
Chinese experts have developed a new technology of no-tillage and straw-covered sowing of summer soybean after wheat stubble.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Chinese experts have developed a new technology of no-tillage and straw-covered sowing of summer soybean after wheat stubble.

When it is "three summers", farmers are busy harvesting wheat, but how to recycle wheat straw after a bumper harvest is still a problem for farmers.

However, in Hanqiao District, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, Li Qingwu, head of the Huaihe Grain Industry Association, and his members looked particularly relaxed this year: "We have almost harvested all the wheat in the field, and we will be able to sow soybeans in a week. Wheat straw recycling is not a problem for us at all. "

Li Qingwu's ease is not without reason. This year, the 1200 mu land of the consortium has participated in the technical demonstration of the national soybean industrial technology system, and along with the breakthrough made by Chinese agricultural experts in the mechanized no-tillage and straw mulching technology of summer soybean in Huang-Huai-Hai wheat stubble, the problem of wheat straw recovery and treatment that has plagued them for a long time will also be completely solved.

? Wheat straw is treated in various ways.

But each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

"returning straw to the field will benefit the country and the people", "straw burning is prohibited, and violators will be fined 2,000 and detained for 15 days." On June 11, when the reporter was driving in the rural fields of Suzhou, red slogans hanging on both sides of the road could be seen everywhere.

"now, the burning of straw is forbidden by the state, but we farmers are in a hurry to plant the next crop after harvesting wheat. Don't let it burn. I really don't know what to do with it. " Cai Jian, a staff member of the Suzhou Municipal Committee of Agriculture, told reporters that the ban on straw burning was not welcomed by local farmers. In order to prevent farmers from burning straw, local rural cadres constantly squatted in the village to supervise, the effect is not ideal.

Straw is rich in organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements. Practice has proved that using straw to return to the field can effectively increase the content of soil organic matter, improve soil structure and improve soil fertility. With so many benefits of straw, why are farmers unwilling to return the fields? Would you rather burn it?

"on the one hand, to catch up with the farming season, it is the quickest and easiest to burn; on the other hand, the technology of recycling and returning the land is not simple and mature enough." Wu Cunxiang, an expert in the technical system of the national soybean industry and a researcher at the Institute of Scientific Research of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, told reporters that at present, there are mainly four ways to deal with wheat straw: first, manual cleaning, which is time-consuming and laborious, and high labor cost; second, mechanical baling, but it needs safe stacking space; third, straw burning can eliminate certain soil diseases, but seriously pollute the environment. Fourth, crushing and returning to the field, but high requirements for machinery, need high-horsepower mechanical rotary tiller to crush the straw, if the crushing is not clean enough, it still needs to be picked up manually.

"not all straw is suitable for direct return to the field, and there are many links in which straw is directly returned to the field, which will also cause diseases. The key is science, which depends on both the way and the crops. " Han Tianfu, chief scientist of the National Soybean Industrial Technology system and researcher of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, added that the Huang-Huai-Hai region is one of the main soybean producing areas in China. Farmers grow many kinds of soybeans after wheat harvest, and if the wheat straw is crushed and spun into the soil, it will not only affect the sowing quality of soybeans, but also prone to problems such as running moisture, straw decomposition and competing for nitrogen with soybeans, and aggravating diseases.

Scientifically use the word "cover" to make a story.

As early as 2007, experts in the technical system of the national soybean industry began to think about the problem of wheat straw recycling. "through long-term comparative study, we found a scientific way to return straw to the field, and finally decided to make a fuss on the word" cover "." According to Han Tianfu, after eight years of efforts, experts have put forward the technical model of straw mulching cultivation of summer soybean after wheat stubble, and successfully developed a prototype, forming an organic combination of agricultural machinery, agronomy and supporting varieties, highly light and simplified precision sowing technology system of no-tillage and straw mulching for wheat stubble.

On June 11, the reporter saw in Li Qingwu's demonstration site that a tractor pulled a no-tillage straw-covered precision seeder moving rapidly through the harvested wheat field. On the one hand, the machine pulls up the 30cm-high stubble by root, and pulls out all the straw and part of the stubble laterally to the left. After the machinery passed, several straight sowing belts were left in the field. When the machine turns back to sow the next row, the previously pulled stubble has been crushed and evenly covered on the previous sowing belt.

"you may not know that after just going there like this, the machine has already completed many work links, such as lateral cleaning of straw, lateral deep fertilization, precision sowing, closed weeding, straw mulching and so on." Chen Haitao, an expert in the technical system of the national soybean industry and a professor at Northeast Agricultural University, told reporters that the precision sowing technology of no-tillage and straw mulching for summer soybeans after wheat stubble mainly solves the problems of difficult straw treatment and poor sowing efficiency of soybean. Relying on this set of machinery, these two problems can be solved smoothly.

Under the guidance of Chen Haitao, the reporter opened the clods covered with wheat straw and dug down 8 centimeters, and they saw the seeds of soybeans, with the same distance between each seed, about 8 to 10 centimeters. "Wheat straw is crushed and directly covered in the field. For soybeans, it is the quilt of the season, which can save water and preserve moisture. For the next crop of soybeans, wheat straw has been mature and can be used as fertilizer for next season. This gives full play to the role of wheat straw and realizes the scientific return to the field. On the other hand, mechanical precision on-demand sowing is also conducive to the emergence of early and strong seedlings of soybeans. " Chen Haitao explained.

"the stubble of the wheat machine is high after harvest, and the straw is scattered in the field, which seriously affects the sowing quality of soybean. Now, with only one machine, we farmers can not only recover wheat straw, but also grow soybeans, which is very convenient. " Wang Bingyin of the Suzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, who visited the machinery operation in the demonstration site, said with sincere emotion.

It is of great significance to popularize the technology of increasing soybean yield by 20 kg per mu.

Ji Yongmin, a farmer in Suixi County, who began to use this new technology model last year, calculated an account for the reporter: "the use of this technology has helped me solve the problems of seedlings and workers, and after soybeans are planted, there is basically no need to manage them. Last year, I increased the yield of soybeans by 40 kilograms per mu and saved 7 to 10 workers. The seedlings are early, uniform, uniform and strong, and there is no need to evenly and interspersed seedlings in the later stage. "

Since 2012, this technology has been mainly promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture and has been comprehensively demonstrated and popularized in Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Jiangsu, Anhui and other major summer soybean producing areas. It is estimated that covering wheat straw on the ground can not only save the amount of pesticide and chemical fertilizer per mu, but also increase the yield of soybean, increase the yield by 1520kg per mu and increase the efficiency by 70,140 yuan. In 2013, the soybean variety XA12938 planted with this new technology set a record of 311.2 kg at the Xinxiang experimental base of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.