
First Secretary Guo Ziguo: around getting rid of poverty and leading farmers to work

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, First Secretary Guo Ziguo: around getting rid of poverty and leading farmers to work

"When I was worried about my child's tuition fees for college, Secretary Guo sent tuition fees; when I couldn't afford piglet, Secretary Guo sent piglet; when I was helpless in torrential rain and flood disaster this summer, Secretary Guo was the first to visit the nuclear disaster." Li Yinzhi, a poor household in Shima Village, Jiaoyuan Town, Enshi Prefecture, Xuan 'en County, Hubei Province, said,"Anyhow, whenever it is most difficult, Secretary Guo will appear in time."

In October 2015, the Agricultural Department of Hubei Province selected Guo Ziguo, Deputy Director of Agricultural Products Quality Inspection Center, to serve as the first secretary of the village party branch and the leader of the poverty alleviation team stationed in Shima Village. "Secretary Guo","Captain Guo" and "Old Guo", although the villagers called him various names, they were very familiar with him and regarded him as a friend. They would tell him any difficulties and ideas.

"Take off the poverty hat, Secretary Guo should remember the first merit!" Speaking of Guo Ziguo, Yang Hongnian, secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Shima Village, was full of gratitude. Shima Village is a local key poverty-stricken village, with 312 poor people from 96 households among 1225 people in the village. This year, Shima Village was established as a precision poverty alleviation demonstration village in Xuan 'en County, and the whole village is expected to get rid of poverty by the end of the year.

Lao Guo is actually not old. He is just over 40 years old this year, but he has rich experience in grass-roots agricultural and rural work. He was rated as an excellent resident team member by Hubei Provincial Party Committee nine years ago and an excellent Communist Party member three times in recent six years. For more than a year, Guo Ziguo has taken the village as his home, regarded the villagers as relatives, exerted efforts in industrial poverty alleviation, and settled down on precise poverty alleviation policies according to households, so as to do practical things for Shima Village.

Guo Ziguo believes that all this work, such as visiting the poor, improving infrastructure and cultivating leading industries, is centered on the goal of increasing income and getting rid of poverty. Reflected in the industry, that is, let poor households use limited resources to maximize economic benefits, good steel will be used on the blade.

Walking into Shima Village, there are lush tea gardens everywhere along the way. On the dam, on the fort, rows and pieces, almost all the plots that can be reclaimed are planted with tea leaves. There are 1400 mu tea gardens in the village, but the benefits of tea gardens managed by different families are quite different. Some of them are more than 8000 yuan per mu, while others are only about 1,000 yuan per mu, while poor families often belong to the latter.

After a period of investigation and pulse measurement, Guo Ziguo analyzed that there are three main reasons for this result: one is insufficient picking labor, the other is limited processing capacity of bulk tea, and the third is that the product quality is not up to standard. Finding the root cause of the disease, he led the task force to prescribe symptomatic prescriptions. That is to say, make full use of local resources to cultivate modern agricultural industry, stimulate the endogenous motivation of poor households, while giving full play to the maximum benefit of resources, we should try our best to avoid damage to ecological environment and adhere to the road of sustainable development.

Shima village tea industry development urgently needs a fresh force, and this fresh force is agricultural machinery professional service team five. Led by Guo Ziguo and assisted by the resident team of Agriculture Department of Hubei Province, Shima Village Golden Land Tea Agricultural Machinery Service Team was quickly established, equipped with 30 sets of tea garden production machinery such as micro-tiller, tea picker, trimmer, irrigation cutter and mobile sprayer, and established the benefit link management mechanism of "cooperative + service team + tea farmer", so that poor households can see tangible benefits. Tea garden production capacity has been fully released and benefits doubled.

In the past, tea farmers in Shima Village generally only picked famous tea, and big leaf tea was basically not picked, mainly because there was only one small workshop tea factory in the village, which could not meet the tea production needs of the village at all. However, according to the annual output of tea garden, bulk tea accounts for a large proportion. If the enterprise does not process, the tea farmers will lose half of their income for nothing.

More tea leaves, sales become a problem. Guo Ziguo took the file upgrading of Shima Village processing workshop as an important task in the tea industry chain, carried out appropriate expansion to meet the clean production of processing workshop, added special fresh leaf purchase area, strived for 200,000 yuan of fund for tea processing standardization construction and tea garden mechanization service demonstration project, updated a batch of advanced equipment, and formed market connection with Wujiatai Tea Industry Co., Ltd., an upstream export enterprise, effectively guaranteeing that the fresh leaves of tea farmers were collected according to the standard.

The output has been improved and the acquisition has been guaranteed, but in order to obtain good benefits in the end, quality assurance is needed to achieve high quality and good price. Guo Ziguo gave full play to his professional advantages and took a series of measures. The Shima tea processing workshop quickly set up a sample retention counter. The tea farmers who sell fresh leaves every day were registered and stored in small bags and stored in sample retention cabinets in groups. Once there is a problem with the product sampling, it can be traced back to the person responsible for selling fresh leaves through sample testing.

At the same time, Shima Village has won 710,000 yuan of supporting project funds to start the ecological circular agriculture mode of "pig-marsh-tea", and invested 200,000 yuan in the establishment of organic tea garden and green prevention and control demonstration project of tea garden. At present, in Shima Village Dam concentrated tea garden, you can see biogas slurry nozzles standing in the center of tea trees, yellow sticky insect color plates hanging in tea gardens, effectively reducing the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in tea gardens.

In addition, Guo Ziguo has arranged provincial and county tea experts to carry out technical training in the village for many times, cultivate the prevention and control concept of "prevention is greater than cure" of tea farmers, and improve the refined management level of tea production in the village.

Over the past year, the task force has raised 4.67 million yuan and implemented 18 projects, focusing on helping leading industries upgrade files and infrastructure construction. In 2016, poor households in Shima Village received more than 2000 yuan of industrial development assistance materials or funds. "Working with feelings, thinking about what villagers think and anxious villagers are important foundations for gaining villagers 'understanding and support." Guo Ziguo said that for the extremely poor people, the main thing is to let them see hope. However, it should also be noted that giving money and goods can only solve the immediate difficulties, strengthen industrial poverty alleviation and technical training, and broaden the way for poor households to become rich according to household policies is the long-term measure to ensure accurate poverty alleviation.

Guo Ziguo has always adhered to the strategy of "rewarding instead of compensating","not replacing villagers, but supporting and rewarding them, supporting them if they do, not supporting them if they do not, and not raising lazy people." If you participate in raising pigs, you will give them to piglets; if the roads are repaired first, you will give them subsidies; if walnut seedlings and tea seedlings are planted, you will give them support." Guo Ziguo said that in this way, the village has a leading industry, poor households have found a way to continue to increase income, in order to ensure that poverty does not return to poverty.

Reporter He Hongwei Le Mingkai