
Zhu Yuguo, a branch secretary: "Financial Poverty Alleviation"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Zhu Yuguo, a branch secretary: "Financial Poverty Alleviation"

"Old Zhu won the National Poverty Alleviation Award. There are 10 people in the country, and Ningxia only has one!" In Yanchi County, Ningxia, an old revolutionary area and a poor county, Zhu Yuguo, secretary of the Party branch of Zengji Village in Wang Lejing Township, became a "celebrity."

When reporters met Zhu Yuguo, 54, on the 20th, he was busy holding meetings with township and village cadres to discuss village affairs. He went back and forth for most of the day and did not even have lunch. Some villagers said: "Zhu Yuguo busy is normal, not busy is abnormal."

Zhu Yuguo, who was born and raised, knows that the whole village is under great pressure to get rid of poverty. Zengji Village is located 25 kilometers west of Yanchi County, with an average annual rainfall of about 200 mm. It is a typical poverty-stricken village of "relying on heaven for food." Among 2058 people in 6 villager groups, there are 588 poor people.

In 2007, this "empty shell village" with an annual per capita income of less than 1500 yuan was identified as a pilot poverty village for mutual aid funds by the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council. Zhu Yuguo served as the chairman of the mutual aid society. With the help of the government's free capital injection in advance, farmers pay a certain amount of mutual aid fund into shares, and each household can enjoy loan support ranging from 1000 yuan to 5000 yuan.

This allowed Zhu Yuguo to see the hope of getting rid of poverty. "For a long time, poverty alleviation means 'giving fruit first before planting trees', so that poor households think that' money is given for nothing, two drinks, a mahjong game, a new suit of clothes, and spending all of them will not hurt them', while mutual aid funds turn free money into paid loans, and poor households have pressure to use money for development." he said.

Niu Shenghu, a villager of Zengji Village, was once a poor household. In 2007, he paid 1000 yuan of mutual aid fund, borrowed 2000 yuan from the village mutual aid cooperative, bought 4 ewes, borrowed and repaid for 5 consecutive years, the number of ewes with cattle and tigers slowly increased, and credit was established. However, both he and Zhu Yuguo realized that the quota of 2000 yuan could not meet the development needs of poor households.

Therefore, Zhu Yuguo decided that mutual aid cooperatives should recommend members with good credit and development ability to credit cooperatives in the form of five-household warranty, and credit cooperatives should issue more loans.

But no one wants to have joint insurance with poor households. What should I do? Zhu Yuguo took the lead, by the members of the village two committees for 26 poor households in advance to guarantee, several thousand yuan of loans soon became more than 10,000 yuan of loans.

"Over the past ten years, our village has trained a group of honest farmers without breaking a single coin from the credit union." Zhu Yuguo said with confidence that in 2012, the autonomous region began to implement the financial innovation poverty alleviation project of "Thousand Villages Credit·Mutual Funds". Their villages took the lead in participating in it. Poor households can obtain loans enlarged by up to 10 times by credit cooperatives on the basis of mutual fund loan quota. Subsequently, Agricultural Bank of China and Postal Savings Bank also lend for six times. At present, the loan quota of farmers in the village reaches 54.2 million yuan.

Once again came to Niu Shenghu's house, Zhu Yuguo pointed to the sheep pen and said: "There is no financial poverty alleviation where this circle of sheep!"

See Zhu Yuguo, Niu Shenghu excitedly said, His breeding shed now has 90 ewes, Every year more than 100 lambs, A year can earn more than 60,000 yuan,"I now also 4 people do guarantee it."

Financial poverty alleviation has fundamentally changed the face of villages. Zhu Yuguo said that the annual per capita net income of the village increased from 1500 yuan to 5795 yuan last year, the village collective income changed from zero to 186,000 yuan, and the number of poor households decreased from 385 to 196.

In the face of villages that have accumulated poverty and weakness, Zhu Yuguo has three dreams: one is to reach 3 million yuan of mutual aid funds, and he can take out 100,000 yuan of occupation fees to buy medical insurance for villagers to avoid "returning to poverty due to illness" or looking down on illness; the second is to reach 6 million yuan of funds, and then take out 150,000 yuan to solve the endowment insurance problem; the third is to reach 8 million yuan of funds, and reward 5000 yuan to 10,000 yuan for each poor student admitted to university.

"My first dream came true last year, and my second dream is close at hand." Zhu Yuguo said that it is his goal to make people's pockets bulging and live the good life they look forward to.

Xinhua Agency reporter Zou Xinyuan