
Market price of banyan bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Market price of banyan bonsai

The banyan tree is a big tree of the genus Ficus of Moraceae, which grows in tropical and subtropical areas. the bonsai made with banyan tree has the unique characteristics of air root beauty, root vine beauty, branch beauty, skin color beauty, leaf beauty and root beauty. It is famous for its "single tree into a forest". It has a high ornamental value and is deeply loved by everyone. Let's take a look at the market price of banyan bonsai.

Price of banyan bonsai

There are usually two kinds of banyan bonsai: air root banyan bonsai and ginseng banyan bonsai. The flower market is generally sold in large quantities, and the market price is about 200 yuan, 300 yuan, depending on the size, strangeness and aesthetic value of the bonsai. The better price will be higher, but less than 1000 yuan.

Aerial root banyan bonsai

1. Small basin: about 50 centimeters high and 100 centimeters wide. Because the bonsai is small, easy to handle and covers a small area, it can be arranged in courtyards, halls, terraces and corridors for viewing and moving at any time. It is the most sought-after collection of banyan bonsai lovers, collectors and high-end hotels and museums.

2. The middle basin: about 100cm in height and 150cm in width. Because the bonsai is not large, it is relatively convenient to carry. It can be arranged at the gate of the unit, courtyard, hall, terrace and corridor for viewing at any time. It can also be arranged in residential areas, squares, parks and various open spaces and places for public activities to beautify the environment.

3. Big basin: height, width more than 150 cm, can be arranged in the main entrance of the unit, courtyard, garden as the main scene, can be arranged in residential areas, squares, parks and various open spaces and public activity places to beautify the environment, instead of landing banyan landscape.

Ginseng and banyan bonsai

1. Small basin: 20 cm high and 15 cm wide, suitable for windowsill and case furnishings.

2. Medium basin: 30 cm high and 20 cm wide, suitable for balcony, courtyard, hall, balcony and corridor furnishings.

3. Large basin: more than 50 cm high and 40 cm wide, suitable for balcony, courtyard, hall, terrace and corridor furnishings.

Conservation of banyan bonsai

1. Humidity: improper moisture does great harm to banyan bonsai. When you feel the basin soil with your hands, you should adopt the principle of "seeing dry and wet". Don't water it often, it must be thoroughly watered. Too much watering will cause the root system to rot and cause its leaves to fall. It is difficult to maintain in the north, so families should spray more foliar water to increase the humidity around their air.

2. Temperature: the suitable growth temperature of banyan bonsai should not be too large day and night, and it is easy to die of fallen leaves (difference of 10 degrees). At ordinary times, we should pay attention to the place where the light is transparent, and pay attention to the appropriate shade in summer.

3. Cultivate soil: use loose, water-permeable rotten leaf soil, the usual ratio is garden soil: rotten soil: sand (2:2:1). It is best to place moss with the same size as the basin above the bonsai, which is beautiful on the one hand and plays a good role in drainage and ventilation on the other.

4. Fertilization: the growth of banyan bonsai likes fertilizer, but more times of fertilization will cause harm to the growth of banyan bonsai. The amount of fertilizer varies from season to season.

5. Pruning: the plant should be coring and sprouting in the peak growing season, and a large pruning should be carried out in autumn, and then no pruning, because the plant grows slowly in winter and is not suitable for pruning in winter. The pruning of banyan bonsai should be done by special people, cutting off only long branches, parallel branches, diseased and weak branches, cross branches and so on to produce hierarchical beauty as a whole.