
Xiao Guangpan: listen to "trivial sufferings" and lead the villagers to get rich

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xiao Guangpan: listen to "trivial sufferings" and lead the villagers to get rich

Listen to "trivial sufferings" and lead villagers to become rich

_Xiao Guangbian,"First Secretary" of Longnan Mountain Village

Xinhua Agency, Lanzhou, Nov.29 (Reporter Tu Guoxi) In Longnan City, Gansu Province Dangchang County remote Awu Township Yeza Village, 72-year-old Bao Xionghu still clearly remember, Three years ago, A short, Wearing glasses young man came to his shop,"At a glance it looks not the village people." The young man bought a carton of milk to visit his bedridden grandmother in the village.

He asked the young man casually,"Are you a relative of her family?"

"No, I'm the secretary of the village."

Bao Xionghu asked,"Can you help us repair the road?"

Bao Xionghu said the road, is from the village foot to the mountain 20 miles road, is the villagers to transport grain and medicinal materials. At that time, the road was narrow, and only a mule and horse could pull a cart through. Several times, the animals fell down the slope.

"I'll figure out a way to make this road work." The young man promised.

Today, three years later, all the roads into the village have hardened and the village roads have been widened so that tractors and cars can drive to the top of the mountain. Bao Xionghu and many villagers in Yezha Village gave a thumbs up and praised the young man from the "province" as a "saver".

This young man, Xiao Guangpan, is a researcher at the head of the Coordination and Guidance Office of the Rural Work Office of Gansu Provincial Party Committee. From the provincial capital to this small village as the "first secretary", he set a goal for himself, must sink his heart, stay in the village, help the masses open the way out of poverty.

Xiao Guangpan walked into each household and listened to everyone telling about the "trivial and painful things" of rural people. He said: "Listen to everyone's ideas more, so as to understand the village thoroughly." He believes that only by clarifying the current situation of development and contradictions can we carry out assistance more targeted.

Bao Shezhong, 39, is Xiao Guangbian's frequent target. Bao Shezhong is a "difficult household" in the village. Eight years ago, he got a rare disease called "Behcet's disease" and spent more than 100,000 yuan at home. A few years ago, his condition deteriorated, unable to work in the fields and go out to work. His daughter-in-law ran back to her home five years ago and has not returned yet, leaving him and his 8-year-old daughter living together.

"If it weren't for Secretary Xiao's constant encouragement, I wouldn't have survived long ago." After years of treatment, Bao Shezhong's illness improved. With the help of Xiao Guangbian, Bao Shezhong and his brothers jointly transferred 80 mu of land in the village to prepare for planting medicinal materials after spring next year; plus 8 sows raised in the previous two years, he believed that he would be able to fight a "turn-over" from poverty in the coming year. Xiao Guangpan also contacted her daughter-in-law with the village cadres and advised her to come back. He felt that "as long as the days are good, the family will be complete."

This "first secretary" also brought a new atmosphere to the village. In the past, village cadres would sometimes pay for wine and drink after meetings, which was easy to cause misunderstanding among the masses. Xiao Guangbian set an iron rule: no drinking in the village. A party member opened a small shop at home, set up a mahjong table to attract customers, Xiao Guangbian strictly ordered to stop. In a short time, the work style of village cadres has changed greatly, feeling that "serious work, there is always a way."

After three years in office, Xiao Guangbian helped the village win more than 30 projects. The village cadres and masses made concerted efforts to turn the "dirty","chaotic" and "poor" Yezha Village into a "beautiful village". The embankment was repaired, and there was no fear of mountain torrents; with solar water heaters, villagers could bathe every day like city people; cultural squares were built, young people began to play basketball, and women danced square dances.

Xiao Guangbian not only led everyone to basically get rid of poverty, but more importantly, he brought several new projects to the future development of the village.

Hail disasters occur frequently in the southeast of Gansu Province where Yezha Village is located, often causing apples, pears and other trees to fail to bear fruit. Xiao Guangpan invited experts from the Academy of Forestry to conduct field research and introduced hazelnut. At present, the hazelnut cooperative established by 15 villagers in the village has grown to 600 mu in planting area. After two or three years, it will enter the peak fruiting period, with an annual income of 8000 yuan to 12,000 yuan per mu.

Dangchang County is an important producing area of traditional Chinese medicinal materials in China, and the main income of the masses in Yezha Village also comes from planting medicinal materials. With the support of Xiao Guangbian, Li Nongjian, a "chicken expert", led the establishment of a professional chicken cooperative, adding Chinese herbal medicine to chicken feed to form a new feeding technology. Once the traditional Chinese medicine health chicken was launched, it was widely welcomed by the market. At present, Yezha Village has become the largest professional chicken farming village in Dangchang County, with 70 or 80 households benefiting from it. In order to help the cooperative develop rapidly, Xiao Guangbian borrowed 100,000 yuan to advance the cooperative for capital turnover.

Reporter understands, under Xiao Guangpan's fight, broadband network recently accessed Ye Zha village. Li Xiaowen, Li Nongjian's son, opened an online store to sell traditional Chinese medicine chickens and other local specialties.

Now, Xiao Guangbian was sent to another poor village in Dangchang County. The villagers of Yeza Village were grateful and made a banner for the "First Secretary", but Xiao Guangbian left it in the village. He felt it was his responsibility to help villagers get out of poverty.