
Yao Huaqing: discussion on Chinese Bee Culture and precise Poverty Alleviation Model

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Yao Huaqing: discussion on Chinese Bee Culture and precise Poverty Alleviation Model

Chinese bee breeding has the advantages of low investment, quick results, low risk and high benefits. under normal circumstances, the annual income of each box of bees is more than 80-1000 yuan, and each household raises 5-8 cases, with an annual income increase of more than 5,000 yuan, which really enables farmers to shake off poverty and become rich. achieve "dual-purpose, one industry, double income, stable grain income, increase production and efficiency, achieve planting and breeding 'double effect', environmental culture 'win-win'" Through honey collection and pollination by bees, it is beneficial to produce natural green, organic and pollution-free agricultural products, and effectively improve the yield and quality of planting and forest fruit industry. The main results are as follows: 1 there are resources for Chinese bee culture in Longshan County.

1.1 the climate is mild and has four distinct seasons. Longshan County is located in the hinterland of Wuling Mountain area, which is an important part of the "natural zone of microbial fermentation" put forward by Professor Zhang Yongkang of Jishou University in western Hunan (that is, microbial fermentation zone, soil selenium-rich zone and natural linolenic acid zone). Beautiful ecological environment, slightly acidic soil, mild and humid climate, undulating mountains, majestic mountains, vertical and horizontal valleys, steep mountains and steep slopes, rich springs Rich in vegetation, mountain forests and wild flowers one after another, belongs to the subtropical humid monsoon climate zone, four distinct seasons, mild climate, Rain Water abundant, frost-free period is long. The county covers an area of 3131k square feet, with a forest coverage rate of 62.2%. In particular, the Oolong Mountain Grand Canyon, Luota Stone Forest, Taipingshan Forest Park, Daling Mountains and other natural mountains have more than 85% forest coverage.

1.2 Honey sources are rich and varied. The mountain area of Longshan County accounts for 80.2% of the total area, and the cultivated land area accounts for 8.5%. There are nearly 1000 kinds of plants and wild flowers growing in Longshan County. In addition, in recent years, the planting area of returning farmland to forest and grassland and traditional Chinese medicine such as Codonopsis pilosula, Xuanshen, Gastrodia, Huanglian, Magnolia, Eucommia ulmoides has been continuously expanded, and the planting area of rape, flue-cured tobacco, lily, citrus, vegetables and traditional Chinese medicine has reached more than 400000 mu, providing a wide range of space and honey sources for bee breeding, which can accommodate the survival of tens of thousands of bees, and bee farming in the development has unique natural resources. (2) there is a foundation for Chinese bee culture in Longshan County.

At present, there are more than 400 Chinese bee farmers in the county, with more than 12000 bees in breeding, with an annual output of about 180000 kg of high-quality honey and an output value of more than 10.8 million yuan. The average income of each household is only more than 8000 yuan, and Chinese bee farming families have basically been lifted out of poverty. Little bees have become a "poverty alleviation industry" and a new growth point for farmers' income. For example, the Jingui Honeybee breeding Cooperative in Longshan County has more than 50 development members. In June 2015, its chairman, Wang Jinhua, was invited to the Great Hall of the people and was awarded the honorable title of China's "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" model. In 2016, its cooperative bee products were sold to Shanghai and other places, increasing the value of bee products and increasing the income of cooperatives. 3 discussion on the model of Chinese bee culture and accurate poverty alleviation

3.1 the faucet drives the precise mode. That is, the "leading enterprise (company) + peasant household" model, in which the government encourages the leading enterprise (company) to drive the surrounding farmers to carry out Chinese bee breeding, in accordance with the accurate poverty alleviation program combined with reality, to carry out foster care or trusteeship mode, to provide bee species for poor households, to carry out technical guidance and training, and to follow the development thinking of "small-scale and large groups" through the mode of "enterprises providing bee species + peasant household breeding + enterprises purchasing bee products". We will guide poor households to develop aquaculture and form accurate joint efforts to help poor families shake off poverty and become rich.

3.1.1 the "555" model is accurate. The household loan of 50,000 yuan will be handed over to the enterprise (company) for unified use and management, and the company will provide 5 to 10 groups of bees for poor households, and breed them in accordance with the "four unifications", that is, unified training, unified technology, unified management and unified sales. 50-50% of the profit with the farmers.

3.1.2 the accurate model of "535" in managed farming. Poor households (old, weak, sick and disabled) who are lack of basic conditions for beekeeping and low breeding skills shall be handed over to enterprises (companies) in the form of trusteeship and substitute breeding. The peasant household loan of 50,000 yuan will be handed over to the leading enterprises (companies) for unified use and management, and the peasant household loan will be discounted by the poverty alleviation office for three to five years. Poor households are encouraged to work in cooperatives (large ones) to earn money, learn technical methods, and receive dividends and labor wages in proportion to those agreed upon by both parties, so as to achieve intensive and large-scale development of aquaculture.

3.2 large capable people drive the precise model. Learn from the precise poverty alleviation model of Chinese bee farming implemented in Puding County, Guizhou Province (that is, one expert getting rich + 9 poor households × 10 cases of bees), support beekeepers, drive poor households to get rich together, mobilize or attract large beekeepers with funds, strength and technology, and hand them over to farmers by providing bee species, technology and support for development. large farmers provide "through-train" services from management to recovery and sales. We will form a virtuous circle in which funds follow the poor, the poor follow the capable people, the capable people follow the industry, and the industry follows the market, so that the poor households can gradually shake off poverty and become rich.

3.3 accurate mode of helping cadres. Give full play to the exemplary vanguard role of party members and cadres in poverty alleviation, actively carry out pairing assistance, seek help from capable beekeepers through party members and cadres, develop the beekeeping industry, and expand the sales of bee products. Through helping in pairs, we can stimulate the sense of responsibility of helping party members and cadres, expand the scope of sales, and conscientiously guide poor households to shake off poverty and become rich by beekeeping.

3.4 whole village propulsion precision mode. The government will substitute awards for compensation, first raise bees and then supplement them to carry out Chinese bee breeding, and the government will employ experts who are capable of beekeeping to do a good job in on-site training and guidance for poor households, sign technical service contracts, and form the industrial layout of "one township, one product" and "one county, one product". Combined with rural tourism to improve the added value of Chinese bee breeding.