
How much is the price of Bahraini chicken blood stone?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How much is the price of Bahraini chicken blood stone?

Bahrain chicken blood stone is produced in the right Banner of Bahrain, Inner Mongolia. It is fine and moist, transparent and hard, mainly frozen land, without "sand nails", and is known as "North Land". Most of the blood is pig blood and has blood and yellow flesh, which is famous for its spirituality and changeability. it is mainly frozen, and red can be divided into piece red, stripe red, spot red, group red and so on. Let's take a look at the price of Bahrain chicken blood stone.

How much is the price of Bahraini chicken blood stone?

The price of Bahraini chicken blood stone depends entirely on its texture and block weight. Although the total body price of Bahrain chicken blood stone is not as good as that of Changhua chicken blood stone, the top one is also of great value. the quality is determined by the richness of blood color, the amount of blood, the state of blood form, aggregation, thickness, etc., those with blood volume less than 10% are general, those with blood volume less than 30% are mid-range, those greater than 50% are treasures, and those over 70% are very precious and rare, called "Dahongpao". Whole blood or six-sided blood is the best, and now the price of the top texture can reach hundreds or even thousands of yuan per gram.

Identification method of Bahraini chicken blood stone

1, the hardness of Bahrain chicken blood stone is very high, general metal utensils can not be moved, this is and most of the artificial synthetic or dyed fake Bahrain chicken blood stone on the market can not be impersonated, the stone texture is more fine and moist, there is a sense of jade muscle, opaque, a small amount of micro-transparency, it is easier for people to accept, blood is generally in the sun to see the feeling of mobility, like the feeling of running water and white clouds, the breath of life, very smart.

2. As the name implies, the chicken blood stone is related to chickens. The wisdom of our old ancestors is absolutely profound. It is named chicken blood stone, which is blood like chicken blood, and the body will have yellow blocks or white spots like chicken or chicken bones, egg yolk or egg white. It is something like Tianhuang. This is an important feature to distinguish the true and false Bahraini chicken blood stone. This is also what counterfeiters cannot make with the current level of science and technology!

3. Bahrain chicken blood stone itself has many varieties, it is difficult to find the same, its composition is complex, and the country cannot produce a standard, so it cannot be detected with instruments, and the distinction between true and false depends entirely on experience, which provides an opportunity for boundless so-called experts and businessmen. call what is true to be false and call it true to earn high profits, so collectors must open their eyes and see more and learn less. Because it is stone itself, the blood color is not very bright, it must be dazzling after being wet or rubbed with oil, which is also the key point of distinguishing between true and false chicken blood stone, and the false one will not change!

Identification of imitation products of Bahraini chicken blood stone

1. False blood chicken blood stone: false blood chicken blood stone is mainly made of natural Chang fossils and Bahraini stones with poor texture and dyed bright red. Organic dyes or printing oils are filled in the cracks and after drying, a layer of protective resin is applied. Most of the false blood is unnatural, the blood color is single, and the appearance is crystal clear and shining under the sun or light, this is because the false blood contains glue fat, the blood shape, size and shape of the false blood are relatively consistent, and the blood form of the real blood is natural and smooth.

2. Cinnabar jade: cinnabar jade is veined quartz containing cinnabar, because its main body is quartz, and the distribution of cinnabar is mainly star-shaped and filamentous, which can be easily distinguished from chicken blood stone.

3. Blood chalcedony: the hardness of blood chalcedony is obviously higher than that of chicken blood stone, in which blood red is often spotted, which is obviously different from that of lumps and bands in chicken blood stone, and other physical characteristics are also obviously different.

4. Shoushan Stone: the peach blossom jelly in Shoushan stone is named because it is scattered with bright red blood spots the size of rice grains, just like countless pieces of beautiful peach petals floating in sorrowful water, but its distribution characteristics are obviously different from those of chicken blood stone.

5. Dyed Jade: dyed Jade is commonly known as "Blood Jade". It is often used to imitate chicken blood stone on the market, but it obviously has dyeing characteristics, and its physical properties are obviously different, so it is easy to identify.

6. Splicing stone: there are generally two kinds of splicing chicken blood stone and mosaic chicken blood stone. Identification, as long as serious, it is not difficult to find traces of flattening.

7. Artificial stone: generally, it takes slightly opaque plastic as "ground", uses cinnabar powder or red organic pigment as "blood", and smears a layer of protective resin on it, commonly known as "craft chicken blood stone". Identification is mainly based on its "ground" characteristics, and detected with hot needles and with the help of chemical reagents.