
"use coal not to burn coal" to reduce air pollution

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, "use coal not to burn coal" to reduce air pollution

The energy structure of the city is not only related to energy conservation and emission reduction, but also to the blue sky of the capital. China, as the largest energy producer and consumer in the world, with the increasingly prominent demand for resources and environmental protection, the high-end development of the energy industry is imperative. Driven by special scientific and technological projects, Beijing has accelerated the speed of tackling key technologies and core equipment in energy development and utilization, and will initially build eight energy science and technology innovation bases such as the Future Science and Technology City and PetroChina Science and Technology Park next year.

Waste batteries of new energy vehicles can store solar energy for power generation

Automobile emission reduction makes Beijing's sky bluer, and the development of new energy vehicles plays an important role. The development of new energy vehicles in Beijing is very fast.

With the development of new energy vehicles, a large number of power batteries need to be recycled. After a few years of use of new energy vehicles, the battery life and use will be reduced. This means that in the next few years, due to the vigorous development of new energy vehicles in Beijing, the problem of battery recovery and utilization of new energy vehicles will follow. The decommissioned power battery can be used as an energy storage battery. How to make good use of the echelon battery has become a difficult problem to be solved.

A high-tech company in Beijing has proposed to use new technology to design solar power generation in suburban areas to provide charging for electric vehicles. However, the seasonality is more obvious in some outer suburban areas, and the electricity generated will not be used up in the off-season. Electricity from photovoltaic panels can be sent back to the grid. If there is no power grid in this place, solar power can be stored in energy storage batteries, and the echelon cells that have been phased out by new energy electric vehicles can be used as photovoltaic energy storage.

Now, this idea has become a reality. Three scenic spots have been built in Fangshan District of Beijing. Among them, the solar charging station in Fozizhuang Township, Fangshan, Beijing, was put into operation in August this year.

Industry experts pointed out that this provides a key technical demonstration and practical experience accumulation for the promotion and application of optical / storage and charging power stations in scenic spots or shallow mountain areas at the end of the power grid. With the development of new energy electric vehicles, this technology and management model is expected to be fully promoted throughout the country.

Clean utilization of "gasification" of industrial coal to alleviate pollution emission

Industrial coal burning in China is mainly used in industrial boilers and kilns, concentrated in building materials, metallurgy, chemical industry and other industries, which is an important part of coal utilization in our country. At present, industrial boilers and kilns in operation generally have small capacity and low efficiency. Large emissions of air pollutants and other problems.

A technology of "using coal without burning coal" arises at the historic moment. The "coal gasification" device is used to produce clean gas, and the existing industrial boilers and kilns are converted from coal to gas, which has high thermal efficiency and low pollutant emission. However, as a "coal to gas" technology, the more mature solid-state slag discharge gasification technology in the market has the technical problems of low gasification intensity and high wastewater output, while the liquid slag discharge gasification technology has high gasification intensity. however, there are some defects in coal adaptability and operation stability.

With the support of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Beijing scientific research institutions have successfully developed the pressurized fixed-bed liquid slag discharge gasification technology of "coal science furnace" and built a pilot-scale research and development platform, and the main performance indicators have reached the international advanced level.

The gasification technology developed by the project team can produce clean industrial gas, which can be used as a clean gas fuel for existing coal-fired industrial boilers and kilns to alleviate the serious problem of atmospheric pollutant emissions. It can also realize the clean utilization of rich high ash melting point coal in our country and promote the upgrading of traditional solid state slag discharge gasification technology. In the future, the project will further improve the automation, safety and stability of the plant, gradually promote industrial application, and promote the large-scale transformation and upgrading of coal-fired industrial boilers and kilns in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and even the whole country.

Safety inspection of oil and gas pipelines to overcome new technologies

The safety of oil and gas pipelines is related to the safety of citizens' lives and property. In order to grasp the health status of the pipeline and prevent the occurrence of pipeline accidents, the inspection equipment in the pipeline should be used for inspection. The traditional deformation detection equipment mostly uses the contact detection method, which can only detect the pipeline depression deformation, but can not detect the expansion deformation, while the non-contact deformation detection equipment can detect both the pipe depression deformation and the expansion deformation. At present, there is an urgent demand for the existing and pre-built long-distance oil and gas pipelines with high pressure and large flow in our country. However, the development of oil and gas pipeline inspection in China is late, the level of equipment is relatively backward, and the domestic market 2ax 3 is occupied by foreign companies.

With the support of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the project team of scientific research institutions has developed self-walking detection equipment in long-distance oil and gas pipelines, breaking through the technical problems such as long-distance eddy current sensor, multi-sensor influence, environmental impact, detector error correction and so on. complete the research and development of multi-channel eddy current pipeline deformation detector.

The project team will continue to optimize the detection performance, power consumption index and reliability of the self-walking detection equipment, and gradually push it into application. Finally, it promotes the replacement of the traditional internal detector by the new non-contact internal testing equipment, so as to improve the health level of oil and gas pipelines in China and prolong their service life. (reporter Hanna)