
How much is the honeysuckle?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How much is the honeysuckle?

Honeysuckle is a perennial semi-evergreen twining and stoloniferous shrub belonging to honeysuckle family. It has been praised as a good medicine for clearing heat and detoxifying since ancient times. It can not only disperse wind-heat, but also clear blood poison. It is distributed in all provinces of our country. The planting area is mainly concentrated in Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei, Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangdong and other places. Let's take a look at how much honeysuckle costs!

How much does honeysuckle cost?

Honeysuckle has a wide range of medicinal value and health uses, thus bringing unlimited business opportunities to merchants. It is understood that the price of honeysuckle in each region is different. The price of honeysuckle in southern agricultural products trading area is about 54 yuan/kg, the price of honeysuckle in Beichuan area is 132 yuan/kg, the price of honeysuckle in Pingyi, Shandong moves slowly, about 100 yuan per kg, and the highest price of honeysuckle in Fengqiu, Henan Province is 120 yuan/kg, and the lowest is 75 yuan/kg.

How to drink honeysuckle in water

1, honeysuckle tea: honeysuckle 20 grams, decocted tea or tea drink, treatment of sore throat and prevention of upper respiratory tract infection.

2, three flower tea: honeysuckle, chrysanthemum each 10 grams, jasmine 3 grams, add boiling water to make tea to drink. It can clear away heat and detoxify, treat headache, thirst and sore throat. This tea is decocted and washed externally. It can also treat dermatitis.

3. Three-flower sea tea: 4 grams of chrysanthemum, 3 grams of honeysuckle, 3 grams of camellia, 3 capsules of scaphium frutescens, 10 grams of rock sugar, brewing in boiling water for 5 minutes, drinking, 1 dose a day, drinking continuously for 3 days, can clear away heat and detoxify, relieve throat and moisten throat, mainly treating influenza, dry and itchy throat and pain.

4, honeysuckle mint tea: honeysuckle, mint each 10 grams, brewed with boiling water, covered for 15 minutes, add appropriate amount of honey can drink. Summer used to clear heat, remove prickly heat.

5. Golden Flower Liquoric Tea: 15 grams of honeysuckle, 3 grams of raw licorice, boiled water for tea drinking, summer used for heatstroke prevention, cooling and quenching thirst. This tea decocted water gargle, can also treat pharyngitis and mouth ulcers.

6, honeysuckle rhubarb tea: honeysuckle 10 grams, rhubarb 3 grams, together with tea drinking, and a proper amount of honey seasoning, has the effect of clearing heat and purging water, moistening intestines and laxative, used to treat habitual constipation.

7, honeysuckle drink: honeysuckle, hawthorn amount, boiling water brewing, tea drink. For appetizing, digestion.

The efficacy and function of honeysuckle

[Nature] Cold in nature, sweet in taste.

[Meridians] Lung, heart and stomach meridians.

[Efficacy] Clear heat and detoxify, anti-inflammatory, tonify deficiency and treat wind. It is mainly used for abdominal distension, fever, heat toxin carbuncle and tumor.

1. Anti-microbial: Honeysuckle has certain inhibitory effect on a variety of pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus hemolyticus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus dysentery, Vibrio cholerae, Salmonella typhi, Bacillus paratyphi, etc., has antibacterial and bactericidal effect on pneumococcus, Diplococcus meningitidis, Bacillus aeruginosa, Bacillus tuberculosis, Shigella dysentery, Streptococcus mutans, etc., and has inhibitory effect on influenza virus, orphan virus, herpes virus and Leptospira.

2, anti-inflammatory detoxification: honeysuckle on carbuncle swelling furuncle, intestinal carbuncle lung carbuncle has a strong role in dispersing carbuncle swelling, clearing heat and detoxification.

3. Dissipating heat and dispersing evil: Honeysuckle has certain effects on exogenous wind-heat or initial onset of warm disease, headache due to body heat, restlessness, dizziness, red tongue, dry throat and mouth, etc.

4. Cooling blood and stopping diarrhea: Honeysuckle has the effect of detoxifying, stopping diarrhea, cooling blood and benefiting throat for heat-toxic dysentery, diarrhea purulent blood, damp and warm throat, sore throat, etc.

Notes on the use of honeysuckle

1. Avoid taking too much: honeysuckle is cold in nature. Taking too much can easily lead to discomfort in the stomach of the body. In order to improve the efficacy of honeysuckle on the body, some people take honeysuckle in large quantities at one time, which has no benefits but disadvantages for the body.

Menstruation is the most special period of time for all women. At this stage, women must take good care of themselves, eat less or contact less cold, rich foods or objects. Honeysuckle is cold, so it is best not to take it during menstruation to avoid adverse effects on the body.

3, spleen and stomach deficiency cold caution: honeysuckle belongs to cold, so if the original patient's body is a deficiency cold constitution, and easy to be weak and sick, then taking honeysuckle soaked in water not only can not recuperate and health care body, but will increase the burden that the spleen and stomach need to bear, which is very unfavorable for health.

4, take season choice: not all seasons are suitable for taking honeysuckle, experts suggest that if you want to make the body get the best health care, then the best time to take honeysuckle is in summer. Due to the hot weather in summer, the body is prone to heatstroke and thirst. Taking honeysuckle at this time can play a good role in promoting salivation and quenching thirst as well as clearing away heat and detoxification.

5. Take it carefully overnight: honeysuckle soaking water and daily tea making are actually the same reason. It can be brewed two or three times, and it is best not to take it overnight to avoid affecting your health after deterioration.