
Gao Jie, the most Beautiful Grass-roots cadre: the Rich Leader of the villagers in Hunan Mountain Village

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Gao Jie, the most Beautiful Grass-roots cadre: the Rich Leader of the villagers in Hunan Mountain Village

In August 2015, Gao Jie, 29, was selected by the Ministry of Finance to serve as first secretary of Hengchong Village, Pingjiang County, Yueyang City, Hunan Province. After staying in the village for more than a year, Gao Jie quickly completed the transformation of his role from "Beijing official" to "village official".

"I was born in the countryside and grew up in the countryside. After graduating from university, I returned to my hometown of Wendeng City, Shandong Province, and became a college student 'village official'. I worked in the countryside for three years. In August 2015, I was assigned to Hengchong Village, Pingjiang County as the first secretary. When I go back to the countryside, my heart is full of feelings. " Gao Jie said.

"the countryside is a society of acquaintances. Only by narrowing the distance with the masses can we overcome the symptoms of foreign cadres' disobedience to soil and water. " Since August last year, Gao Jie has lived and eaten in the village. In order to get closer to the villagers, he has made a lot of efforts. When the old man over 80 years old in the village celebrates his birthday, he sends a birthday cake at his own expense and celebrates the birthday with the village cadres. Over the past year or so, Gao Jie has given a total of 47 birthday cakes, expanding his "circle of friends" in the village and rallying hearts and minds.

Among the 428 households in Hengchong Village, there are 29 poor households, the resource conditions in the village are poor, and the collective economy at the village level is "poor and white". In this ordinary village where the mountains are not clear and the water is not beautiful, how can we develop the industry and lead the villagers to shake off poverty and become rich? This is the problem that Gao Jie has just arrived in the village.

Although Hengchong Village has no resource advantage, Gao Jie found that Hengchong Village, which is located in the center of Anding Town, has geographical advantages: national roads, county roads, and township roads pass through the village, and it is only a few kilometers away from tourist scenic spots such as du Fu's Tomb Temple. It is the only way to Fushou Mountain National Forest Park and Shiniuzhai Scenic spot.

Gao Jie had an idea. He thought that it would be better to mobilize the villagers to set up a professional cooperative for folk tourism. As a result, he persuaded Wu Tao, a university student who returned to his hometown to start a business, to set up the first folk tourism professional cooperative in Hengchong Village, which organized villagers to develop rural accommodation and farm catering, and the cooperative carried out unified management and training for farmers. Unified provision of household bedding and toiletries. The income from residential accommodation and catering operations will be shared by cooperatives and joined farmers in proportion at 3:7, which is mutually beneficial and win-win.

In September 2015, villager Qiu Anmin joined the folk tourism cooperative. he converted his two-story building into a residential inn, installed air-conditioning in four houses upstairs, and set up a total of five beds. "every weekend, our inn is full of tourists." Qiu Anmin said.

With the help of Gao Jie, villagers Yu Si Group, Wu Puqiu and his wife opened a Nongjiale restaurant. In August this year, the lotus in the village was in full bloom, and the restaurant launched special seasonal dishes such as lotus leaf native chicken, lotus ribs and lotus seed soup, which attracted the attention of a large number of diners from other places. "when business is good, there are nine tables for a meal." Yu Si group said.

In order to make tourists live comfortably in the village, Gao Jie mobilized the villagers to carry out environmental improvement throughout the village. Party members and group leaders took the lead in rectifying the "mess" in front and back of the villagers' houses, demolishing cattle pens, pig pens, and so on, and buying seeds from the Internet. sow chrysanthemums, Gesang flowers, sunflowers and so on along the road.

"Today, there are 22 hostels and 3 peasant restaurants in the village, with more than 100 standard rooms and a daily reception capacity of 200 people, and five villagers are building new hostels." Gao Jie said.

In November 2015, while the iron was hot, Gao Jie initiated to set up a "Hengchong founder's Home" in the village, mobilizing the village committee to vacate offices for young entrepreneurs free of charge, as a rural entrepreneurship incubator, and to build an entrepreneurial platform for returning college graduates, veterans and young talents abroad.

During the Spring Festival this year, Gao Jie took advantage of the opportunity for young migrant workers to come back for the Spring Festival. Starting from the first day of the Lunar New year, Gao Jie organized an entrepreneurial mobilization meeting for six consecutive days, calling on the knowledgeable "post-80s" and "post-90s" in the village to return to their hometown to start their own businesses.

At the call of Gao Jie, Yang Shulin, an economics graduate from Hunan Agricultural University, decided to return to her hometown to start a business. she returned to the village as the company's marketing manager and head of the e-commerce platform. "now there are online orders every day. The e-commerce platform has sold more than 100,000 yuan of characteristic agricultural products such as native eggs, native chicken, goose eggs, bamboo wine, dried bamboo shoots, and so on, and has also used network platforms such as Meituan and Ctrip to attract tourists to stay in hostels." Yang Shulin said.

Gao Jie told the reporter that in February this year, Hunan Xiangye Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. was registered and established, adopting a public-private partnership model. 14 young entrepreneurs accounted for 60% of the shares, and Hengchong Village collectively owned 40% of the shares. The youth entrepreneurial team is responsible for the management and operation of the company, and Qiu Pingyuan, deputy secretary of the party branch in the village, is appointed as the director of supervision to exercise supervision over the business operation and major decisions of the company on behalf of the village collective. At present, the company has many profitable projects, such as rural accommodation, farm catering, educated youth bar, rural racecourse, e-commerce platform and so on. Relying on Hunan Xiangye Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., Gao Jie and the villagers set up an official website and online marketing platforms such as Wechat official account and Taobao shop.

Gao Jie said: "I discussed the development ideas of Hengchong village with the two committees of the village branch and the returning founders. We made it clear that we took rural tourism as the core industry, corporatization and marketization as the operation mode, and e-commerce platform as the marketing means. a new way of collective economic development linked by interest linkage mechanism."

"Today, Hengchong Village cooperates with five surrounding characteristic villages to create a cluster rural tourism destination. We will work for another year and strive to make the annual income of the collective economy of the village exceed 300000 yuan and lift all 29 poor households out of poverty! " Gao Jie said confidently. (reporter Shuai Cai)