
How much is the price of Luo Han Song?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How much is the price of Luo Han Song?

Although Podocarpus is native to China, the number of large-scale Podocarpus greening seedlings is also extremely limited, the number is far from meeting the needs of courtyard greening and high-grade residential landscape, especially the large-scale beautiful Podocarpus is a tree difficult to find, the market DBH of more than 10 cm engineering seedlings mainly rely on imports, below we will take a look at the price of Podocarpus how much it!

How much does podocarpus cost?

.stabs td{text-align:left; text-indent:0.5em} Category Rice diameter (cm) Crown width (cm) Price (yuan/plant) Category Rice diameter (cm) Crown width (cm) Price (yuan/plant) Podocarpus 1205 Podocarpus 35050 Podocarpus 5100200 Podocarpus 6200300 Podocarpus 8300700 Podocarpus 103501200 Podocarpus 124001500 Podocarpus 154502000 Podocarpus 185006000 Podocarpus 206006500 Podocarpus 226507000 Podocarpus 256008000 Podocarpus 287001000 Podocarpus 3080012000

Podocarpus is a relatively expensive species in landscaping, especially the price of large-sized Podocarpus in the past two years is gradually higher, but there are many factors that determine the price of Podocarpus, please be sure to purchase the actual situation.

Cultivation Value of Podocarpus

1, viewing: Podocarpus elegant and upright charm, its own vigorous proud momentum, coupled with Chinese culture "longevity","good fortune" and other meanings, the pursuit of high-grade courtyard beautification owners often like to plant one or two Podocarpus, in order to create their own "garden-style story" added to the magic pen.

2. Wood: Podocarpus generally has good hardness, high toughness, dense material, moisture resistance, corrosion resistance, and is not easily attacked by pests. It is a good wood for buildings and appliances. It can be used as furniture, utensils, stationery and agricultural tools. It can also be used as raw materials for large-scale wood carving crafts.

3, medicinal: Podocarpus fruit treatment lung cough. Podocarpus root skin has the effect of activating blood circulation, relieving pain and killing insects. External use of traumatic injury, scabies and other diseases. Podocarpus leaves have hemostatic effect, used for hemoptysis, vomiting blood and other diseases. Podocarpus seed, receptacle has qi, Buzhong, kidney, benefit lung effect, for heart and stomach pain, blood deficiency complexion chlorosis and other diseases.

4, bonsai: Podocarpus is a small tree or shrub, leaves short and dense, branches and leaves whirling, Canggu Jiao Jian, posture moving, growth season germination of new shoots, its tender green leaves dotted in the thick green leaves, quite beautiful, is a kind of first-class bonsai production materials, especially for the production of miniature pot shadow is the preferred object.

Cultivation Techniques of Podocarpus

1. Soil: Podocarpus cultivation requires slightly acidic culture soil rich in humus, loose and fertile, and good drainage. In alkaline soil, leaves are yellowed, growth is slow, and life is long, up to several hundred years old, or even more than one thousand years old.

2. Watering: Podocarpus is not a pine plant and is not resistant to drought. On the contrary, Podocarpus is resistant to humidity, and it is necessary to pay attention to regular watering during the growth period, but it is not suitable for waterlogging. Shunde area in summer sunny days to pay attention to regular watering, generally in the morning and evening watering once, in addition to regular spraying foliar water, so that the leaves are bright green, good growth. Summer rain is usually more, Podocarpus is not tolerant of waterlogging, pay attention to prevent long-term ponding.

3, sunshine: Podocarpus is a neutral shade tree species, can accept strong light, but also can grow in a shady environment. Although the summer temperature is higher and the sunlight is strong, it is not necessary to shade the Podocarpus tree in summer because the Podocarpus tree is conducive to maintaining the tree shape under the condition of high temperature and strong light. Podocarpus seedlings due to tissue tender, not for a long time strong light exposure, it is recommended that the best in the shade of conservation.

4. Temperature: Podocarpus podocarpus is suitable for potted plants in the northern region. When the outdoor temperature is stable at about 10℃, it will be out of the room and maintained in the sunny place outside. After summer, it will be moved to the semi-shady place. Winter temperature does not drop to 5℃ should enter the room, after entering the room control watering, in the condition of no ice can safely winter.

5, fertilization: Podocarpus like fertilizer, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, fertilizer to nitrogen-based, can add appropriate amount of black alum, retting made alum fertilizer water. Fertilization can be applied once every 1~2 months during the growth period, and fertilization can be combined with watering at the same time (water and fertilizer ratio is 9:1).

6, pests: Podocarpus mainly have leaf spot disease and anthracnose damage, with 50% methyl thiophane wettable powder 500 times spray. Insect pests are scale insects, red spiders and large moth harm, available 40% omethoate EC 1500 times spray kill.