
The market price of eel

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The market price of eel

Eel is also known as eel, eel, river eel, eel, eel and eel.

The market price of eel

The market price of imported eel is about 40-45 yuan per jin, while the price of wild eel is much more expensive, about more than 100 yuan per jin.

The selection and purchase method of eel

Generally speaking, live eels of good quality must have the conditions of soft and bluish blue fish, containing moderate fat, odorless, delicious taste, and suitable for durable livestock breeding. We must pay attention to them when buying them.

Nutritional value of eel

1. Eel is rich in vitamin An and vitamin E, which is 60 times and 9 times higher than that of ordinary fish, among which vitamin An is 100 times that of beef and 300 times that of pork. Rich in vitamin A, vitamin E, to prevent vision degradation, protect the liver, restore energy is of great benefit, other vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2 content is also very rich.

2. Eel meat is rich in high-quality protein and a variety of essential amino acids, in which phospholipids are indispensable nutrients for brain cells. in addition, eels also contain DHA and EPA, commonly known as "brain gold", which are higher than other seafood and meat.

3. Eel also contains a lot of calcium, skin and meat are rich in collagen.

4. The eel contains a very rare Xihe Locke protein, which has a good effect of strengthening essence and kidney, and is a health food for young couples, middle-aged and old people.

Common practices of eels

1. Braised eel in brown sauce

[materials] 600 grams of sea eel, 50 grams of salted shiitake mushrooms, onions, red peppers, refined salt, soy sauce, Shao wine, sugar, vinegar, salad oil.

[practice] ① sea eel is washed, cut into cubes, Lentinus edodes sliced, spring onions sliced, red pepper diced. Heat the ② oil until 60% hot, slide the eel into the sea, drain the oil in a leaky spoon, put the remaining oil in the pan and put on the hot fire, put in the green onion and red pepper, stir out the flavor, add salt, soy sauce, Shaojiu, white sugar, Moray eel and a small amount of water, bring to a boil, turn to medium heat and cook for 5 minutes. When the juice is concentrated, sprinkle with vinegar and serve.

2. Steamed eel

[materials] 500g live eel, mushroom, fat meat slices, sea rice, onion slices, ginger slices, vinegar, pepper noodles, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, refined salt and white sugar.

[practice] ① slaughtered the live fish and cut the fish into 5cm long segments, but the bottom surface was slightly connected and not completely cut off. ② put the eel on a plate, put in the seasoning, put the fat meat slices, shiitake mushrooms, sea rice, spring onions and ginger on top of the fish, and steam them. After the ③ fish is steamed, pick out the spring onions and ginger, pour the soup on the fish, and cut the ginger with vinegar for dipping the fish.

3. Stewed eel with red dates

[materials] 1 eel, Angelica sinensis, Radix Astragali, red jujube and rice wine.

4. Eel rice

[materials] 1 eel, several bamboo sticks, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 3 tablespoons soy sauce, a little ginger juice, a little rice wine, 1 tablespoon honey and proper amount of white sesame.

[practice] ① will wash the eel, remove the head and tail and divide it into 3 slices. Soak the eel in sugar, soy sauce, ginger juice and a little rice wine for 20 minutes to taste, then take out the eel and boil the remaining soup over low heat. ② rotates the bamboo stick into the eel to fix it, prepare the oven, put a little oil on the baking pan, bake the eel kebab at 200℃ for 6-8 minutes, turn over from time to time and spread the sauce many times, brush with a little honey when taken out, then sprinkle with white sesame.

[practice] first wash the eel, cut it into sections and set aside, then add water to the pot, put all the materials and seasonings together, and simmer in the pot for 40-50 minutes, waiting for the eel to be cooked and cooked.

[efficacy] it is suitable for women to eat after giving birth.