
Hunan farmers invent a new method of raising seedlings to save both labor and money

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Hunan farmers invent a new method of raising seedlings to save both labor and money

"the seedlings will grow strong and the yield will be high, so there is great hope in this experiment!" In Yangquehong Village, Sijihong Town, Yuanjiang City, Hunan Province, Xia Gengu, a major grain grower in the country, comes to the field almost every day to see the growth of rice raised without a seedling tray. On August 25, the Agricultural Machinery Bureau of Yuanjiang City, Hunan Province initially named this re-innovative seedling raising method as "non-seedling pan hemp plastic film seedling raising method".

Machine planting is the key and difficult point of rice mechanization in the whole process. Three years ago, Xia Gengu first put forward the "hemp plastic film seedling raising method", which was developed and tested, and has been popularized in Hunan, Hubei and other southern rice areas. Raising seedlings with hemp plastic film, that is, the method of sowing and raising seedlings with a piece of hemp plastic film on the seedling tray and then covered with nutritious soil. Hemp mulch film is made of local rich flax, cotton and other plant fibers, which is biodegradable, pollution-free, ecological and environmentally friendly, can help fix seedlings, and is conducive to early transplanting and early transplanting and high yield. Hunan Agricultural Machinery Bureau named this seedling raising method as "Summer Root fixed Seedling method".

At present, seedling trays are generally used in southern rice areas such as Hunan for mechanical seedling cultivation. After popularizing it for two years, Xia Gengu found a disadvantage in practice: when two plates of rice seedlings are arranged up and down on the transplanter, sometimes the joints overlap, and the machine jams often occur; sometimes there are gaps in the joints, so that it is easy to cause "empty" when the machine is planted.

Old Xia, who likes to ponder, thought: if you don't use a seedling tray, then the problem will be easily solved. After intensive research in the first half of this year, Lao Xia explored a new method of raising seedlings: non-seedling pan hemp plastic film seedling raising method. "after not using a seedling tray, it is easier for the two pieces of hemp mulch to be sewn together. Spread the hemp plastic film directly in the field, cover it with a layer of nutritious soil, and insert steel bars on both sides of the film to ensure that the width is consistent with the seedling trough of the transplanter. When transplanting seedlings, just put the seedlings in the trough. "

Through the experiment, Lao Xia applied this "no seedling pan hemp plastic film seedling raising method" to the production of 12 mu of late rice this year. After comparison and practice, there are many advantages. Guo Jianping, director of Yuanjiang Agricultural Machinery Bureau, introduced to the reporter: first, it can save the money of seedling tray, which costs 6 yuan per seedling tray and 240 yuan per mu of land; second, it can save labor and worry, because it is no longer necessary to manually repair the "jam machine" and manual repair, which improves the work efficiency and saves part of the labor cost. Third, it can improve the quality of seedlings, is conducive to strong seedlings, there is no plastic bottom of the seedling plate, more permeable, breathable, to promote better seedling growth. Guo Jianping said: in the production of early rice next year, the Agricultural Machinery Bureau will fully participate in the experimental practice of this seedling raising method, and then decide whether to demonstrate and popularize it on a large scale after comprehensive scientific demonstration.
