
Gu Hao: a new fisherman in the old fish pond

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Gu Hao: a new fisherman in the old fish pond

"if you want to ask me what is the difference between me and traditional farmers, it is very simple that I have Internet thinking. Through industry training, I have obtained the latest technology, learned the latest developments in the industry, and stand alone at the forefront of the industry. " This is a summary of Gu Hao, a post-80s college student who returned to his hometown and a new professional farmer in Nanling County, Anhui Province, to start a business for five years.

Gu Hao, 29, was born into an aquaculture family. Affected by the family environment, Gu Hao was determined to engage in aquaculture since childhood. After graduating from high school in 2004, he applied for Shanghai Ocean University and was admitted to the major of agricultural and forestry economic management. He studied for 4 years, obtained a bachelor's degree in management and majored in aquaculture.

At the end of 2010, he decided to go back to his hometown to start a business. "making a career in the countryside is still a career." When you go back to your hometown to engage in aquatic products, you must first locate what to raise. With the improvement of people's living standards, all kinds of high-end aquatic products are becoming more and more popular. However, Gu Hao did not choose special aquaculture such as shrimp and crabs, turtles and soft-shelled turtles, but chose the freshwater "four major domestic fish" as the main breeding species according to the local market demand.

Gu Hao used his professional knowledge to learn from learning and practice in 3 years to quadruple the output and benefit of unit farming.

Today, with the support of local government start-up loans, he contracted 300 mu of aquaculture water surface, with an annual output value of more than 1 million yuan. "it's no problem that I have an annual net income of hundreds of thousands of yuan, which is much better than working outside." Gu Hao said.

As a young man determined to develop the local aquaculture industry and return to his hometown to start a business, Gu Hao is not satisfied with his own development of aquaculture technology, but cares about the aquaculture farmers around him. With the help of the exemplary role of Tangkou and the aquaculture technology and information he mastered, he actively influenced the surrounding aquaculture farmers and helped them to increase production and income in accordance with local conditions. Through the technical service and training guidance of Gu Hao for several years, many local farmers have changed from an extensive farming model with an average yield of 300 to 500 jin per mu to a large-scale, standardized and scientific farming with an average yield of one or two thousand jin per mu, and the average income per mu has achieved a thousand-yuan increase.

Gu Hao is full of confidence in the future development: "there is no industry that does not earn money, only people who do not earn money." To engage in agriculture, you need to master skills, but also to be calm and patient. As long as we are willing to bear hardships, we will make great achievements in agriculture. "

Cai Min, Wang Junfeng and Ren Qingsong