
The market price of the five-step snake

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The market price of the five-step snake

The five-step snake is a kind of precious medicine, and its branches are relatively narrow all over the world. It seems that there are only five-step snakes in southern China and some parts of Vietnam bordering China. Other countries have not heard of the five-step snake, and the market price is also high. Let's take a look at the market price of the five-step snake.

The market price of the five-step snake

The market price of five-step snake is generally about 300 yuan, and 350 yuan per jin is more common. Snake wine prepared by five-step snake is more popular, and it is also widely used at present, second only to the use of dried snake in medicine. Of course, it is OK to cook all kinds of delicious recipes with five-step snakes, but many people are afraid of poisonous snakes and dare not eat them. It is also southerners who eat the most five-step snakes. Having said that, the average working class is also reluctant to eat. Restaurants cost at least 400 yuan per jin, which is a high-end consumer recipe.

The efficacy and function of the five-step snake

Taste sweet, salty, warm and poisonous.

Liver Meridian.

[efficacy] dispel wind, dredge collaterals, stop spasm, for rheumatism stubborn arthralgia, numbness, convulsion, hemiplegia, convulsion spasm, tetanus, leprosy scabies and other diseases.

[usage] 3 to 9 grams, swallowed at the end of the study, 1 to 1.5 grams at a time, 2 times a day.

1, stroke injury wine, hemiplegia, oblique mouth, limb numbness, leprosy, ringworm, skin itching: 1 snake in five steps, 60 grams of Notopterygium, 60 grams of Angelica sinensis, 60 grams of Gastrodia elata, 60 grams of Gentiana macrophylla, 60 grams of Acanthopanax senticosus, 30 grams of Fangfeng, 30 grams of Radix angelicae Dahuricae, 30 grams of Radix angelicae dahuricae, 20 grams of cohosh, 20 grams of Radix Paeoniae rubra, 2000 grams of liquor, soaking for 2 weeks, twice a day, 10 milliliters each time.

2. Tetanus and infantile acute and slow shock: 3 grams of five-step snake, 3 grams of black snakes, 1 centipede, 0.9 grams each time.

3, aphthous ulcer: five-step snake dry research end, take 1 / 2 times a day, each time take 5 / 10 grams, milk adjustment.

4. The recovery period of poliomyelitis: five-step snake dried research end, sake service, 2 times a day, 5 grams each time.

The efficacy and function of Wubu Snake Wine

1. To cure the stubborn diseases of the wind: the traditional Chinese medicine Yushe is willing to be urgent, and salt temperature enters the blood collaterals. it has the functions of dispelling wind and dredging collaterals, relieving spasm, and "searching through the bones and searching the wind". It is an important medicine for the treatment of stubborn diseases of the wind.

2, the treatment of rheumatic paralysis: five-step snake medicine, can be used to treat rheumatic paralysis, muscles and veins, mouth and eyes askew, half-body and leprosy, scabies and other diseases.

3. Treatment of tetanus: traditional Chinese medicine can dispel wind and stop spasm. To treat tetanus and children with acute and slow shock, the five-step snake is often matched with black snakes and centipedes, such as doomed powder.

4. Reducing blood lipids: Agkistrodon acutus venom has the effects of anticoagulation and antithrombosis, removing fibrinogen, reducing blood viscosity, dilating blood vessels, improving microcirculation and reducing blood lipids.

5. treatment of cervical spondylosis: five-step snake wine can relieve sciatica, hyperosteogeny, cervical spondylosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, fall injury and other symptoms.