tieguanyin Tea?

The price of Anxi Tieguanyin Tea is determined by many factors, such as the season, the quality of tea and the areas where Tieguanyin is produced, ranging from tens of thousands to thousands of yuan per jin. The price of Xihuangming tea, Anxi Tieguanyin, Taianxi Tieguanyin, Baiyan tea and Tianfu tea is about 65,185, 428,900, 1453,680 and 349,900 yuan respectively.

Anxi Tieguanyin Tea's Identification of Truth and falsehood

1. Look at the shape: the main purpose of looking at the shape is to observe Tieguanyin's shape, color, evenness and smell the aroma of tea rice. Where the shape is fat, heavy and solid, the color is sand green, and the aroma of dry tea (tea rice) is pure, that is, Guanyin is obviously high-grade tea, on the contrary, it is inferior tea.

2. Smell the aroma: first smell whether the aroma is prominent, and then distinguish the aroma from high or low, length, strength, dull and turbid. When smelling the fragrance, the combination of hot smell, warm smell and cold smell is adopted. Those with outstanding aroma, high aroma and long fragrance are all top grade, and vice versa.

3. Taste: scoop an appropriate amount of tea soup entrance with a teaspoon (not too much), suck and roll through the tongue in the mouth, so that the taste cells in all parts of the mouth make a comprehensive taste sensation. Where the taste is mellow, mellow and cool, thick but not astringent, rich in variety "flavor" characteristics are high-grade, otherwise inferior.

4. Look at the color of the soup: look at the color of the tea soup, such as light, light, clear and turbid, etc., where the color of the soup is orange, yellow and bright (referred to as mung bean soup) is the top grade, and the dark one is the inferior product.

5, the bottom of the leaf: the tea brewed in boiling water is poured into a plate filled with clear water, and the bottom of the leaf is observed. The softness, yellow light and "green belly red edge" of the bottom of the leaf are obviously top grade, and vice versa.

What kind of fragrance does Anxi Tieguanyin Tea have?

1. Positive flavor type: the positive flavor type is divided into green and stir-fried, the green practice is to start to make tea the next morning after picking green, while the stir-frying practice is to stir-fry green before 12:00 on the second day after picking green. The tea is dark and green in color, elegant in aroma and mellow in taste, but slightly astringent. In addition, the rhyme is obvious, the degree of sweetness is good, and the golden color of soup is the most prominent feature of Tieguanyin.

2. Sour fragrance type: sour aroma type can be subdivided into two methods: Huiqing and unbluing according to the different time of production. Huiqing is usually fried at about 5pm the next day after picking green, and the method is generally fried at about 10:00 the second night after picking green. The tea is dark green in color and fragrance, with pure rhyme, sweet and sour taste, soup color or dark golden yellow.

3. Rhyme type: the rhyme type Tieguanyin is between fragrance and strong fragrance, which is bright and moist without losing the mellowness of Luzhou-fragrant type. Tea has abundant fermentation, traditional positive flavor, with the taste of "thick, rhyme, moist and special", high aroma, good taste, full flavor, clear soup color and green in yellow, such as the early autumn in the south of the Yangtze River, which is luxurious and rich, and has been favored by the majority of consumers for a long time.

4. Luzhou-scented Tieguanyin has the functions of warming stomach, lowering blood pressure, blood lipid and weight loss mentioned in medicine. it is very suitable for friends who socialize more, diet structure is unreasonable, gastrointestinal ailments, blood lipids and blood pressure are high, and they feel fat and fat to drink. After a long time to become old tea, after re-baking, charcoal baking and other deep processing procedures, taste, health care effect is more significant.

5. Chen fragrant type: Chen fragrant Tieguanyin is an extension of Luzhou-scented Tieguanyin. The raw materials are all selected from the high-quality Tieguanyin products processed by traditional production technology over the years. The products have the mellow rhyme of Luzhou-scented Tieguanyin and have the advantages of unique Chen fragrance.