
Wang Libin: with him as the flag, the villagers have a rush.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wang Libin: with him as the flag, the villagers have a rush.

With him as the flag, the villagers are on the run.

Wang Libin, first Secretary of Sishui Village, Laotougou Town, Longjing City, Jilin Province

Reporter Yan Hongyu

"A communist is a mobile party flag. The party organization in our village is a strong fighting fortress. As long as we party members and cadres serve the production and life of the masses well and pave the way for them to get rich, they will move forward in the direction guided by the party flag and catch up in the realization of Chinese Dream's great journey! " This is what Wang Libin, first secretary of Sishui Village, Laotougou Town, Longjing City, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province, said to reporters.

Wang Libin, 45, is the deputy director of the Job-related crimes Procuratorial Department of the Jilin Provincial Procuratorate. Since 2014, Wang Libin has been selected to serve as first secretary of Daji Village, Laotougou Town, Longjing City. In December 2015, he was adjusted to serve as the first secretary of Sishui Village, Laotougou Town. Thanks to the joint efforts of him and the Jilin Provincial Procuratorate, the economy and appearance of the two villages have undergone tremendous changes.

Since Wang Libin became first secretary, he has insisted on eating and living in the village, and has successively traveled through the gully bifurcations in the two villages. These two villages have remote geographical location, small area of arable land, no pillar industry in the village, mainly corn cultivation, and the villagers' income is generally low. Daji Village has a collective debt of hundreds of thousands of yuan, and its economic level ranks last among the 22 villages in the town. In view of this situation, Wang Libin led the team of the "two committees" of Daji Village, with the implementation of the project and the development of characteristic industries as the core, and the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine as a breakthrough, strived for 700000 yuan to implement the Gastrodia elata planting project in 2015, and set up a professional cooperative for the cultivation of Chinese herbal medicine in the form of villagers' shareholding. In October 2016, the output value of the project reached 1 million yuan, with a profit of more than 100,000 yuan. In addition, he also mobilized villagers to set up four cooperatives for organic vegetable cultivation, scalper farming, organic apple-pear cultivation and agricultural machinery, as well as eight corn farming family farms. By the end of 2015, the per capita income of villagers has increased significantly, and the collective income of the village has also reached nearly 300000 yuan. He also coordinated 980000 yuan for Daji Village, built a new village department of 240square meters, and set up a library reading room, a health room, an activity room and an one-stop convenient service hall.

It is understood that since Wang Libin became the first secretary of Daji Village, he has coordinated and solved 10.54 million yuan in infrastructure construction, renovation of dilapidated houses, project investment, and precise assistance for the village, which has greatly changed the appearance of the poor village and achieved remarkable results in helping the village.

Sishui Village by the merger of 4 villages, the village a total of 12 natural villages, 2078 people. In the past, due to the disunity of the thinking of the members of the "two committees" of the village, it seriously affected the development of various undertakings in the village, and the villagers had great opinions. After Wang Libin took office, he conducted an in-depth visit and investigation. during the change of the village "two committees," he organized the villagers to elect the new village "two committees" team that everyone trusted, which laid a solid political foundation for the whole village to get rid of poverty. In order to vigorously develop the village collective economy and effectively increase farmers' income, Wang Libin actively fought for the project and received strong support from the Jilin Provincial Procuratorate. a total of nearly 40 million yuan was sought for projects such as cattle farms, water purification plants, photovoltaic power stations, renovation of dilapidated houses, and vegetable baskets and vegetable sheds. At present, the 10.53 million yuan cattle breeding project in Sishui Village has been implemented, and the Sishui Village is building a breeding community according to the plan. This breeding community is set up collectively by the village, and the villagers buy shares in cattle or land, giving dividends to the villagers every year. The village collective is expected to increase its income by 500000 yuan a year. Won the national vegetable basket project funding of 4 million yuan, will build 16 vegetable greenhouses totaling 11520 square meters, leading the villagers to develop the vegetable industry.

In less than a year as first secretary of Sishui Village, Wang Libin, together with the team of the village's "two committees" and with the help of relevant departments, led the villagers to repair 14.25 kilometers of village roads and 8 kilometers of village roads and completely harden them. 47 solar street lights have been added along the road, which greatly facilitates the villagers' travel at night. The renovation of dilapidated houses for 40 poor households is being carried out in a tense and orderly manner and is expected to be completed by the end of November.

When the reporter left, Zhang Shue, a villager of Sishui Village, said: "my home is just opposite the village department. The lights of the village department often come on at night, and I knew that Secretary Wang had convened a meeting of party members and cadres to study how party members and cadres serve the villagers and lead them to get rich. Secretary Wang is a banner on the way for our villagers to get rich. With him as the banner, we villagers have a rush! Thanks to the party organization for sending a good secretary to our village! "