
Vice Chairman of migrant Workers of the all-China Federation of migrant Workers: most afraid to speak on stage

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Vice Chairman of migrant Workers of the all-China Federation of migrant Workers: most afraid to speak on stage

Ju Xiaolin, a 54-year-old migrant worker, was elected vice chairman of the all-China Federation of Trade unions this year.

For this title, Juxiaolin is still not used to it. After being elected as vice chairman, an old worker who had not seen him for many years decided to celebrate for him. "Big master, wrong, it should be the giant chairman. Come on, have a toast."

Giant Xiaolin smiled, "you'd better call me Master Giant." As he spoke, he picked up the boiled water in front of him, touched it with his fellow workers, took a sip, and rubbed his hands back and forth on his trousers. Over the past six months, Ju Xiaolin has deeply realized the challenges brought to him by being both a "migrant worker" and a "vice chairman".

The 1.6-meter-tall Juxiaolin speaks an authentic northern Shaanxi dialect with a bright forehead. He always smiles when he meets his fellow workers. In the past, he was elected as a national model worker from a worker, and the unit leader celebrated his victory, and he only responded to the leader's congratulatory wine with plain boiled water.

After some staggered preparations, the topic of the workers returned to Juxiaolin. "you've become vice chairman all of a sudden, don't forget your fellow workers." Giant Xiaolin smiled: "as long as I have the opportunity, I will speak more for the group of migrant workers."

From migrant workers to national celebrities

In 1962, Ju Xiaolin was born in Ducheng Village, Zhujiazhuang Town, Qishan County, Baoji City. After he failed in the college entrance examination in 1979, he originally wanted to repeat it, but there were still six brothers and sisters at home. Ju Xiaolin gave up his plan to repeat it.

During the Spring Festival in 1987, Ju Xiaolin's brother-in-law brought back the news that the electrification Engineering Bureau of the Ministry of Railways planned to recruit a group of contract workers for a period of three years. Juxiaolin felt that it was better to work in a state-owned enterprise than to screen sand and paint in his hometown, and he became a catenary worker in Class 2, Class 2, Section 3 of the electrification Bureau.

In Ju Xiaolin's view, this is the best opportunity of his life, so much so that 29 years later, he still remembers his first day at work: March 1, 1987.

The task of Ju Xiaolin's shift is to install the railway catenary, which provides electricity for locomotives and is the main artery for the speed increase of the railway.

The construction of catenary is not more active than ordinary electricians, and it involves many professional activities such as electric power, motor, mechanical drawing and so on. Electric wires are like cobwebs and construction drawings are like Tianshu. Only the high school educated giant Xiaolin feels that he is "blind". Telephone poles are like tall buildings and aerial work is like acrobatics. For the first time, Juxiaolin complains that he is too short. After a month of training, he was sent to the construction site of the double track from Beijing to Datong. Since then, drawings, books and notebooks have become the three treasures that must be brought around Ju Xiaolin. When his co-workers saw him writing and drawing in the book, they advised him: "this is the job of a technician, you are a migrant worker, what are you messing about?"

The catenary has an accessory, a falling weight pole. Workers have to stand on a 2-foot-3-meter pillar and aim the 25-kilogram weight hanging from the pulley at the groove and push it onto the weight pole. This is too difficult for Ju Xiaolin, who is 1.6 meters tall.

Education is not good, diligent to make up. His father loves painting, and Juxiaolin has seen it since he was a child, and he also has some painting skills. He drew all the parts of the catenary that he could not remember clearly and memorized them over and over again. The group leader assigned a job to him every day, and he wrote down the construction standards in the book. At the end of the evening, read it silently several times and remember.

Ju Xiaolin impressed most of his workers as reticent and honest-looking. In the unit, he is almost the most inconspicuous one, does not smoke, does not drink, does not play cards, the only hobby is to eat Qishan noisy noodles in his hometown. However, it is such an inconspicuous migrant worker who has won almost all the awards available to workers in the past 20 years, including the National May Day Labor Medal, the National Labor Model, and the Chinese skills Award.

Participate in 140 events a year

In 2006, Li Hongjiang, head of the sixth section of the China Railway electrification Bureau, led a team to inspect the Lingjiaoshan station on the Qiancao line. Juxiaolin was connecting at that time. Li Hongjiang found that the wiring method of Juxiaolin was different from the traditional method. Juxiaolin told him that this was the wiring method he had fumbled out. Li Hongjiang asked him to sort out all the methods. Two months later, he sorted out 40 innovative methods and named them "good experience and good methods for catenary construction". At the end of that year, he was rated as a personal pacesetter for economic innovation by the sixth paragraph of the network. This is the first major honor that Ju Xiaolin has won in the past 20 years. "I was so beautiful at that time, and I felt a long face when I thought that my methods could be used by other workers."

But this manuscript is written in Shaanxi dialect, only Ju Xiaolin himself can understand, the unit wants him to reorganize the book. Writing a book is a big challenge for Ju Xiaolin, who only has a high school culture. He specially worships the college students in his work class as a teacher. When you encounter technical terms that you don't understand, you will check and ask. Over the past three years, hundreds of thousands of words of notes have finally been condensed into a manuscript of more than 100000 words, "experience and method of OCS construction." Today, this book has become a "treasure book" for workers when they work.

In April 2009, Ju Xiaolin won the first national award in his life, the National May Day Labor Medal. In this year, he became the representative of the staff and workers of the company, and since then, he has also become a professional household of "advanced workers" of the unit, and has successively won the "pacesetter of economic and technological innovation", "expert of technological innovation", "model worker", and "advanced individual of knowledge workers". Since then, he has become a celebrity in the company, with a higher salary and living with a deputy foreman, earning about 3000 yuan a month.

All kinds of awards poured in like a flood, and Juxiaolin won the prize and was soft. In April 2010, he was selected as a model worker in Beijing. At the end of 2010, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs honored the winners of the 10th China skills Award, among which Ju Xiaolin, a representative of migrant workers, was among them. A leader of the State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission learned that "celebrities" like Ju Xiaolin had not yet solved the establishment problem and asked to solve the "worker" establishment for Ju Xiaolin. For the first time, JuXiaolin became a member of the public family who "eats public food". After being rated as a senior mechanic, he can get some subsidies, and his monthly salary has risen to 6000 yuan.

Before July 1, 2012, Ju Xiaolin became one of the 100 "national pioneer and outstanding Communist Party members" commended by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee. On July 3, 2012, at the 11th Party Congress in Beijing, Ju Xiaolin was elected as a deputy to the 18th CPC National Congress. At this time, it was only four years since Juxiaolin joined the Party.