
Chen Xiaopan: the "safe guardian umbrella" of being a villager

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Chen Xiaopan: the "safe guardian umbrella" of being a villager

Chen Xiaopan, instructor of Huangdimiao Police Station, Linying County Public Security Bureau, Henan Province:

Be the "safe guardian umbrella" of the villagers

Reporter Xia Xianqing, correspondent Wang Jianning

Wearing clothes from 15 years ago, using the furniture acquired when the army was transferred to work, and riding a motorcycle without paint, he carefully measured every inch of land in the area over the past nine years. He is Chen Xiaopan. In 2005, he was transferred to the Huangdimiao Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Linying County, Luohe City, Henan Province as an instructor and sergeant of Dayuan Police Office and Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Dayuan Village.

He is just an ordinary policeman stationed in the village, but the masses say that he is a "protective umbrella". The children call him "Father Chen". His deeds are widely sung by Henan opera "confidant" and so on. He said: this is all "praised" by the masses.

Chen Xiaopan subcontracted police office is located in remote rural areas, the jurisdiction of 2813 households scattered like pearls on both sides of the Magou River, stretching more than 30 square kilometers. In the past, the Magou River was often flooded, and there was no way to go in the face of rain and snow; the social situation was complex, there were many security risks, and various contradictions had been deposited for a long time, and even village cadres went out to work one after another.

In 2008, Chen Xiaopan moved his family to Dayuan Village. With tools, he set up a "first-generation" police station; starting with visiting people's feelings and observing public opinions, he summoned party members to review their vows to join the party, unify their thinking, and go door to door with everyone.

Yuan Dianqing, who is in her 80s, has petitioned abnormally for 12 years because of a homestead dispute. After Chen Xiaopan understood, he communicated with the village repeatedly and finally returned the land for him, lost money, and untied the knot that had been in his heart for many years. "I also want to do something for the masses with Hsiao Pan, so I don't feel like living in vain!" Since then, Yuan Dianqing insisted on cleaning the police room, managed the radio and big screen in the village, and became a "big housekeeper."

There are more than 40 petition cases like this in the area. Chen Xiaopan is not impatient, persuades people with emotion and reason, opened a "rural lecture hall" based on local materials, and set up a unique "police-people linkage mediation studio." Now, the villagers are willing to calm down and "talk to Xiaopan".

Starting with "small cases, small disputes, and small hidden dangers," Chen Xiaopan actively built a micro-police information network and a three-dimensional public security prevention and control network, compiled the "hundred sentences of Rural Security Prevention," and guided the masses to form a strong joint force of mass prevention and control. With the support of the masses, the village arrested more than 100 suspects, resolved more than 3000 disputes, and eliminated more than 2000 security risks.

Years of rural policing practice, let him form a set of unique "five-step double-net" work method: "deep contact with the earth, skillful understanding of bumps, investigation and prevention of cases, true help difficulties, abiding by norms", "five-step" fishing situation; "e + comprehensive police information network, umbrella three-dimensional public security prevention and control network", "double net" weave to ensure the peace of the people.

In the past, there were some problems in Dayuan Village, such as the decline of filial piety, the vague concept of right and wrong and so on. Chen Xiaopan knows that changing the thinking of the masses is the foundation of long-term stability. Together with the village committees of six nearby villages, he vigorously promoted the three ethos of "filial piety, science, and harmony," and set up a Lei Feng activity group with more than 300 volunteers to go deep into schools, enterprises, and village groups. write moral concepts into the opera loved by the masses, perform regularly in the village, and promote positive energy.

"in the past, it was difficult to lock the door to sleep; now, the door is open at night and there is no worry about losing things." The villagers said that this is all the credit of Xiaopan.

Today, Dayuan Village has maintained a record of zero petitions and zero cases for many years in a row, and has become the "top ten democratic and legal villages in Henan Province." Wang Qi, a famous opera actress in Henan, has a deep understanding of this: "I have twice come to Dayuan Village to perform: in 2007, because two words of the play were not sung well, bricks and tiles flew onto the stage instantly; at night, for fear of intruding and stealing, actors had to take turns to stand guard. When I came back in 2013, I found that there was a big turn in the public security environment and the quality of civilization. "

Chen Xiaopan said: "the work of the people is done with the heart, and the hearts of the people are warmed with emotion." He made more than 8000 "heart-to-heart knots", with "Police and people's Family" printed on the front and his name and mobile phone number printed on the back, which were distributed free of charge. Late on the night of March 23, 2009, pregnant woman Guo showed signs of labor. At that time, only her frail mother-in-law was present. She had no choice but to call the number on the "heart-to-heart knot". Chen Xiaopan immediately sent the pregnant woman to the hospital. After 7 o'clock the next morning, when he saw that the mother and daughter were safe, he left at ease.

Since then, the "heart-to-heart knot" has become the "amulet" of the villagers. No matter in the middle of the night, it is windy and snowing, Chen Xiaopan, who receives a phone call, always arrives at the fastest speed. "if it is difficult to find Xiaopan, it is not difficult to find Xiaopan." The villagers all said.

Chen Xiaopan lives in Luohe urban area, which is 2 hours away from the district. Every time he went home from a break, he deliberately took the dirt road and drove his motorcycle around the district to deal with the problems reflected by the masses in a timely manner. He has broken two motorcycles in the past nine years.

Seven years ago, Chen Xiaopan donated money to establish the "warm Home of Chen Xiaopan left-behind Children", so that more than 200 left-behind children in the village have one more "Chen Dad". Every year New Year's Eve, he would divide the saved money into red envelopes and give them to the poor people. "what you do is trivial, but it conveys the warmth of the party." Many people asked him, "what on earth are you looking for in that poor village?" He replied, "what I want is that the young and old men in the district regard me as their own family!"

As a result of riding a motorcycle for a long time, Chen Xiaopan suffered from severe arthritis; because his life was irregular, he broke out in a cold sweat as soon as he had stomach trouble. In 2014, he was forced to be hospitalized, and the villagers ran dozens of miles to visit the hospital in groups in the rain. In 2009, the village construction square encountered a funding gap, Chen Xiaopan took the lead in making donations, and the villagers enthusiastically donated more than 40,000 yuan in two days.

The villagers all said that a good police officer like Chen Xiaopan deserves to be so "praised".