
Zhang Xiudai, the old branch secretary: burning the fire of life for the villagers to get rid of poverty

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Zhang Xiudai, the old branch secretary: burning the fire of life for the villagers to get rid of poverty

Zhang Xiudai, Old Branch Secretary of Ma Jia Cun, Gu Xian Town, Yuechi County, Sichuan Province

Burn the fire of life for the villagers to get rid of poverty

Xiao Yong and Sun Weitie

"this old guy is working too hard."

"Secretary Zhang, I finally moved into my new house yesterday. You said you would come to my house for a moving wedding, but you left." On September 29, Zhang Zhongcheng, a 63-year-old poor household from two groups of poor families in Majia Town, Guang'an City, Sichuan Province, wept at the grave of Zhang Xiudai, secretary of the party branch of the former village. There is only one paragraph on Zhang Xiudai's cadre resume: he has been secretary of the party branch of Majiacun since 1985. For more than 30 years, the fire of his life has been burning in the barren land of Majia Village, warming the hearts of the villagers to get rid of poverty, until he died of illness.

"my old fellow, I just worked too hard, otherwise I wouldn't have left so soon." Zhang Fangwu, the village director who has worked with Zhang Xiudai for more than 20 years, sighs.

In June 2014, a new round of poverty alleviation campaign was launched in Yuechi County, and Majia Village was identified as a provincial poverty-stricken village. At the mass meeting, Zhang Xiudai told the news to all the villagers. The villagers don't care much about it. It is no wonder that the villagers are used to being poor and afraid. "there are many five-guarantee households, many sick patients, many earthy houses, and many people running out, but the villagers have less money in their bags." Village director Zhang Fangwu summed up the villagers' hard life in previous years with "four more and one less".

When the cadres of the two committees of the village were left for a meeting, Zhang Xiudai put down a cruel remark: "if the villagers don't get out of poverty, they will cut my skull off!" Zhang Xiudai, a former soldier, has a vigorous style of work. Going from village to house, he went from house to house to solicit the villagers' opinions on tackling poverty alleviation. After summarizing the problems reflected by each household, he handed it over to the leaders of the help units in the town, county and city to ask for support.

Zhang Xiudai held another mass meeting to reassure the villagers: "the new round of poverty alleviation is unprecedented, and we must seize the opportunity to shake off our arms and do a good job. If the above support policy cannot be fulfilled in the village, you will move to my house. " On that day, there was a long-lost applause in the village conference room. Since then, Zhang Xiudai has strengthened his belief that Majiacun will be better tomorrow and began to work day and night.

? Don't be the "host's house", do things in a flat way.

Accurate poverty alleviation and accurate identification of poor households is the basis.

At the opening of the village committee, Zhang Xiudai asked everyone to express their opinions: who are the poor households? What specific method is used to determine the poor households? The village cadres stared wide and small, but did not say a word. Behind the silence is the complex network of relationships in Majiacun. "which village cadre has few poor relatives? Who doesn't want to be a poor household and enjoy supportive policies? " Zhang Yong, deputy secretary of the village party branch, told the truth.

Zhang Xiudai is well aware of these "little ninety-nine". Over the years, Zhang Xiudai has grasped a principle for solving complex matters-village cadres only act as "backbone" and do not act as "masters", and everything has to be "flat." What's the way? With regard to the identification of poor households, Zhang Xiudai laid down two rules: first, the masses choose and evaluate themselves; second, village cadres are not allowed to say hello to the masses. Through two votes, Majia Village finally identified 44 poor households. After the list was made public, no one raised any objection.

Repairing and building houses involves a lot of money and things, or plucking wild geese, or taking care of acquaintances. This is a "good opportunity" for individual selfish village cadres. This year, 14 households in Majia Village will be relocated to help the poor. Zhang Xiudai laid down two more rules: first, how much the policy subsidy for each household should be made clear to the public; second, there is no designated contractor team in the housing village, and it is up to the villagers to decide who to invite to build it.

Some relatives who did not believe in evil offered to contract projects in the village and build houses for the villagers while they were drinking in his house, all of which were rejected by Zhang Xiudai. In the process of building the house, the village committee and the villagers each kept an account, a brick, a beam, and a bag of sand. Villager Zhang Junhui repaired the house, and a bag of cement cost 5 yuan more than others. Zhang Xiudai found the contractor to cut down the price. In order to ensure the quality of the house, Zhang Xiudai invited technicians from the town's quality inspection station to identify it. Zhang Xiudai signed after they passed the customs.

In a few months, the new houses of 14 families in the village have sprung up, and the villagers who have lived in dilapidated mud-tile houses for decades are happy to move to their new homes.

? Fight a good battle and rush forward bravely

In July this year, Zhang Xiudai fell ill again, and he secretly made up his mind: to get rid of poverty at the end of this year, the fight against poverty has entered the countdown, even braving a hail of bullets. The key to getting rid of poverty and becoming rich is to find the right industry. the simple truth is not easy to do.

In order to find out the market situation, Zhang Xiudai went to Chongqing and Guang'an again and again, and he knew clearly which agricultural products were in great demand and high prices in which region and season. "the selection of industries cannot be ordered to be apportioned, but should be market-oriented, demonstrated by experts, and decided voluntarily by the villagers." When a mass meeting was held in the village, the villagers discussed and debated if there was a dispute, and finally chose the three major planting and chicken farming industries, namely, lotus root, rattan pepper and blood orange.

In order to maximize the benefit of the poor, Zhang Xiudai decided to promote a new chicken farming model: Murakami set up a breeding company, lending laying hens to poor families for breeding and giving them feed on credit. if the laying hens die accidentally, the losses will be shared by the poor households and the company; in the event of a plague, the losses will be borne by the company.

You have to work hard to find the right direction. On July 19th, Zhang Xiudai fainted in bed and was about to go to the hospital when Pu Tianzhi, director of the village women, called: "3000 chickens are coming from the chicken farm. Who is going to collect them?" Zhang Xiudai put down the phone, took his wife long Chunhua, and Pu Tianzhi at the door of the chicken farm, came to check one, picked out more than 100 weak sick chickens and returned them. I was busy for three days before I came to Yuechi County Hospital for hospitalization.

Nowadays, "helping poor chickens" continue to lay "get rich eggs". Zhang Yang, a poor family who lost the palm of his left hand, raised 1500 chickens in his family. Over the years, he finally made a good life for his three children and his elderly mother by raising chickens. More than 40 poor households in the village have joined the ranks of "borrowing chickens to lay eggs", with an average annual income of 40,000 yuan.