
Zhenjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences has successfully cultivated two new muskmelon products.

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Zhenjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences has successfully cultivated two new muskmelon products.

A few days ago, two kinds of melons, "Jiami Crisp" and "Ruiyue", which were carefully cultivated by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, were officially exploited and introduced to the market. The successful cultivation of this variety effectively solved the problems of less fruit hanging and more farming in the hilly area of the province.

Because the two varieties are specially made for "private" in Jiangsu Province, they have stronger adaptability to soil and have higher economic benefits and broad market prospects. At present, the yield of two kinds of muskmelon is about 30 days from flowering and fruit setting to fruit ripening, and the yield is 4000 kg ~ 5000 kg. Calculated at the current market price of 6 yuan per kilogram, the output value per mu will reach about 30 000 yuan.

According to the introduction of Ma Zhihu, a variety breeder, muskmelons were mostly planted vertically in the past, with less fruit hanging and easy to get infected, but new varieties only need simple crawling cultivation, with high yield, high quality, welcome in the market, no need for pesticides and no pollution. At present, this technology has obtained the invention patent certificate of the State intellectual property Office, passed the provincial crop variety identification, and is suitable for planting in early spring in the province.