
How much is a Brazilian turtle?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How much is a Brazilian turtle?

Brazilian turtles are known as Brazilian red-eared turtles, also known as red-eared turtles, lovable turtles, beautiful brocade turtles, red-eared tortoises, mahjong turtles, colorful turtles, etc., but live in the Mississippi and Rio Grande basins in North America. Now it has been raised or watched by many families as pets. Let's take a look at how much a Brazilian tortoise costs.

How much is a Brazilian turtle?

Brazilian turtles are the most common and easy to raise turtles. Generally speaking, a tortoise of about 6.7 centimeters will not exceed 10 yuan anywhere, but because it is common, many of them are born by growth agents, so the quality is not very good. Adult commodity turtles are about 20 yuan per catty. Adult pet turtles 15 to 50 yuan each.

The selection and purchase method of Brazilian tortoise

1. See if it is lively: hold the Brazilian tortoise in your hand to see if you can stretch your head and limbs. Active turtles are generally very bold. Bold turtles eat quickly and have a strong ability to adapt to the environment, and then see if their limbs have strength. Needless to say, there must be something wrong with people without strength.

2. Look at the turtle's eyes, nails and tail: the eyes are bright and vivid, the fingernails are complete and without severed nails, and there is no severed tail. Of course, the complete match is Brazil. Be careful not to choose the eyes that turn white and red. Unless you have full confidence to cure it, some broken nails will grow out, so don't worry too much about this.

3, look at the nose and toenail: whether the nose is smooth, whether there is snot, whether the toenail is hard, soft lying is definitely a problem for turtles.

4. Look at the state after launching: see if you can sink to the bottom. If you can sink to the bottom, you will see if there are any side floats and floats. If you have this phenomenon, you will have diseases such as pneumonia.

How do Brazilian turtles distinguish between male and female

1. Juvenile Brazilian turtles: for common turtles, whether water turtles or tortoises, the sex of their young turtles can usually be identified by the following gender characteristics.

① female tortoise: the dorsal armour is short and wide, the ventral nail is flat and central without depression, the tail is thin and short, the tail base is thin, the cloacal foramen is close to the posterior edge of the ventral nail, the two anal shields of the ventral nail are shallower and the notch angle is larger.

② male tortoise: the dorsal armour is long and narrow, the center of the ventral nail is slightly sunken, the tail is thick and long, the tail base is thick, the cloacal foramen is far from the posterior edge of the ventral nail, the two anal shields of the ventral nail form a deeper engraving and a smaller angle.

2. Adult Brazilian tortoise: the abdominal nail of the tortoise is facing up, the thumb of the left hand and the second middle finger of the index finger retract the forelimb and head of the tortoise into the shell, and the right hand straightens the tail of the tortoise. If there is a black penis protruding from the cloacal hole of the tortoise, it is male, and if the cloacal hole of the tortoise excretes bubbles or dilute mucus, it is female.

The position of the ① male turtle is close to the tail end, and the hole is long. The position of the female turtle is close to the ventral armour and the hole is round.

The thickness of the tail of ② is thicker in males and thinner in females.

Whether the ③ An is sunken, the male tortoise has an obvious depression, and the female tortoise is flat.

④ noticed that the male turtle turned black when it matured, while the female turtle was still brown.

The pattern on the abdomen of the ⑤ male turtle is sparse, while that of the female turtle is dense.

⑥ males weigh no more than 500g and have longer claws on their limbs, while females weigh up to 1000-2000 grams, but their fingernails are shorter than those of male turtles.