
Achievements in recovery of production technology after soil salinization disaster in Hainan

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Achievements in recovery of production technology after soil salinization disaster in Hainan

Soil salinization has been perplexing farmers in Hainan coastal areas for many years, and lots of land has been abandoned as a result. The backflow of seawater caused by Super Typhoon Weimasun in 2014 turned 16000 mu of fertile land in Luodou Farm and Puqian Town in Wenchang City, Hainan Province into saline-alkali land.

In order to help villagers resume agricultural production as soon as possible, at the beginning of 2015, the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Agriculture of Hainan Province invested 20 million yuan and jointly launched the "Hainan cultivated Land improvement key Technology Research and demonstration Science and Technology" project. "seawater backirrigation farmland soil salinization disaster recovery production technology research and demonstration promotion" is one of the important contents.

A few days ago, the reporter saw in Tan Lan Village, Puqian Town, less than 50 meters from the seaside, that a kind of vegetable grew vigorously on this saline-alkali land, and the emerald green leaves reflected light in the sun, just like ice crystals.

"this vegetable is called ice cabbage and can be watered with 100% seawater. The ice crystal-like bubbles are actually salt bubbles." Duan Ruijun, an associate researcher at the Institute of Biology of the Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, said ice vegetables can be cooked either cold or fried or in soup. Because they contain salt, they do not need to be cooked with salt.

Duan Ruijun believes that the area of tidal flat and salt wasteland in hot areas in China is vast, and there are many islands. The cultivation of salt-tolerant vegetables in hot areas has strong economic and social benefits. Through the effective use of tidal flat land and salt wasteland in hot areas, we can save grain fields and fresh water resources, protect the coastal ecological environment in hot areas, and support the agricultural construction and development of islands in the South China Sea.

In another piece of saline land in Puqian Town, Professor Jiang Xingyu of Agricultural College of Hainan University and his scientific research team successfully planted sweet waxy corn with a yield of more than 800 kilograms per mu for two consecutive years in the farmland irrigated with seawater with nearly 1% salinity.

"our salt resistance technology is easy to learn and use, and the cost is not high, so it is suitable for popularization in rural areas." Jiang Xingyu said that as long as farmers choose sweet and waxy corn seeds with relatively strong salt tolerance, soaked in the crop salt-tolerant growth regulator developed by their team, the corn can ensure that it does not lose water during the critical period of seedling growth. and absorb water from the soil. The treated salt-tolerant corn has neat seedling emergence, stout stem and broad and full leaves. It is estimated that the yield per mu reaches more than 3000 ears. Calculated at two yuan per kilogram, farmers can get more than 2000 yuan per mu. Compared with planting rice, the cost is lower and the benefit is higher.

After two years of efforts, researchers from the Institute of Biotechnology of the Academy of Thermal Sciences and the Agricultural College of Hainan University have selected a number of tropical salt-tolerant crops and successfully planted them in the field, mainly Salicornia salsa, Suaeda salsa, ice cabbage, apricot, white cabbage, New Zealand spinach, and some varieties have been put on the market.

"these salt-tolerant crops can not only help soil desalination but also have economic value." Jiang Xingyu said that salt-tolerant crops can quickly increase the vegetation coverage of seawater irrigated farmland, reduce soil water evaporation, prevent soil from returning salt, and reduce the salt content of the soil surface. At the same time, because they themselves can absorb a large amount of salt from the soil, planting salt-tolerant plants can gradually help soil desalination. Reporter Deng Weizhe