
First Secretary Liu Mingxin: he makes the tomorrow of Chen vegetable Garden full of hope

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, First Secretary Liu Mingxin: he makes the tomorrow of Chen vegetable Garden full of hope

He made Chen Caiyuan's tomorrow full of hope

Liu Mingxin, First Secretary of Chencaiyuan Village, Henan Province Branch of Bank of China in Sui County

Reporter Zhang Shengsheng Correspondent Zhang Jincai Gao Yunguang

In September 2015, Liu Mingxin, 45, of Bank of China Henan Province Branch, was selected by Organization Department of Henan Provincial Party Committee to serve as the first secretary of Chencaiyuan Village, Liaodi Town, Sui County.

Chencaiyuan Village is located in the west of Sui County. There are 4 natural villages with a population of 2148 and relatively abundant labor resources for young adults. The cultivated area of the village is 2465 mu, and there are 47 poor households in 16 households with filing cards. There are 28 party members in the village and 8 cadres of the village "two committees". Chencaiyuan Village is a traditional agricultural village. Working outside is the main economic source of villagers besides farming.

There are no industrial enterprises in the village. Wheat and corn are the main food crops, garlic, cherry pepper and peanuts are the main cash crops, and only a small amount of vegetables are planted.

Chencaiyuan village fertile soil, suitable for crop cultivation, especially suitable for vegetable cultivation, the village name also comes from this. According to historical records, the village "Hongwu years of the Ming Dynasty, Chen ancestors moved from Hongdong, Shanxi Province to farm and grow vegetables for the industry, because of the planting of vegetables well, famous Quartet, Chen Caiyuan Village thus known as Chen vegetable garden." However, in recent years, due to the lack of subjective initiative to open up the market, coupled with the lack of funds and technical support, the vegetable planting scale of the village presents a shrinking trend.

When they come, they kill them. Liu Mingxin first started from strengthening the construction of the village "two committees" team. When I first arrived in the village, the locks at the gate of the village committee were rusted, the yard was overgrown with weeds and dilapidated, and no one asked the cadres and masses. At that time, there were only three village cadres at home in the village. In order to rectify the village cadre team five, he asked the village branch secretary to go out to work village cadres one by one telephone. On the eve of the Spring Festival, all village cadres gathered at a meeting of the village committee, at which he introduced his plan to change the face of Chen Caiyuan Village. After everyone unified their thoughts, they were confident that Chen Caiyuan Village had a strong fighting fortress. After the Spring Festival, all the members of the village "two committees" team were at home, on call, and actively participated in the implementation of the work assigned by the Party branch.

Liu Mingxin knows that the time in the village is limited, so effective measures must be taken to drive the masses to get rich quickly and improve their happiness in life. After careful investigation and analysis and extensive listening to the opinions of cadres and masses, Liu Mingxin decided to run through the village work with three main lines: "benefiting farmers","rich farmers" and "assisting students". He decided to invest in public facilities construction to enhance villagers 'happiness; develop collective economy, ensure income increase, help poverty alleviation, and enhance the sense of accomplishment of the masses; help the poor first, pay close attention to the construction of Chen Caiyuan Primary School, and lay a good foundation for the future of farmers' children.

He actively guided the masses to adjust the planting structure. The garlic planted last year has brought considerable income to the masses of Chen Caiyuan this year. Since the beginning of this year, major development projects that have been or are being implemented in the village include: smooth flow project, which has won a total investment of 1.63 million yuan for road construction projects in the village with a length of about 4 kilometers; Bright project, 160 street lamps installed; Safe project, a remote monitoring system with 50 cameras has been built; Beautiful village project, environmental sanitation management system has been established; Agricultural assistance project, with a planned total investment of 450,000 yuan, to drill another 20 irrigation wells for villagers. In addition, the hardware construction of the village e-commerce service center has been basically in place, and a new and broader platform will be built for the sales of agricultural and sideline products after it is put into operation. He also hired two technicians from Neihuang County to help 32 villagers build 120 mu of fruit and vegetable greenhouses free of charge. Delicate, beautiful and practical village room expansion, beautification work, as well as village culture and sports square have been completed.

Poverty alleviation work focuses on solid, in-depth and precise work. The premise of precise poverty alleviation is to really understand who to support. In order to do a solid job of establishing files and cards for the poor and ensure that the real poor people are clear, Liu Mingxin, based on the principle of getting down, squatting and feeling clear, overcomes various difficulties from the actual situation of the village, goes deep into the families of villagers in difficulty, grasps the population of needy households, causes of poverty, existing conditions for getting rich, other existing problems, etc., and lays a good foundation for precise poverty alleviation.

Chen Mou, a villager sentenced for a crime, found that his ID card had been cancelled after he was released from prison, and the town police station required him to issue certificates from relevant provincial departments before making up for it. Liu Mingxin went around to help him handle all the supporting materials after knowing the situation, so that he successfully handled the second generation ID card. Yang Hailiang, a villager, wants to build a laying hen farm, so he needs to apply for discount loan. Liu Mingxin drives a private car to and from the county for many times, helping him successfully borrow urgently needed development funds. Poor villager Zhang Shihai family of four people have three intellectual disabilities, he himself has lost the ability to work, Liu Mingxin coordinated the town home for the elderly to accept his couple admitted to hospital... He told reporters: "The masses as their own things to do, the masses 'work will be easy to do!"

Poverty alleviation first helps wisdom, warms the heart of village children. Liu Mingxin started from the improvement of running conditions, school management, left-behind children care and other aspects of Chencaiyuan Primary School, and adopted the method of batch construction, step-by-step promotion and comprehensive driving, so that the overall image of Chencaiyuan Primary School has been greatly improved: multimedia classrooms have been built, realizing the "computer dream" of rural children; won the support of the "class-to-class" project to help improve the quality of teaching; built a campus multimedia broadcasting system, so that the school has a warm environment. He also made great efforts to set up a social assistance system, coordinated provincial water conservancy survey and design research co., ltd., provincial experimental middle school and other social institutions, established long-term assistance and interaction relationship with Chen Caiyuan Primary School; contacted volunteers from provincial education college, and took advantage of holidays to offer short courses of sound and physical beauty for Chen Caiyuan Primary School. The software and hardware facilities of Chen Caiyuan Primary School have been significantly improved, and the number of students has soared. The scale has grown from less than 100 students in the original four grades to 180 students in the current six grades. With the support of Bank of China Henan Province Branch, Chen Caiyuan Primary School is currently constructing a comprehensive building with an investment of 350,000 yuan.

Liu Mingxin, the first secretary from the provincial capital, has been integrated with 2148 villagers in Chencaiyuan Village. The future of Chencaiyuan Village will be better.